
10/9/2020 16:22 – Facebook Post

12:49 p.m.

Happy Birthday Kamora Herrington
Code 49…D I.
/ I D.. Impossible Dream?
Independence Day…or Identifying the I D of All..Y.

N N A.M … D I…/ I D MAN.N…

Oh yes, I know and am aware who Kamora Herrington is and what she represents as the Matrix as the Body… which transforms by being in harmony with its Natural Nature Aware Manners Divine Intelligence.

12:56 p.m.
M.A.T R I.X….
Manifestation A T… T R… 2018 .. U E..( Understanding Expression 21- 5= 26. Confirmed by the Body Car of Athena Sarah Kaizer car new license plate A-Z 1-26)

I X..= 9.
Which links to Emeka Kamora…and to 900 South Road and to 9th today.

1:00 p.m right now.

@ 1486 Facebook friends.. change at last from 1484. =98.

14 86 is 100… 5-20.. 25…x 100.

Date 10-9- 2020… J I… A F- I.

Meaning of the play with her while still at age code 48 is my portal as Y Chromosome Beautiful Death as Transformation at the End… Z.. Zion to Arden…to E.

October means ” 8″ thus Kamora Herrington birthday is also 8-9-71.
17-71…88…1 16.. 64..A P..F D. 81..HA! Sacred portal 81…Transformation.
And Stephen -Esteban has physically transformed.
Lost alot of weight and looks like a Youth…

1:09 p.m.

14 86… 1 4 8 6…100… 19…please see the sacred portals 100 Pan. 19 ( 149) and 19.

1:11 p.m.

Just a little note.. i have stated this a countless times over the last 8.9 years, but the play is based in expression and what comes back to you from the expression is a Mirror Response Energy Echo and forming an Energetic Signature and form contained in the number and facebook friend who arrives as that response to my expression in this case.
This was all about showing you how the play works so each could join in or go off and do it on their own.
Which of course was a very bad idea, because people did not join in, would not join in… All being content to do their own thing and take this posting as an entitlement which they could Judge Condemn Criticize pass judgment… while I work.. they you play in the Matrix focused on that which each has made their priority.

I am indifferent to this response now and though I was not surprised, i would never have imagined that at this point the indifference to the posts and the truth of what is happening in your reality.

1:17 p.m,
A Q.

The absolute refusal to take personal responsibility.
It still stuns me to quiet.
The arrogance and conceit of this mind set is an affront to all Creation and Existence…

1:19 p.m.
Sacred Portal 119 .. 11 9

A Selfishness which is so extreme it manifested Evil and then as a force, and still the people here blame and falsely accuse others… Pointing fingers at other when the source of the evil is you… all of you who are not clean or defiant still.

Emeka Fritz.
Emeka Ferrell
E F..
I am E F… E F… 56 56 = 1.

And Esteban M Filgueria E M F..
S F.. is the last portal reflecting that truth which I had to pass through for 22 months here in Connecticut the 5th state.

22 is V. Vie.
C V.I E…

I am not going to comment on the E Manual or what people should or should not have done.
Humanity have passed over from Children and entered the realm of Eternal Youth or face Extinction
Age as decomposition has been defeated…
But Evil is still present mainly because I am still being used by a will of Force to complete a play I do not believe in because it foundation is Evil… Control Manipulation.

If people do not wish to pay attention it is not meant to have been my concern.
the knowledge was shared – an offering and the response … smh.
*See Sacred Portal 93.. I C…
Inner Compass… Terrible Death.

Here are the names of my two latest facebook friends.
And yes, I wished to stop posting on Face Book and link it to the E Manual.
But as usual the world peoples have dropped the ball.

My life’s work set up by a will not mine.. the offering and the gift …smh.

Tarek González T G…
Truth is God… Hod…I O D…

Tarek means “he who knocks at the door” (from Arabic “?araqa” = to knock) and “morning star”, “bright star”.

Gonzalez means “War Hall… Battle War…Elf. meaning and history. (Spanish) The worker in metals, a smith; the son of Gundisalv (battle, elf).”

T G – 20 7… 27 A-Z-A= 27.

“He who knocks on the Door is Morning Star.. Bright Star, emerging from the War Hall and the Great battle and War with E-LF…King
S.E ..L F…”

See Sacred portal 56 “5 Beings in 1.. and the one who is knocking on the door of the 5D..

See the code and play which moved me to Jesse Macias and Zions home and that which is written on walls of his Foyer.

T G is my 14 85 Facebook Friend.

