
10/8/2020 15:27 – Facebook Post

10/8/2020 15:27 – Facebook Post

What’s on Your Mind?

W O Y M..
M Y .. O M.
M Y.. F M.
My Youth F.M Band.

MY E M F..

K C and the Sunshine Band.
Sunshine State 27.

Personal Responsibility
Public Responsibility
Private Responsibility.

P.R Public Relations..
Spread the Beautiful Truth.


1:30 p.m.
13. M
The Family of T E N .. really 1O.. of Original Full Circle in Harmony to Infinity ( I H..= 89 “1989 Talking To The Silence = “79”. Add T E N 10 = 89… 8.9 years on Facebook. 89= 17… Q as in Quantum.
*The Quantum Mechanics has proven that the Universe is a reflection of our Thoughts and Reflections.
And quantum mechanics is based on Attention and Focus of the observer, meaning it requires our attention to exist.

But Thoughts of Humanity created a Prison for Thoughts does not influence that which already IS.
Already Manifested by the First Being who spoke and before that.. Thought and Reflected everything into Existence including the Blue Print of Existence.
And before the first Being.. use Sound- Solfeggio- Spectrum rainbow.
He used Silence as Sixth Sense.
Expression of Naturalness is Nothingness Aka Bliss.
This is the final play which I have been in and which used Stephen Filgueria as the E M F of the Natural World – as the Avatar Descendant who reflects that truth of the Original Play of Expression Being
E B.
Expression Bliss- Ecstasy Is the origins of Being and the Body as Bliss.

Stephen arrived back here in on the night of the 6th, I saw him on the 7th.
6 7…F G….
The last time I connected with Arden was 8-6-2020.

Today, is the 8… 17= 1 7 A G..= 8.
Kamora Herrington has an 8 year old son, but the play of E Harmony did not create our meeting- instead I met her House mate Olu..
Olu in O.I Nri Igbo means “Work”
E O K… Emeka Works on the Golden Field .. Golden Meadow.
Arnold Fields. A F.

1:48 p.m

Where is the Golden Meadow.. G M.. Gold Field.. G F..
Based on the Blue Print – A J..
Alexander/ Anthony Arden Jay Jeron John.. and the two flowers in the hands of Arden age 9 and Jeron age 16… 17 months, ( 9 16.. 9 17) it is the center of a white Petal Ray Flower.
The Full Circle.. Y = 25 .. 2+5= 7..
Yellow is the third color linked to 3rd note and 3rd Planet from the Sun.
Yellow is actually the Y evolved back to G-H.. 7-8.
Golden… G-OD-E… HO.D…7+8= 15 Letter O…x 7-8= 56 E F.

Esteban Filgueria, E F, went back to to Oregon the 33rd state on 8-13 -2020 ( HM) and returned 10-6-2020.
* 8-13 – 10-6… -8 -13…

I saw him on the 7th…we went to a portal Two Doors opposite facing 11 and 9.
We could not get in.
We tried the front and the back,.

Stephen told me that after his dramatic encounter with a dark force he called Dark Wizardry which I knew was the prison of the 4th Dimension as the Frame where Human Thoughts manifest but because they are not aligned or in harmony with the original Thought Intention of the First Being- who manifested it all and has sustained and retained it for …13.8 Billion years… 4-5 billion years.. A Gap 13.8- 4.5 = 9.3 Billion years
I C… and Billion is 9 O’s.
I C I… Full Circle…
Ici” Here in French.

Emmanuel Nnamdi meaning
E-Alpha..Guide Father IS Present Here.
E A.. G F I P… H..
900 I Poverty Hollow.
I Perfection.. Harmony.
/ H P ..I… F G “6 7” A=E.
Alexander Emeka.
Alexander Estaban Arden Christopher.

He had called me after that experience, he was at a place called Atlantis which was a maze a literally labyrinth of plays and obstacles to surmount before he finally got a room 1853.
R E C… Record.. L P.
* Both John and Liberty have recordings of my speaking Liberty has 58 Recordings.

