
10:12 pm – J.L. = V. Jeron- Lib

10:12 pm

J.L. = V. Jeron- Liberty C= V.

I am at 4130 Facebook Friends.

I knew it was coming when I saw the code 413 on my page after my last two posts.

You do recall my calling out Father-Mother/ Mother Father as the Hold up as the E Family of 10?

This is the response from the True E Play of Te!

Maggie Hernandez M.H.

Jamil Jam J.J

Arleen Lashawn. A.L.

The Message Intel.

M.H. * Please recall the age recorded in this reality of the age of the Universe as 13.8Billion-Year-old Wave To Particle- The Point/ While it began at H.M. ( H.O.M.E “F.L.F.-C-L.E Q. E.H. C.Q.C.H. C.I)

J.J is 10.10. which appeared a moment ago on my page aligned to my Awareness.

A.L. / L.A.

10:20 pm. J.T.
10:21 pm. J.B.A

M.H. J.J. A.L…
( I added the L.E.Y. Liberty C Evidence AY)

First letters.

M. J. A.

Last Name First Letters.


10:27 pm

He is 3 years old.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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