Wong Koplk W K

Wong is of the oldest names in China…
various meanings…
” Wong is also a rare English surname derived from Old English “Geong” meaning young. However, Young is the more common surname from this origin.[1]”

* “A very common Chinese surname that means ‘king’, ’emperor’, ‘monarch’.

About the Wong surname. Wong is the Cantonese and Hakka romanisation or romanization of the Chinese surname Huang (?; pinyin: Huáng; literally “yellow”)
Haung Kingdom and people.. Yellow is R O Y..-G.. 3rd color and 3rd planet from the Sun and yes, the flower center Lotus Santana – held in the photo by Arden age 9 and Jeron at 16-17 months.
Yellow- Gold…
And yesterdays post Full Circle the 3rd planet from the Sun.

2:05 p.m.
26 5.
Z E…

Thus it would mean “Young, Emperor King Monarch of the Planet Earth C…

Koplk I found no meaning except as Koplik which means
[ n ] small red spots with white centers found on the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue ; symptom of measles that appears one or two days before the measles rash appears.

The Spot Light is on me and thus I represented a play of Light as Truth which is why so many people began to avoid me, my coding … I was made to reveal everything about myself and then point out the play and shine a light on all those i was sent to or moved to investigate their truth.

2:16 p.m.
Black Panther… the true Alien Predator as Alien Father.

Not these sexual predators which which is what this reality did to Sex as creation.

I found it absurd that there was only one person who did not place restrictions on my posting everything about our interactions only one who did not avoid me was young Arden.

I am fair. from the fair field and yet I was made to post the truth, the truth so that each could clean up that which they could not see but recognized as my being an honest and compassionate Mirror Reflection … But people like to hide and blame…

2:20 pm.
Hide in shadows and not wishing to walk in the Light-Transparent.
I was well aware what would happen to me, if there was no protection.

But the most absurd thing about this play is being compelled to call people out, while giving all the answers in my post to the Script and blue print they were meant to figure out this Question and Answer play.

It made no sense to me, how can this be an Examination – Test of Human I.Q which qualified the species to evolve by having all these chosen ones, meant to represent the Human Species as Naturals…?

If I am made to link and weave and Answer all the questions by myself and provide prove everything and then even alert people to this truth… what is the point?
Spoiling them to the point that some one else answers all the questions for them and even then see the extraordinary response.

Its not the People i hold accountable – and who should have long since been kicked out or given the true consequences of their actions a long time ago.
All this idea of showing mercy.. is what made people always take advantage of Love.. But this play is not about love… but about Truth and Love.. is the ability to C ee.. Consider… Courtesy… Consciousness.. 3rd planet from the sun.. Y .. Yellow.. Gold.

To be honest, none of this makes sense to me personally, ( it does actually but it does not… In this reality you have universities and schools which after a term semester or end of the course requirements- Lecture.. each is examined tested privately and awarded their degree… It has disturbed me since I began this play script on Facebook…
Oh, it was fine to introduce the play to you all.. this Video Game.. Enders Game and the rules, but after that… which i did in 2012-and completed 2013 July… ( yes the same month that I moved here and Arden Thought…)
I was living in my own apartment in Kew Gardens.. K G…
A F.. K G… and Bill Hung was its sponsor earned by his having a Light Bulb go off in his head after i met him and the next thing i knew, he accompanied Ravindra Singh and I to Florida Forte Lauderdale F L.. Sunshine State. 27th State to that portal of apartment 511 E K and the estate which I Identified as Atlantis and which was confirmed.
See sacred portal 113. A M.

He checked my Truth for one month and once he saw that I told the truth and he witnessed the Evidence Facts he kept his promise and sponsored me for a year and wanted to continue but after he had gone on Face Book and told the world that he felt that I was God, and the source of Infinite Energy source and that i was perhaps in his estimation the beginning of the process of Evolution.
He was willing to give me 100,000.00 usd ( I took 10,000.00 and gave him the rights to the recording for it) he spent an additional at least 20-30, 000 00 at least in a generous weekly allowance rent, furniture, dinning out… And he was amongst the first to invest in Bitcoin.

What made him freak out was the lack of response from the rest of the world especially on Facebook.
He was called Mad insane by his family and others and he began to doubt what he knew was true and even came back into my Life via the Shelter some months before Stephan arrived.
He wanted to take care of my passport, my teeth ( which offended him and angered him greatly at what was done to my smile and face)
Billy is American Chinese Tawainese… Yellow..