1 85 3…A H.E… C…is the correct equation mirror reflection Celia “Tia” and Kamora Herrington C K..K means 11= 1 1 … Doppleganger Twins…

2:09 p.m.

I was taken to a portal in Florida – Forte Lauderdale.. F L.
6-12… 2003 yes… Ardens Birthday.. in 2012 by Ravindra Singh ( S R) and escorted by Billy Hung.( B H) ( link Hung Yeh)
R S lead me to his apartment he was moving out of, it was # 511.. E K.. E A-A.
8 years ago.

Do you recall the cars with license plates I posted parked in front of 29 Lincoln.
there were two… 2 R S 856.
and the other and C 171 256 Silver Grey Van.
Red Truck C 158 56 1…at 900 South Road.. R.S..

8 56. 85 6….
2 56… 25 6

8 2 56 56…
Code expressed by Liberty tel Conversation.
56 56…= 1.. A..
Nnamdi left this dimension age 13 in 1982. Easter Esther

Do you understand what this means?
It means that the Eternal Family are now as I ( or how I once was age 7-8 I have since gone beyond them) are in Infinite Harmony 98= 17..= A G..( Almighty God.. A G? Yeah right… Ass Hole.. A H.. Amazing Grace is A G= AH!
Sacred Portal 22 “Arse Hole. A R S ..E.. 22 months here in Connecticut Jeron 22nd Grandchild.2002.. 22.. V.
My British name is Victor).

It means that the Eternal Family are now Present Here via the Nnamdi Line… the Naturals who are moved by 6th Sense brought now to Awareness -Arousal Awakening.

Which was just confirmed by a interaction with Stephen which he sent me at 13:09 hundred hours 13 O 9 ..M O I..( me in french and sacred portal 90 Spirit E Aware.. called Space Pirate.)

It means that they are telling me that that this post is the equating of their Awakening.
“I Heard” I H= 98= 17= 8.
* Yesterday his friend Ally heard my voice as I spoke to Sagan ( Stephens chill dog named after Karl Sagan… Yes, his Dog S and his cat who was called Leonardo.. I had 74 usd in my wallet 47 / 74… God DoG.
Karl is Ardens Maternal Grandfathers name.
mine .. Daniel.. Nwanna. K D.. 11 4 .. Kim Aruthur Hines… Arthur Dent.. Mission Impossible 8.
Scheduled release date 11-4-2022 ( K D T V). I have done the mission Impossible 8 2 years before the actual release of the play which I have been in since i came into this world at St Mary’s Hospital London England at 8 p.m on the dot.

He had paused in his expression… signified by ( ….) and then completed his message at 13:10 hundred hours.
M J… and 1.10 p.m regular time.

I saw the message a bit later, ( I am posting) Sagan chilled in the other room.
SAGA-N… no you know what a Saga is… ? Saga of N..

I responded, I just noted in hindsight at 14:14 Hundred Hours. N N… NN A M DI..
N/N = 1 = A.
13 = M.. Arden Morgan together at the 14th state.
D I.. 5 49 ( E D.I.. TH.. Aiden Edith as both mean Eden)
code of Stephen yesterday merged with the 560 code given to me by Mook.
Stephen share that code play with me.

See sacred portal 110… and 14.. A D… Historic Mediterranean Map 800 BC to 1500 AD. in the bathroom here and the code .
15 8 = O H… Red Truck…158 561 = 23 W.. 6-12 2003.

I said this to Stephen yesterday, after his arrival, I said to him that the play is complete- I have spent 2 Months here.
2 R S 8 56…
The Gap was the play completing the play of the Original Matrix. as OM.. Sacred Portal 42…
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.. H G TT G.. H..
8 7 2020 7.. to 8..

