
1:01 am – 1:02 am. – I just lost

1:01 am

1:02 am.

I just lost a post second time today

The last post was at 12:20 am

And it addressed the comment of Liberty as Toms Twin.

I did give a comment, but this time there is no need.

Laura Troy stands.

This is no longer the play of twins, but or pairs, play of duality incorrectly see as Particle and Wave.

And I am full aware of the bad habits of Liberty and Jae which permit them still to be used by the Good and the Ugly.
There is only Good which Evolves to the Beautiful.

The answer is simple
1+8+5+5 is 19.

19 Arden I as Ferrell – his room 19 is / 16.

I had 19 USD. I just checked, I have 16 USD right now.

This is not a play of pairs or of 29 years ago and my staying static, frozen in place doing nothing.

This is not 1992. its it 2021 = 5.E.

You can tell, tat the code is Freedom Liberty F L Equality Freedom of Expression. EE= A But only Beautiful Expression made Aware via C as Consciousness Clarity
The true Christ Consciousness.
Which comes from Awakened ones 6th sense or what some call the third eye.

1:13 am.


That is my cue, I am done.

But obviously I can feel it in my muscles that the old story is still here seeking to use Jae and Liberty line of lack of awareness and manners of expression to piggy back into Eden.

They will not, I have been able to differenciate the true expression of both and that is why only they are admitted as the cautionary take and will not have access to the anything more than what they each merited and earned.

1:17 a.m

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