And yet he was right on the nose 8 years ago….
Just as Nadee Nakandala was who about 8 years ago recognized what I was doing in facebook after only three days of being my face book friend.
” He is Authoring Harmony..!”
He is feeding the World…
“Tell me about the your world and where you come from?”

It is all on my page.

All people had to do was first learn how to play the Game and observe through me, as I also had to figure out what was the play and the game which after a few months I figured out in 2012.

God is the Truth…
Satya…and it is Harmony-
People have no idea just how cold and true enslavement predators they are.
this dimension is created by SEX.. Penetration…
see what has been done to sex.
S E X…
S E Spirit E… Spirit of Existence
S O E… 19 0 5.. tel no arranged by Liberty.
E O S… Dawn…bed 5-019…full Circle 9-16-2016 to Jeron and his photo of the Flower Lotus Santana… F L S… Arden age ( the past) and Jeron in the present at 16 months.. 17 when it was taken by his Baby sitter Jen)

When I look at this play.. all I see is the lies… liars…And a the story of the Light Bringer and the reason for his loathing of humans… they hide from the light and blame others for their being Unclean.

Is that not this realms story.. middle east to west of Adam and Eve..who hid from Lord God after they ate the Apple from the serpent… they realized they were naked and covered themselves with a fig leaves and hid from the presence…

Now take a look at this and see how it links to KO.P.. L K.. Liberty -Kamora… L K… K O.P… L-OO-K
L K is 11 12…
see the gospel of Mark.
Code in the play Mark E Mark M E M.
Gospel of Mark, 11:12–25.

11 -12.- 25.
K L.. Y-B E

Cursing the Fig Tree.
The majority of scholars consider Mark’s narrative of the fig tree to be a sandwich or intercalated narrative.[8] Mark uses the cursing of the barren fig tree to bracket and comment on his story of the Jewish temple: Jesus and his disciples are on their way to Jerusalem when Jesus curses a fig tree because it bears no fruit; in Jerusalem he drives the money-changers from the temple; and the next morning the disciples find that the fig tree has withered and died, with the implied message that the temple is cursed and will wither because, like the fig tree, it failed to produce the fruit of righteousness.[9] The episode concludes with a discourse on the power of prayer, leading some scholars to interpret this, rather than the eschatological aspect, as its primary motif,[10] but at verse 28 Mark has Jesus again use the image of the fig tree to make plain that Jerusalem will fall and the Jewish nation be brought to an end before their generation passes away.[11]”

Yeshua Cursed the Fig Tree because it bears no fruit and yet, this is what Adam and Eve in this bad bad translation of Serpent Kundalini, Wisdom and Knowledge.. Choice.
Which means that Adam and Eve were cursed for being ashamed – guilty of being naked and his from the Presence… who then ejected them from the Garden of Eden Paradise.

I have been made to be naked before you- revealing details of my life, my feelings the facts of it all but also aware that it was a story while aware of this mentality in this world and what would be done to my expression.

Its is all written down here on Facebook beginning 2010-11 and my Dec 21st 2011 the play on Facebook began.

Lucifer refused to bow down to Humans…because they are unclean and he came as the light bringer to show them how to be clean…
Morning Star… Eos..
Evening Star… My Light of truth is not exacting- it is luminous .. Lunar, it understood the Human point of view.. it does not accept it but its light is not as a sword of light direct from the C Speed of Light Rays.
Its diffused easily absorbed… it is refracted to form a Prism a portal of a 3 angled Triangle Pyramid. Where the language of Light C was made into a story so it would be easier to absorb.

Lucifer Satan Devil… L S D…

Yes Douglass Adams and LSD…
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe”

L S D… Delic Spencer
L D S.. Psycha-Delic.

Classical Mythology. a personification of the soul, which in the form of a beautiful girl was loved by Eros.
the human soul, spirit, or mind.
Psychology, Psychoanalysis. the mental or psychological structure of a person, especially as a motive force.”

*Hugh… same meaning…

“…Philosophy. (in Neoplatonism) the second emanation of the One, regarded as a universal consciousness and as the animating principle of the world.’

The basic meaning of the Greek word ???? (psyche) was “life”, although unsupported, some have claimed it is derived from the verb ???? (psycho, “to blow”).”

Yes the drawing i made self portrait of my Blowing Whistling – done in 2005 at Michael Frazer’s to Tom Truman’s home 2010.

Delic… From the Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian, delija (‘brave man’, ‘soldier’, ‘Turkish bodyguard’); from the Turkish word, deli, (‘mad’, ‘insane’, ‘grand vizier’s Bosnian bodyguard’). The name Deli? is given to brave soldiers who fought well for Ottoman Empire.”