Sagan is sitting besides me on the couch waiting for Stephen- who told me that Sagan a Pit bull is 10 or 11 years old.
E GA LA XY..C I 10 11

Yes, I know that they are present here at last, and I reminded him once more yesterday of that fact that they will arrive at my door.. Front Door 900 South Road.. probably to get Arden as the 5 in 1.
And me… I am taken by the Back door… which is also the 646 portal see once again the car I posted parked in front ..

This means that I leave quietly by the back door and the lime light will be focused on Arden ..
3:16 p.m

C A T…3 16 33… Spot Light will be there… I am in no mood for that fuss and fame… way too pissed and stated this for the last 14 years that I will leave quietly when only few are aware.
Let M.Y Youth Manifest have the Glory of that…
I do not need it.. or want it.. not anymore.

Thus Two gateways..
Why did Stephen call me at Atlantis after having the exact same experiences as his First Cousin Chris Filgueira which Chris had recounted as our last telephone conversation just before I left Jesse Maccias and Zion with Lucas Roca present.
But Stephen Estabans experience of what Chris had experienced through a Vision Dream real was reflected mirrored by Stephens experience in the Physical material realm

3:22 p.m.

C V.

The E-Manual uploaded 3-22-2020 is not my responsibility any more.
My Job Mission was to assure that Liberty was trained perfectly in the Language and Consciousness Logic of the Eternal Family and then down load and fulfill all the obligations .. Recall Anne Mack… who became Anne McHugh and the play of the Rainbow Serpent and messages actually literally from the family of E and their messages.. and my response…
She saw the sign Arden in the Australia Southern Hemisphere..

Liberty has fulfilled her obligations not only did she find the correct person to upload the E manual by herself but she paid for it as well as my Telephone.
Her task is complete on that score and can complete here role but only after others of the J Crew of The Human Naturals come and help create the E manual.
This is of course a choice, you can say no, not take responsibility for the Script of Nnamdi Emmanual or not.
It was only yesterday that I full grasped his Intention and Play.

And why now, he says I no longer have any responsibility to the E Manual.
I fulfilled my task and it took 31 years 1989-2020 Sept.. 9 month is I…10th month..October is really the 8th Month… as well as T E NT-H… Oct Octopus Kracken Giant
* Since the late 18th century, kraken have been depicted in a number of ways, primarily as large octopus-like creatures, and it has often been alleged that Pontoppidan’s kraken might have been based on sailors’ observations of the giant squid. The kraken is also depicted to have spikes on its suckers.”

Actually in the Script it is also Leviathan -Jormugundr…
See the play with Edward Enciento E E and Giant Serpent first daughter of Loki..
Kamora Herrington mentioned that Serpent Ring .. S R.

Octo means 8.

It is sixth sense which moved Stephen to call me when after that experience or was he also aware.
Is it 6th sense which made him ask me to go out with him and to a portal which I had agreed to go to.
He asked me not to code the details which I agreed, I am not interested just as i am not interested in the E manuals- which was meant to be my pride and joy but which I understood years ago that it was not written as i would have desired because space was given for others to add and refine the expression etc…
And yet the portal of the code of K I… 119 as 9 access was denied even though i could turn the key to the left but he door front and back would not open.
I knew why of course.
560 + 549= 1,109… 11 9…/ 90 11
Remember… A S… Arden Smol…
Arden Autumn Small.. Autumn Falls..F ALL..S L A Y…

Of course I knew why access was denied at 9 portal of Being.
And why he stayed there last night and I stayed with Sagan.

There is only one Nnamdi “Meaning” and Emannual.

This world chose to focus on Jeffrey Epstien .. J E… the 3%
You voted for and elected Donald Trump… D T..
Billionaire Boys Club…
D T J E…
4 20..10 5…
And a person presenting Evidence Facts and proof that his body is the representation of the truth of Evolution Awakening and the truth of Area 51, that I am man undercover is literally Man as the Extra Terrestrials having risen by the age of 7-8 to age 25… ( 17 + 8= 25… 16 + 9= 25)
And Devoted an entire life time to bringing for the Truth of the universe and the E Orgins of All has been ignored and made ridiclous and constantly disrespected, insulted and his “Love Trust in you” taken for granted because I was not allowed to use the power you only truly respect which is not love.. but Fear… L ….F.. Respect that is what they you 99% of you in the end really respect ist not Love or Cee working 24/7 to prove your beautiful truth- rising through 2 three life times.. 1965.. 19 66… then truth 19 67-8.9.. 1984..5 6…

3:56 p.m.

