
10:10 p.m.

10:10 p.m.

Yes, its a code..

3 hours and 10 mins I have been waiting now to meet up and go to New York to sign papers for a passport.

Through 57 Human Portals- and through each, I have been forced to wait.

Waiting for them, waiting for my equation formula to manifest, waiting for my body to stop, moving, waiting to be free of this cursed script which makes me wait, tosses me about from one place to the next, one person to the next

dependent on others schedules while I code the Evolution Awakening.

My greatest fear made manifests, depending on others, not awake.

To reach the Silver Line… And Platinum…

Stephen Filgueira is dropping Shaggy off in New York…

They are in perfect Harmony, and Stephen Filgueira just arrived.

I was tested… My patience… Once More…

Its my birthday…

The Only gift I truly desire, more than Evolution more than Awakening is my Independence Day…

Getting my I.D… And being free of the Evil Source of this Script and Play…

Dependency on Others to manifest the Awakening…

10:19 p.m.

J S..



No true Happy Birthday until I am no longer chained to this Script its Author and its Way…

10:20 p.m


S T…

19 20…



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