“the name Delic means “Leader of people” and is of English origin. ”

“Brave man soldier… leader of people… Defender of man.”

There is a story about a Soldier swallowed whole except for his boots recounted (and seen by me third eye) of our arrival in Nigeria on our way from the air port in 1977 to Nsukka… Of a great serpent who climbed out the famous Milken Hill.. M H.
But I do not have the time to align it to the play of the Body as a Giant muscle and the E-spirit Will which created the Body.. – a very different version of the Garden of Eden…

M.H.. 13.8 Universe… Jorgumunder Orubus …to expand beyond 13.7.. G M.. the Grandmothers and instead.. 13.8…/ 8 .13.. H M… H O M.. E.

14 86 = 100.
100% of the Brain.
Sacred portal 97… John Mack born 1997… Jesse Maccias O born 1979…
101… 102… there has to be a being who observes it and and is Conscious but Outside of… 101..102..103… 104.. 105… 106…16 P… transforming reality from Outside and from within.

Its enough now…
sitting with Sagan… /
Nagas… Nugas…Nahko Sagan..
N S North Star…

L S D…. Love Supreme Devotion.. Devi… To Truth. Satya.

4:18 p.m.
D R… / R D…

4:19 p.m
D S… L is C…Lucifer Lucy…
Dharma Santana…
Eternal Law – come Transparent and clean .. no one is above the Law… or more important than The Source E…Aware.

Aware Haus… House.. HA.U.S…
A H.

Happy Birthday Enyiagu Afam Samuel E A S…
Its been a long time.. he is an long standing facebook friend.

His name meaning and code so relevant to the play and this post and this day.

Enyiagu is Elephant and Leopard…
Yes Arden and his mentor – the two friends Elephant and Leopard.. Same meaning as Fahad Hassen but Leopard.
E L..

Agu also means Wilderness… of hunger..
Adam and Eve sent out into the wilderness..Elephant represents memory… Agu Wilderness and also Black Panther…B P.

Afam means “My Name.. is”
A F A.M…. I L .Y… E A H..

and Samuel means
“Name of God”…
“Samuel (sometimes spelled Samual) is a male given name and a surname of Hebrew origin meaning either “name of God” or “God heard” (?? ??????? Shem HaElohim) (??? ?????? Sh’ma Elohim). Samuel was the last of the ruling judges in the Old Testament. He anointed Saul to be the first King of Israel and later anointed David.”

Name – E Man… Yam Name…
Has Heard. ( even is no one else has…or really cares)
to Hear some one…Emanuel and simply not care and still be making demands and telling the Truth.. lies…

Donald Trump… see the meaning of Trump… Trumpet .. Stampeding Elephants… See Natures Freedom song the first stanza in the my 1994 Freedom Song.

Funnily enough Enyiagu Afam Samuel…”the trumpeting stampeding of memory returning from the wilderness of forgetting … remembers its name… Afam Samuel… A S… placed his age as 110…. :)… sacred portal 110.
and with Kamora Herrington 49 DI..? I D.. E..

become E K… Emeka Kolo is my name the original Lucifer Santana D.E.V..I… L… Lu-C.I.. Fer… Iron grey Volks Wagon.. Stephen rented… code 65.

People, do as you please… I have no intention of calling out or coding or expressing intel to beings of selfishness and cruelty personified. I agree with Lucifer Arden .. Magician
Slay them all.. they swine the unclean. The West is unclean and must be taught a lesson in respect and that no one, no one is above the law which I myself helped create and have followed because it makes sense. But this realm believes it is greater than myself and that I am their slave to do this work Olu for all while they do nothing and their brazen balls comes nothing truly terribble happening to them because you placed me in this position and at their beck and call .. even cheating by doing thier Home Work.. walking the Walk and dealing with their refusal to take personal responsibility as they disrespect the promise and covenant made… Be impeccable with your word and the 4 Agreements.

They think that they are better superior to even their source.
Why should I even mention this again?
What and who placed me here.. the truth of God or its lie…
Obvious it is its lie…
there is no respect for Truth here present or me.

4:48 p.m.

Each to their own.. leave me out of it and mercy i do not give.. gave already enough and see they way they still play…
with me .. defiant and challenging to the very end.

4:49 p.m

Existential Death…. let them have Pain and never ever again have access to me or my presence… that is my greatest desire.

4:50 p.m
4 56…

4:51 p.m.

Do as you please…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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