
1006 Facebook Friend…

1006 Facebook Friend…

16… Letter P.

Em Yi…

Em means

The name Em is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Em is: Whole. Complete. Universal. Old German ‘ermin’ or ‘irmin’, meaning universal.

E.M..E… Full Circle… 11 1…K A.


Means Happy… Mr Happiness’

From Chinese ? (yí) meaning suitable, proper, ? (yì) meaning resolute, decisive, firm, ? (yì) meaning justice, righteousness, ? (yì) meaning profit, benefit, ? (yí) meaning joy, harmony (which is usually only feminine) or ? (yí) meaning ceremony, rites (also usually feminine).

Do you all recall Lord Yi.. ( Li) whom I became Facebook friends while on the verge of leaving Billy Hung and his sponsored apartment.

He is from the Republic of China.. and resides in Tawain…

Billy is American Chinese Tawainese….

A C T..

C.T.. R C T….

He recognized me from the very beginning in 2013 when he sent me a Panda ( Black and white Bear) – which then made Billy Hung send me a partying gift of a Chinsese coins in Gold and Silver both depicting Panda..s…

Black and White reallly Gold and Silver… Sun and Moon…

The very basis of money are Coins..



Lord Yi has recognized me in perfection over and over again..

to the the point that I sigh… some one knows me true I.D…who has never met me in this World.. or Play but knows how to read and cee…

Em Yi..

Whole Universal Complete,

Suitable and proper…Resolute, Decisive Firm Justice.

Profit Benefits….

*( Coinage Elementals.. Silver Gold… Ag Au in the periodic table…)

Joy Harmonies….

( Jesus Oh-Sir-Is Yeshua… J O Y… Music Harmonies)

Ceremony Rites…

*( See the demand of the Ladies.. Sacred Portal 24… for the rite of passage into her sacred passage…of Wu-Man of the 5th Dimension.. ‘

X mas is a Sexual and Senusal Celebration….

Eze Chinedum….

Jamel Satlter was moved by the Wave of my Expression and by the Family of E moving through all you as the Eternal Responders.. First Responders…

F R.E.E..

Link to Jamel White….

E.C…5+3= 8… E C H…O E…I.

Did you see the movie or read the book by Patrick Suskind..


Transform that into the Beautiful Truth…

Through waves upon waves of expression from me, beating crashing if necessary against the rocks, to remold the Body and Being of the Universal Body to the Being that is the E…

This world you think so real, I have proved over and over and beyond and above and below any possible reasonable doubt…

To a place of landing, a place in which Harmony

The Three Magie Wise men…

The phrase from the east (?p? ??at????), more literally from the rising [of the sun], is the only information Matthew provides about the region from which they came. The Parthian Empire, centered in Persia, occupied virtually all of the land east of Judea and Syria (except for the deserts of Arabia to the southeast). Though tolerant of other religions, the dominant religion of the empire was Zoroastrianism, with its priestly magos class.[32]

Traditionally the view developed that they were Babylonians, Persians, or Jews from Yemen as the kings of Yemen then were Jews, a view held for example by John Chrysostom.[citation needed]

Although Matthew’s account does not explicitly cite the motivation for their journey (other than seeing the star in the east, which they somehow took to be the star of the King of the Jews), the Syriac Infancy Gospel provides some clarity by stating explicitly in the third chapter that they were pursuing a prophecy from their prophet, Zoradascht (Zoroaster).[33]

There is an Armenian tradition identifying the Magi of Bethlehem as Balthasar of Arabia, Melchior of Persia, and Gaspar of India.[34] Evangelical Bible teacher Chuck Missler has also written about this tradition.[35] Historian John of Hildesheim relates a tradition in the ancient silk road city of Taxila (near Islamabad in Pakistan) that one of the Magi passed through the city on the way to Bethlehem

‘According to tradition dating back to medieval times, their names were Balthasar, Gaspar (or Casper), and Melchior. They are often depicted as representing the three races. The Bible says they came from the East, but exactly where is not known. Arabia, Babylon, and Persia are popular choices.

The Magi are popularly referred to as wise men and kings. The word magi is the plural of Latin magus, borrowed from Greek µ???? magos,[10] as used in the original Greek text of the Gospel of Matthew (µ????). Greek magos itself is derived from Old Persian magus from the Avestan magâunô, i.e., the religious caste into which Zoroaster was born (see Yasna 33.7: ýâ sruyê parê magâunô = so I can be heard beyond Magi). The term refers to the Persian priestly caste of Zoroastrianism.[11] As part of their religion, these priests paid particular attention to the stars and gained an international reputation for astrology, which was at that time highly regarded as a science. Their religious practices and use of astrology caused derivatives of the term Magi to be applied to the occult in general and led to the English term magic, although Zoroastrianism was in fact strongly opposed to sorcery. The King James Version translates the term as wise men; the same translation is applied to the wise men led by Daniel of earlier Hebrew Scriptures (Daniel 2:48). The same word is given as sorcerer and sorcery when describing Elymas the sorcerer’

Zoro Aster..

