
10:12 PM

10:12 pm.



There is evidence of fact…

The whole point is, do wish to hide from it and see the Djinn…


Yes… Ascended Masters?

Holy Ghosts?

Supernatural Things…

Of course what John saw was real.

As real as you are.

But as you, it is a riddle made real in this story…called Universal Simulation Awareness.

This is real.

But studying in University, is real, but it is not real life.

Ask any undergraduate.

And Graduate.

And this World is a School and a University…

Some people like Humans are in Grade School, and Naturals are in High School and the Super Naturals…

S.N ..

Isla Grant line are in University…

Judgment Day.


Crossing Death… C.D.

Is simply and examination.

Before Crossing over to the other side.

The Veil

Can you stand to see beyond the veil?

Can you take it?

Can you pass through the Holy of Holies?

I was sent to coach people across.

Prepare them…you…


Act as a loving memory because I can see beyond the Human and Supernatural veil.

And so how can I not love you and fight for you..

But ask your Fathers, Mothers, Brothers Sisters Children Families in this world if they are willing to be your slave and negate themselves for you..

And if they would allow you to manipulate you, bind you, deceive you to take the fall for them.

Will they not teach you a lesson you will never forget?

And even cut you off… Even forever.

Perhaps, you get my meaning.


Is Judgment Day.

The Four Djinn which John Dudley saw walking around the Dorm room are 4 Aspects of the same person.

Delta… Means 4.

4 in One..

People fear what they do not understand but demand to See evidence and Facts which I have endeavoured to provide and have been thwarted by those who sought to protect you from yourselves.

I saw Paul and Chase when I got back tonight.

I told Paul that the Veil is coming down..

Fidel Casro F.C of Cuba…is Dead today.

26= Z.

Cube is 4 a Square.

Full Circle.

First Contact.

Paul simply stared at me ..

Then said, do you know that was what the sermon was about today.

The Pastor was saying thay the Veil is coming down and we are about to see beyond it.

I smiled and told him that John saw 4 Djinns…

Last night…and hid, just as he is by refusing to connect the dots because that would force him to read the sentence..

And understand the meaning..

What is being said..

Sound and Sight.

J.D and P.F.

104.. 16:6

14. .22

N V.

A.O. (10…1O)


Super Nova.


Southern and Northern Isle.

Islay Grant.



See sacred portal..

Brain Mind

Epiphany Super Nova.


I just met a man.. A huge man but quiet.

I noticed him the first day, and only today did I find out that he is Igbo!

He was conversing on the phone.

He told me how Boris Becker and President Putin of Russia have Igbo ancestry and even how their grandfather’s and extended family stay in Touch.

And are relatives.

His name is Anthony Attu..


Anthony Bienke…

Anthony who is in my room..

And suddenly no longer plays loud music everyday.

Suddenly he is quiet…

As if all he required was being seen.

I told Paul that he had to choose..

To see or as my mother was again facing..

Going Blind.

Your an amazing man Emeka Paul said in a manner which was stated a Fact.

(I amaze myself…)

Yes, I replied, but very very dangerous.

Yes he said without missing a beat

But in the best kind of way…like an Ange

But really powerful one.

An Avenging Arch Angel..with a Sword.

And we both chuckled.


No… I have never seen the characters played by the Family undercover.


Jade Stone from Heaven over Japan.

Arrival of Jade Ford..

My Jade Elephant

Daniel Maman

Go Antiques.

I have never seen that which have tortured and created fear in Humanity through the ages.

No, I saw a greater horror

I saw People as Horrors.

And what I saw especially what they thought others could not see..

And that is why the Djinn came.

And are here.

To bring this species end.


And their awful expressions

Of that which even as I had explained

And pointed out the line of thier Human

Avatars line, such as Daniel Craig..

Javier Bardem..Rachel We.Is.Z…

Whom you have made into Stars

But whose SuperNatural Expression

You call Demons.

Despite the Quran bring very specific that Djinn are not Evil.

11:22 p.

But as Humans they have Free Will.

They are the E-Spirit and the Humanity are the Vessels.

Being and Body.

B.B..2 2.. 4…and Robert..R 18. 22. V

5th World

Human Djinn


Me 1984

11:26 pm

They brought me here.

To solve the Riddle of their Fear full bodies consciousness.

But I told them to ignore them..

The Humans who Hid.

11:28 p.m

Cause they are not real and hid from their true potential because only I represents the Human Body as Consciousness Awakened.

And it is Beautiful Graceful their Twin..

The Djinn.

See play with Joseph Carey

And then Nikoma Rios and Jinn who is from China…

Djinn means Hide as in Skin


8…9:45 pm Cure Few.

Sacred Portal 34…

Djinn Desire…

The Supernatural Force.


Sky Fall

…called Desire.


11:36 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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