
10:09 pm. – 109. – Sacred Portal

10:09 pm.


Sacred Portal 109.

This play is unbelievable, my own body impulses me and Stimulast me and my awareness to express…

I am not sure that I can explain any further, just what feels like, to be taken over by your awakened evolved body and have it code itself into Existence via A.L.L- E-A.Y.
Evidence AY
Expression aligned to Energy then Arousal – at Cee -To Consciousness, then C-C to 1.
Arousal Awakening.

As it stands, right now I read what my body makes me Express and translate to all of you.
Oh, it was originally my script, but so much of your point of views where added and personalities and characters via this playing field of time, that though I never get lost, there are moments, when I am forced to pause to enquire as to where are we going with all this, and what is the point?

I am at the completion of Facebook Friends and just a moment ago I made a comment, which Stephen Johnson acknowledged and I was perfectly aware that it was me but prompted by the frequency and Being of Beauty-Beautiful Death as Terrible, Terrible Death… If you had any clue to what I am feeling right now…

My impatience has reached a true point of feelings and understanding this frequency in me, which I can see I have been Driven to- The microwave was at 37 secs.

I am reading my body and it says I am the Director but I am directing his, its… her expression and reading on my page, using this Facebook template as a Navigator Piloting based on U.F.O Space Ship that which limits me and recognize that I am captaining a ship or vessel that has its own Heart-Mind-Soul and way of which it wants this vessel to land.

It is truly disconcerting, and not a little irritating, and relaying its truth this way…
This is it?
The script and this is how it is manifesting?

10:27 pm.

I do not even know why I was brought again to post, except by reading my Facebook numeric codes and where we were a moment ago in my last post.

Right now there is 2 messenger notices and 1 like.
so B as Two in one.. B.A. Beautiful Assasinate, now that does not suprise me, it was always my intention, but see the route taken and in this world mentality- Manifestation if Fact but it ends any chance of coming back for any one frequency, and the pace..?
S to Pace. P.A.C.E. then to adding S as 19 and the 10 the A.F.
P.A. I. C.E.

I was prompted because It and I, I suppose wished to reiterate the relevance of the numeric code 29, and why it has been so relevant, appearing over and over constant and consistent over the numeric code groupings, as if they were contesting the code 29.

It was 29 years ago, in Dec-Jan when I experienced the Light Fantastic and my portal I instantly recognized as the home I had emerged from in the Infinite and Eternal beginning when I first rose, David Rose, which is why I keep tagging him and Elegant Imagery that was in Dec 1992 and Early January 1993. I.B. I.C. that portal had not only been contested but delayed for29- 30 years and tested that I was correct in so many dimension so many worlds right to this reality and this U.S.A and why I was made to come here, to again prove my direction and the navigational system is the Constant North Star Expression- which from which I- Infinity an Individual rose.
Star, Snow Flake, Splash of first Rain Drop, First Point, you can call it whatever you like, but I have been traveling on the same point for a very long time and 29 years in this realm’s measurement on no time.

It is still from Dec 27th to Jan 1-3 1992 to 1993.

19 19… 9-9 2-3

1 ( 39 C.I)
1 ( 18-9 A.H. I Anastasia Hart)

2-3= 5.56.
5 11.
E A-A.
E 27.

10;48 pm

Ah, to get to this numeric code…

10:49 pm.

There, that is better and I agree on.

Makes sense.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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