
1:00 AM

1:00 AM

1:00 am.




Its late..

And so much has happened since last night since John Mack and Johnny New man came here last night.

And today with Liberty and Farrell…Leander Auriela and Arden…

And 6 month old Jeron.

Thomas Lang was wearing a red T shirt with the words M E H.

Farrell showed us his work as Daedalus and

Icarus the things he had forged some with Bamboo.. a sleek elegant pipe with a Bamboo stem which made the experience Light

I went out with Liberty and everything I posted she began expressing, adding data and confirming it as if the intel all came from her.

And what took place on the drive from Battle Road ( Valkyrire Sacred Portal 29 )

we travelled on, to M.I.X (M.ix M.9)

street, to Park right besides Carol Street ( my young Aunt Carol and her older brother in my blue print who everyone called Lord Charles. C C) to the weather which was incredible..


Liberty was just starring and pointing amazed and then to a venue Once upon a Baby ( I believe it was called, with 6 month old Jeron smiling and chirping chortling along

He is not of this dimension.. none of her kids are).

And Liberty understanding ( and giving evidence in her own empirical experience, ) of the New True Orginal Earth.


The 5th Dimension Earth.

Yes Fritz Vennique vision lucid of which in 2010 with me on the outskirts of Pelham Bay park.

The Mist Dew of the Full Circle.

Which manifested all around us as a seeming storm broke out.

Then.she saw Liberty Baptist sign and we realized she had been born.

And then a Rainbow Ark of the Covenant as soon as we stepped out of the baby store.

Code 87:74 usd

M.W 87../78.

74 ..47 .

28 Mins for laundry ..

A Rainbow Spectrum appeared in the sky as if right within our touch.

Nature as God had replied.

1:40 a.m

And then we went to P.C grocery shop

Aisle 9

We met tall handsome Oliver K


And then we drove home by a lake and Dragons Breath.

Mist and Dew


Guinievere Liberty the real Gyweneth Paltrow


God Particle activated.

And then I saw Aureila as I had never seen her before.

Like Erica Ekayani Chamberlain.

And a conversation with 16 year old Arden which was just beyond belief,

F L is the initials of his grandfather.

D F L.

And F L.

Florida Sunshine State..

Which is the day he was born 6-12-2003.

And then Farell 19 years Farell arrived..

16 19



S P. Sacred Portal

A-lien Father Alpha..

Sacred Portal

13 year old Aurelia almost 14. M.N.

A M A N. 29

I am too knackered to express any more, and I am just posting this for the future, so that one day, she or I can fill in this part and do it justice.


Was proven.



D A.. A D. F. L. .

Arden Farrell Awareness 5th Dimension Fact

Sixth Sense to Fact is Love to C Spped of Light

S O L..

1:49 p.m

24 49.. Libertys Tel Code.

1:50 p.m

I noted to Liberty the car code 94 1500..

And another which ended in 67.

See sacred Portal 67.

How Far will you go for the Truth Love of your man.

In Liberty it is her Father and Sons..

And the Truth, that Wu Man


Liberty Auriella


Leander Arden


Jeron J.B


The Code her father Donald Farrell Liscomb used for his number

His sister or relative worked for the Tel company.

1:55 a.m

1:56 p.m



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