
10:07 p.m

10:07 p.m

107 See Sacred portal 107

Code mentioned by Esteban Miguel Filgueira today.



H.Q. The Script.


John Mack came over today to film our conversation so we could share it with you.

Instead a Play took place aligned to Communication and Beautiful Expression is Harmony.

John Mack linled with Lucas, Jesse Macias friend.

They connected through Alkaline Water, A W, just as he and Jesse had.

J M.J.M.= 1.A. 23 23. 46. 10.. J A S O N.

10:12 p.m

John then linked with Lucas.

J L. = 22. V.

My English name is Victor.

A V ..

I saw Alexa Vertefeuille post an expression of acceptance expressed in Beauty.

At 8:12 p.m

H.L. John lines coronation as S Supreme

And at 8:14 p.m I recieved a message from Stephen of which it was his Farewell.

* I had already said my Farewells before he left to Oregon.

Full Aware that the force moving through him had sacrificed me to get what It wanted.

Aaron John Stephen Esteban… Kim Arthur Hines

A J S E.. E. J A S. M I. N E. K.

For 13 years, I have known of this play,

I once morphed into a King Cobra at 268 East 4th Street Generation X Gardens.

It was a little while after I had experienced being possesed by a Gorilla which led me to that portal.

I.remember it quiet clearly and spoke about it on.this page.

I was standing besides Al’s Friend Angel who I knew instantly who he was… Father as Neptune he wore the codes everywhere.

His bicycle had the word Cobra on it.

And when Al walked off on an Erand my shoulders and Diaphram began to rise and widen, my waist hips narrowing..

I tried not to panic, Angel observed me but did not say anything.

It was so indescrible, so incredible, I fought to control it.

But there was no doubt, what I was morphing into..

Even I could recognize it as a King Cobra..

It lasted about 2 mins.

And I never spoke of it.

It startled me.. stunned me.

How was that possible.

Sacred Portal 107. J G. John Grace..

John is now the rep of E.K.

And now E V. NOM

Emeka Victor. Name.

E Victorious Line.

E V. / V E. N O.M.

I have had to swallow poison at the non stop insults and provocation of people to me, who refused to acknowledge or entertain that I tell only the Truth.

And that I am the Eternally True Creator.

The Source.

Perhaps because I did not live up to their expectations of The Source or the Creator as a Man.. trapped in a play script which was designed to Sacrifice me for the greater good.

Yes, I have Venom, which I was not allowed to express until now, provoked beyond belief

I as Truth constantly challenged, beliitled, dishonored to the point of Murdeous Rage.

I am the representation of the Beautiful Truth as well as the Whole Truth.

E.V / V.E..

L O..V E. N.O.M.

And Love is the Light Bringer.

Love is a Warrior.

M O N. E.V. M.Y. E V.I.E.

John linked with me as E V

Recall E V E V..

Stephan as V E NOM

Each chose to see my Expression in their own Interpretation

E V. Emeka Victorious

And Emeka as Venom.

One had witnesses

The other an expression from one point of View..

John recieved intel at 8:12 p.m confirming our play outside today

( John Recorded it..)

8 12… 20. 96. 116. A P. Atttained Perfection.

Message from Stephen at 8:14 p.m


where he is at Oregon with Nathaniel Thomas Bywater and Leanna -Harmony.



I am present here in the 5th State

As the one True Rep of



Lucas was wearing a T shirt with the words

Nine Line.. line of 9.. I.

Christopher Filgueira was born 12-14-87..

I am H.N.


E V / V.E.

I have never retailated for all the words things said to me, I have made no threats, only promises of what I will do to anyone who goes so far to deny The Truth and find pleasure in undermining and challenging The Truth of my One Father Son.

But to deny, that truth, with all the facts evidence and proof

To have expressed words so unfair, untrue in moments of Rage.

To then create set ups which is Revenge and Punishment.

To deny the Love and work done.

To highlight only the Truth of your personal perception.

To.do this intentionally knowingly..

To twists the Truth infront of Almighty God


Alexander Grove.

1 7/ 7 1.

To sin such a sin against the Holy Espirit because you think he is alone.


And to go that far in your expression that he can not be what even such a vile facebook play confirms.

To insinuate that you gave everything to the one who gave you Everything, took your expression of cruelty over and over again and through alchemic process, I transformed it into Medicine..

And gave it back to you to heal.

*Aclepius Ophiuchus

13th Gate

11 29 ..63

Kasien Thompson


To speak of material gifts to the Source of all Energy, who was led, to the portal of See The Gift above and below..

And ignore the Gifts of the Holy Ghost.


I have shouted, used all forms expressions to find ways of reaching you

Played Universal Sensie, a role I detested because you learn only by the Hurt and Pain you gave others, instead of Harmony Peace

Harmony Perfection .

P H I… line of 9. =I.

My Venomous Expression is finally set free today.

To go that far in arrogance conciet and vanity of your expression being the one Truth..

Before one forced to clean up the mess you made.

8 O.8

8 9

8 10

8 11

8 12

8 13

8 14

8 15

8 16

8 17

Till 8:31

8 13 / 31

8 44

88. 16. 7 8 / 8 7

Lucas was born 1978.

I.can not begin to repeat the things he said aligned so perfectly to not only the play, but to the conversation John and I were having..

And basically repeating what I had translated to John Mack who confirmed it through his own Experience.

Right to seeing H.P. M on his way and a person.he was with whose Birth day was yesterday.

11:22 p.m. 11:23 p.m

What gives a species, a person the audacity to go that far to challenge the Source of Truth, the Father of Truths expression?

Where do such Balls come from.

Its that Blind Spot, and Ostrich putting its head in the Sand.

Because as I have been proving

My Truth Manifests.

After such love, such a sacrifice..

There is no next portal for me to pass through.

Just the manifrstation at last to this

Evil Insidious Expression

11:28 p.m

11:29 p.m

Today with the response given I increase my quiet fury.

Venom returned that I was given

And lets see how you manage to deal with the Venom given to me returned to you.

11: 31 p.m

Todays Date.

All aling

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