What you have chosen over and over again is to ignore me, and all I represent… to insult me, and what I represent and all that was done for you…
And instead to be greeted with self entitlement, con men and lies acting pretending that they Love… when I can see them each so clearly…
And had to mask my absolute contempt.

I read the thoughts of the world. that is linked to AG.. Thought as Spirit- E… T S. E
Total Solar Eclipse the line who went to Oregon the 33rd state are the lines which challenged me… 33 to 8 state.
They thought they knew better than me.. because the portal of the 4th Dimension.. the maze and labyrinth they could not get out of Pans labyrinth is the frame.. ( all the people they framed with your thoughts actions expressions which even when proven wrong or incorrect, you could not would not have the grace to take responsibility but hide it, cover it up, defend it with temper tantrums when you were called out)…

I am an E T… Source actually of the E T… The Original Alien Father…Alpha.. A man.
The only Hue man Being .. H B 8 2
The Origins…

You the 99% chose to focus on Money.. See Sacred portal 50 Ego Oge…
The true play bored you despite it being of Exquisite Beauty and the Truth all had been waiting for…
You lash out like demons when you are called out… and there is no difference between you and Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump for they are the perfect mirror reflections you created by your true Hypocrisy, easily revealed by your thoughts which move you.
I played the Shaman with S F.. E M F…I was used and I observed it..
I could not leave the play, or this posting because as you have all witnessed, the great evil is in me.. literally. Moving me in its play of which created the cosmic battle between the A E in me and the 99% who are really 66.. Jeffrey E died in prison age 66.
See Sacred portal 66… then 6/6= 1.A See sacred portal 1 A.. and 12=3.. 123.. and 3…C.

I had no choice as I understood a long time ago that some one had sacrificed me to the Spirit Real to find a way out of the Frame and the vicious Cycle and back to Eden Paradise.
You enslave rather than take personal responsibility and do the work.
You expect to make wring decisions and then blame others after you are the one who poked the bear, started the conflict then retreat and blame accuse when you get the natural response from the bear.

I would not be posting now… or ever if not for what was done to me.
Some one who was meant to evolve to the E family literally playing God.
In God we trust… Ego Money..

Gods true name is Truth… Truth Proven True..= Facts Solid..E.Awakens..

But what did you chose.. ?
4:18 p.m.
D R… I V E R..
Death Ray…

And by 2004-5 that is what should have been the end of this species but something playing Nature God had the balls to challenge my truth and expression and cee of conclusion “Slay them All…” They are Angels Messengers who used their free will to turns into Greedy Pigs… 5O.. Swine.
What concern of this was mine?
What people chose to do with their gifts of free will and choice…
That Captivating beauty.. why should I be forced into the 4th Dimension the realm of manifest thought…where all humanities thoughts had manifested Abominations monsters… perfect mirrors of what your veiled thoughts and expressions actions hidden under actions and words of “I am a good person” but as code Satya” points out your thoughts are reflected in you actions and true meaning of your words.
And as far as i can make out from beginning to end- they will con you. test you.. challenge you because they wish to do whatever they want to do and leave you carrying the bag, holding the ball of what was their responsibility and at which they resent you and lash out at you if you do not do as they say… only then will they became nice and sweet…”I love you”.. yes Bull shit.

See sacred portal 10 7 and 107..

Ally Stephens Friend on the phone had heard my voice and stated that i sounded exactly as she had imagined me to be.
I did not say anything, i knew that it connected her to Quasharia Aallah who recognized me by Sound and meet a person who was a reflection of I E.. followed by her meeting tree sage.