It means The Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn

Zoro… Aster… Zoro… the Masked one who signs his name with his John Han-Cock…

Aster means Star

Star E… E Zorro.. E.Z E….C.H.I..N.E D U M..D

First Lesson of the Sorcerer…

The Novel given to me by Rahul D’Silva at the begining of the 1530 Delta Manor at Beach Avenue..

1385 Starbucks Woods Metropolitan..

The Sword of Truth

Kolo Journals…

Yes My Name is Emeka Kolo..

Harry Potter… H.P… Harmony Peace…Of Mind.

And I have battled with the White World of Mind and the BLACK Word of Spirits… Monsters and Demond…

Transfroming the two realms back into the twins Light and Dark…

L.D… Love and Desire…

12 4… 16… See Sacred Portal 104… 14 N…Evolved to E..

Through the portal by Loretta M. Hill…. L.M.H…

16 is P.. Peter…

Em Yi

The word Christmas comes from Middle English Cristemasse, which in turn comes from Old English Cristes-messe, literally meaning Christ’s Mass.

Of course, we are not talking about the physical mass of Christ’s body. The origin of mass, in the Christian sense of the word, is not entirely clear. We know it comes from Latin missa, but there are several competing theories as to what missa is supposed to mean. Some scholars say it is a form of the Latin verb mittere, in which case it would mean “something that has been sent” (but it cannot refer to Christ himself because “missa” is grammatically feminine).

Others say that it is a late form of Latin missio, meaning “dismissal”. This is supported by the fact that Catholic masses are traditionally concluded with the words:

Ite, missa est.

which would mean, “Go, the dismissal is made”, provided this interpretation is correct.

Yet another explanation is that it is, in fact, the Hebrew word missah, “unleavened bread”, which God commanded to be offered with the Passover sacrifice in the Exodus.

The name “Christ”

The origin of the designation Christ is also not without interest. It comes from Greek ???st?? (Christós), meaning “anointed”, which is a translation of Hebrew ???????? mašîa? (“anointed”) that has been incorporated into the English language as “messiah”. Hence, “Christ” and “Messiah” mean essentially the same, the former originating in Ancient Greek and the latter in Classical Hebrew.


Finally, we get to the word Xmas (usually pronounced the same as Christmas, but some pronounce it, rather incorrectly, as /’?ksm?s/). Many people believe that writing “Xmas” instead of Christmas is an attempt to remove Christ from Christmas and may even consider it blasphemous.

However, “X” in “Xmas” is, in fact, not the English letter “ex”. It is an abbreviation of the Greek name of “Christ”, ???st?? (Christos), which starts with the Greek letter Chi. Abbreviating “Christ” as “X” can be traced many centuries back, with some written documents dated as early as 1100 AD.

11th A.D…

New York is the 11th State….

Ifeanyi Pharaoh Atikulated I.P.A…

Three Wise Magi… W.M..

Woods Metropolitan….

I P A..

India, Persia…Arabia….

All linked to Egypt Africa… E.A….

To I Ph.ARA. O.H…( Fair Oh Sacred portal 9…)

Articulated…. AT…I. K.U…LA TED…. Not LATE

I am not dead, even though I was buried alive and all but my Uncle and Mother… U.M… C I S.. U M..

M U S I C…. Harmony….

Chi NE DUM… Meaning Espirt Chi, stay close by me….

1:11 a.m.

By the way Jamel is an Arabic name…

Ah I do believe that I have painted enough of a picture….

of the 3 and the 3… 33…

Three Wise Men.

And the The Family of the Holy Trinity…

6…. Sixth sense full circle..in Harmony I…H… 6 9 O….6 8O…

F..I O…. F..H O..

Add the X factor… 34…Mary Madgelena…

But on that bed after Walliam Bracey…. W.B…

Is not a Woman but a Man…

Micheal Martinez… M M…

Micheal means Water’ that is etymology….

Martinez… Ferlity and War….to bring Peace to the Child..

World Planet Earth…



‘Emeka Yeshua Yes Your Are Our Christ… Annointed.

Whole Uniersally Complete..Completion… Justice.. Joy Harmony…Rites Ceremonies….

E Y E….H.

1:47 a,m

Sacred Portal 147…

A B B…

1;50 a.m.


Letter O…

6…. F A C T E.T.C… I.E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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