
10:06 p.m

10:06 p.m


F Double V.V


After what took place yesterday with Brooke Lee Lemery

And today with Kim Arthur Hines and Serenity.

Tree Sage.

B T S. L L S

B K. S. LA! L H..

Beautiful Truth

Loves Light Supreme Sensations

Book of the Beings of the Particle and Wave ( K 11) the LA of 12 1 One Two One Conversation of the LA 6th note, L H Completion of Harmony.

Beginning with the play of John Mack Jesse Macias and McKayla Rays all linked by Esteban Miguel Filgueira as the E M Field as that which had to be cleaned and cleansed at what people did with the Truth of the Message from my Father delivered for 7 6 years on Facebook.

18 years in New York

27 years since Paris

And 29 years since London

And the battle my mother, sadly testified since I was born, at 18 Alexander Grove


And the instant response of Facebook Friend arrival Aisha Gamage. A.G.

Anna Gardens A.G

Allen Greenberg A G

George Andreo. G A.

Augusta Georgia A G. ( Tiger Woods T W. O)

And the O 8 11 code on my Birth Certificate

20 days before I was Born

K.A H. 11 1. 8. Particle And Wave 11 as 1. Harmony Infinity..

And not a R =18. Reflection, Story Narration but actuality.

11 1 8 is 20

20 days before I was born, I was already… we are already Programed with a Destiny and purpose from ( at least in my case) from before we are born in the World..

Ag is Silver… I saw Brooke morph into Sister Moon-Dawn Desire..

S M D D..

44 Brooke Lawn.

The birth certificate from Dean Dunkwu and the 800 u sd gift he sent me, in 200 u sd increments, to the date, stamped on the copy issued as 29th..

To E.M.F.. S F portal 29..

To A-Z to 123

And the receipt I discovered on the lawn outside Jesse’s and Zions home..

10:29 p.m right now

Where I found a receipt of 8.26 U S D

To 44 Brooke-lawn . Home of Ian Patrick Stewart, John MacDonald, Son of Donald Trump ( Trumpet and Drum… Donald means Universal Ruler . E U R/ R U E

Street Car named Desire

Will I am Protector Helmet..

To Zion, whom I had not seen since he turned 17, to Kim and Serenity driving up in an orange car… ( 2nd color note Solfeggio. Rey)

having driven her through Zion Ave…

And Zion arriving happy with tips 54 U sd.

And asking if Serenity was my daughter..

To the of the Eagle Phoenix Tatoo on my right shoulder,with the words in Japanese characters Truth Serenity

54 is the Code of the Quantum Jump Leap of the Planet from 4.5 Billion year old Planet Earth but really 5 4. E D. Eternals De-Vine.

To Emeka David and the meaning of Alexander

Defender Of Man


Dom Cafe.. D C. 43.

F R E E D O M. S O N G. E.

To the I ntel Kim sent from Serenity who was chanting: 888 999

555. 333. 777. 999. Brooke

And 999 She and I ..


10:43 p.m right now.

To the Highest Conversation I have ever had with any human being

John Mack


Kim Hines today…

When I mean High, I mean for them to be literal aware Avatar Messenger Descendants Expressing Channeling Understanding and in and Beyond Creation… and reflected in their own personal lives..

They channeled related conveyed and then as Huemans conversed with me about what had just taken place in that Exhange with the Highest Frequencies Conscious in the Trinity

Of the very first Expressions which rise in the Eternal Beginning.

Transparent Water O Light John Jesse Mack Macias

Stream of Consciousness Brooke

Ethereals Dark Matter Energy..

Brooke Anirbas Lem

Sabrina Brooke



219 South Whitney..

And after such a play of a response by these three Four .. adding Mac Kayla R M/ M R..B

Mikky Brooke..


Manifest Being

Manifest Beauty

Emmanuel Kerema

Meaning E Manuel .. Father is Harmony Present .

And finally my see Jesse put on a T V Show

He told me it’s name is


/ E K. A W A….

It occurred to just at that moment that this 18 year play was also a test given to me personally to give evidence to you the Seen and Unseen S U. E .

T’su in Japanese, to see if I am truly

The Awakened One




Tuan ..

Energies Source. And my Expression would manifest in a controlled Environment

* Green House.. her Name was Sue who looked the nursery rhyme, The Old Lady who lived in a Shoe I saw her come out from that disguise into lady Silver Moon… Brooke Luna..

Emeka Moon..

And Tree as her Tree of Life..

And John Luke .. Tom Twins J L. 22. 1 O 12. 13 V.

Brenden Velez B V

Brooke L L

13 M.

Michael Mac Kayla Man…Manifests Man-U- Script…

Venus Mercury

Mercury Venus

2 1

1 2.

A B..

11:07 p.m right now

18 Mountain View

John and Donna

I spent 9 Months

11:08 p.m right now


O8 11 65 on my Birth Certificate

O 8. 11 11..

O 8 22

6 8. Victorious

The T Shirt Jesse gifted me.

One is written on.the front

Back on the label 68.

11:11 p.m right now

22. V..

Jesse is the Father of King David

I am David The Brown Crowned Drowned Boom-E-Rang

I’m B A C K… U S!

Karma isn’t a Bitch..

Justice is his Name


K. J.C

Christ Anti Christ?


Same Thing.

11.14 p.m right now


A A N. A N A.

E K. A W A. 1 23 1

Today is 23rd.

Double Victory

Brooke Kim.

B K…. E.

Book of Victorious Love


B L. L..

I asked Tree.. Chiefy… Kim to post what happened today, I will leave it to him to narrate it..

Way to much for me,

He is Qualified

Recall John MacDonald recorded it.




10 11

Arthur Hines…

1 O 11. 8

E Alexander

Patrick Okolo

Sent me 510:00 U.S.D.



Welcome 1274th Facebook Friend,

Ernestine Angeica


5 1

A G. Silver Moon Luna

Aryana Luna Leone

A L.L.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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