Here was Ally doing it in the inverse way, she had already an mental image of me… Silence Sixth sense of how I would sound.. and then heard me and then told Stephen in the car.

“Ally “Meaning of Ally
Ally means “of noble kind/sort/type” (from Germanic “adal” = noble + “heit” = kind/sort/type) and “defending men” (from ancient Greek “aléxein/???????” = to defend/help + “an?r/????” = man).”

“In Celtic Baby Names the meaning of the name Ally is: Harmony, stone, or noble. Also fair…”

Same meaning as Alexander and Allan.
A A Q…

Ally A A..to Quasharia
A-A Q… 1: 117 See sacred portal 117 chosen by Arden

* Stepen just popped by and it was a Celebration Party which is both our True Nature and he told me he got a code from Jesse Maccia also code 5 O O O..

that three codes of 5 560 549 and 5 O O O…. 1109 to 16 O 9…
19 is Perfection of I.. an Individual.

For the first time I do not feel disturbed by a presence just as I am only truly able to be comfortable with Arden because of his E M Frequency.

The problem as to why I am forced to be still posting was to complete the proof of the evidence of the E Family by recording their E Harmony as a Fact and since no one else is doing it, including themselves who can do it by now…

Stephen arrived and his Harmony of the E Family was in everything he bought, brought and said.
It is way too much to post but it involved V E G A N… 22 Enders Game A -N..
Arden Nnamdi Stephen.. Leo…
A N S L.. A Y…A B E…A M..E K and M Wine…
Mission Impossible M as the Head Quarter intelligence… as I Q Sixth Sense..
And another…15 79…

He has no idea that this Awareness Spirit moving me…
Who wept yesterday… because believe me the tears which streak down my cheeks are not mine- they belong to a force and will inside me and this force is A N- N A…
It was weeping as it did in 2013 when Nnamdi for the first time rose in me…with the Sadness and Grief of what he has put me through … that was 7 years ago. I had no idea that he was forced to demand from me 7 more years . N G 14 7…
See sacred portal 14 7… if you wish to know who is really doing this to me.
Sacred portal 147… 21 12 3 3.. 1 6…A F.
A and S.. and even Arden as Eden though he would never allowed such a play, I am fully aware after connecting with Arden that he has that ability to see that there was no other choice but to complete the play and that this 17 year old though he might be deeply saddened – he would put his best foot forward and add to that power to make me complete the play.

In fact, it was that conversation which I had said to him, telling him.. promising him that after the awakening that I would strangle him and his ass is mine!!.. which made him morph in the Kitchen to reveal the truth of who he really is undercover… the being i knew and which made me say “Wow..”

Stephen is as Arden Jeron and Aurelia line about to rise.. of the E Family as the Beautiful Devils…
Who create Mischief and Mayhem then move it back now with awareness back into harmony I.. with Ease.

I am not sure, if I wish to continue… I post because .. lets be honest they have me by the balls…
But I told Stephen I have the evidence fact at last that the E Family is present…

He at first did not wish to hear me because he refused to acknowledge the scrip which allowed itself to do this to me.
He even acknowledged me formally as The Source… “your it now I said… the A E Family I played Big Brother is watching you.. playing the Guide Father Shaman Di-bia..
Again which he spoke of the same feeling and how it wasn’t done with intention to manipulate of use… I already knew.

But then I said even the role of Big Brother is complete…
George Orwell.. G O G F..
G F E…
As well as Animal Farm..
Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstien..
See the movie Nigerian Prince…
Money not Truth is what this realm sees a supreme.
“In lies we Trust”
Not Truth even with proof.

How do I feel right now… proving the sacred portal 39… 11 28 yesterdays post time code..
47 74 11 28… 39.
Sacred portal 39 is C I… 10-11 E Galaxy C I.
12 L Liberty..
A B.. C…

Gateway out of the Maze.. Maze Runner… L R…Long Road…That is the code I left on the table at 900 South Road in Ferrills former room.
With a figure made of wood in the pose of running out…of the maze..

See sacred Portal 119 A S..
and 113… and 87 there are two boys in the latter two.. 119 Arden Stephen…
moved my Arden Jeron -Stephen.
A J S…
Who did this to me, forcing me to fight the evil the thoughts of people which blocked the view of the way out of the maze in a play of Enter The Dragon ( Bruce Lee.. B L/ L B) “Smoke and Mirrors” .. Mists of Avalon…

But which the path way out is crystal clear …

6:00 p.m if you are Natural in harmony with your Nature .. Truth True..T-Rue- Street… ( but which had to be proven true by someone outside of the play)

N N.. TT… to A-A… then E E…M… F…

This is the work Olu… represented when he spoke about the Woman from Korea a Buddhist S P 42 OM… who exemplified the meaning of taking personal responsibility but in a manner of Manners.. Humility and Grace full Circle cleaning up every place her expression might have caused confusion for not being Crystal Clear…
– A Code which I mentioned at the beginning of this play, that the moment that you open your mouth, or post and speak of sacred things or share with others, even if it is for their benefit, your is the responsibility to be Crystal Clear..

But it is not our responsibility to force you to pay attention by repeating ourselves over and over again..
The E law is 7 times.. 7 7… 14… 7 x7.. 49…
6:07 p.m
67 F Gemini.. 765 Horseshoe Hill H H 88…

The code was Add not multiplication as X.. it was Joseph Add Increase.. when you add to Perfection it Increases Awareness of Individuals… A I C… A I Love…

What I am saying is that if Alien Father Alpha had not intervened and was forced to sacrifice me against his will and not for the greater good but because of the battle and confusion with the idea of his Female form being woman in instead of F E ( 65 19 65.. Gay-Marie Hollingsworth line..)
the true Adam and Eve.. Unity Harmony as 7-8 now 88.. and 1 16 …1616… 1 32… sp 132 AB.. 1 5.. 1 56 =x and by breaking his own rules creating confusion but not chaos…and thus buying extra time…
and thus bring Kamora Herrington line as the Grandmothers and true pure Mother line of Woman originally man as Y rising through the play of XY.. 24 25.. 49… to restore the ID of the Eternal Family..
and the I & I…
He Stephen representing The Crown.. The Crowning Gloria’s would have never arisen – they would have been destroyed by the power of the evil beyond belief.

Today I am not the Big Brother…
I know that All Y are Safe and all E F..S A F.. E..
But I am I… Beyond I.. B I..
Stephen has been staying at a portal called 11 ..9 B.. as the orgin of the two S S…Stephen Sarah.. NNamdi NNonyelum…
a Male .. Man Child now evolved back to his original truth… 36.. 8-16-84..48 -61 -8 63.

My Family of E Cee me that is how we love…
though i am not convinced of this anymore.

I have made it clear that i no longer expect appreciation acknowledgement Respect for what i have accomplished all for you when you could have easily done and figured this all out yourself.

I stated moths ago, that that was ended and that i am okay with being feared …if that is what you respect..
Fear Me… of yes.. you should now…
Fear is what Animals respect…
A human being is not an animal..
Animal Farm…
its abomination is not an Animal but a Abomination Monstrosity… The Minotaur…as the great lie.. the evil in your Core..
Sexual Primal… Animals can merge with Humans but only in the Spirit plane of Expression energy…Animals have super natural abilities, and expansion of the 5 and 1 senses the Humans have…
This is A N.. A H merging but Adult Monsters?
They can not exist.. because there is no such thing…
that A M cam not exist…

So now you understand… the book i came here with when I left the shelter… Truman Capote T C ‘In Cold Blood” I C ..B…of E..

the Two in the Red Truck.. Arden ferril and arden who brought me my wallet I had no realized i had left there.. with 2 usd inside..

A S..
Arden is Emeka ..
Stephen is Ferell
and both merge at Aurelia Leander – Jeron.

Spirited away to rescue 1 and then two… see sacred portal
114 .. 114 Grant moor… 11-4-2022…Kim Arthur Hines…

And my point of view of this script… is it not cheating that not only do i do all the work of your Home Work.. H W..
Harvey Weinstein…
recall Joseph Stein and my working on his book on the Menorah – Tree of life..
Fritz will recall the experience of being used and taken advantage of as I painted his house to earn money to eat while informing him and translating the secret codes of the flower of life…. and tree of life..
Flower of life… is the actual equation.. Tree of life is the stem story W E..
Ali Samadhi
AS E..

Lotus Santana…
Martial Arts..
Evan Alexander Judson.. E A J..

A S… E.
The E Family…

The mess made in thier past for not asking permission first from me to rise in me this way …and to create a plan E T to get a body because they were apprehensive at the cost of such a play and that I might say no..

Cause & Effect always catch up to those who even with the purest intentions who do not take Proper Responsibility for their actions.
And most who have such pure intentions do not feel that they would have such consequences or that they will not be forgiven when it is clear that they intended no harm and loved me truly
But they could not see that they were selfish and had not asked me if I did not already have a plan set in place… the play of E and A
The True Conversation between Energy E and AT OM.. AH-Tom -IC Energy.. I C E…F
Frozen… F R.. O Zen.
When I turn Icy cold with indifference with a warm smile on my face…
My thoughts I now veil and no longer have to share… or alert you or explain to you why with a simply throught and reflection I am cutting you out.
Or prove to you that i know and can read exactly what is on your mind..
Thought Thoth… Grey Matter.. G M… 7 13… 20 Miss I Miss I.. PI PI.. 16 9… miss my Pi the moment we are the Gate Way sacred portal 39.. Out of the maze be absent…
S S= A.
NN = A.
E E= A.

You get the point…
and the true nature of power…
Powerful vibrations of My rage…
Power Rage…

I am beyond the E Family and the I & I…

You act out that you do not Need me.. nor will you acknowledge praise that which was done for you by my Guide Father .. Lover…who is fully aware that I will never forgive him…
And after all he did for you… to see read… even now…

I do not Forgive or Forget F F… 66 but the implications and consequences for that it different depending on the M F Band you resonate on.. which High Way…
H W… Y H W…

A Street car named desire…
What your true desire is…
See sacred portal 8…

Love links Desire..
Where no you wish to go … I will take you there.. even to Existential Death… I rose from it so yes.. it is now real and a fact an in existence and you too can experience what I experienced…
Calling out night and day in public an private while in torment that this is impossible…
I have proven it “IM Possible”
A Fact…
Now its is your turn… to mutter that while experiencing that .. but as A Fact.

6:58 p.m

You have no idea the hatred the true were given in this world Time Line.. but there is even worse, that which you will Know… that which I endured and now echo back to the Ungrateful to experience in thier turn and no Guide Father prodded by A S to get you out.

You love and respect fear…
Arden Jero-n Hero-N..are fearless. and Stephen confronts with defiance that which he fears…
But even the fearless should pause and respect that which can bring Fear..
Not to dwell there but to understand that there is a true power that All even Eternal Eden must respect… naturally…
Because that respect via fear is the foundation of the Animal nature… Its power.. and the understanding of Hierachy…
And the experience of true pain… as Death by being eaten and torn to bits…

Respect the one..
He does not need your respect.. he just rips you your spirit and being .. even your sol apart because he is the landlord… The one who owns the Rights and rites of passage…

And his no… You may not enter… see sacred portal 7 has weight…

7:06 p.m.

I do not threaten ..
I make a vow oath.. promise.. you have no idea what is really in my mind.. what i am thinking.. how I veil it… with transparency..w it..

And no longer have to voice it or give reason to it or explain it..

And by God- for the first time in my Existence Creation I understand the meaning of Hatred…
And of yes… I hate…

But it does not consume me.. its is light because it is a hate of that which is a lie.. not real.

7:09 pm
7 69…
7 15…
G O… G F … E

7:10 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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