
10/8/2018 21:39 – Facebook Post

6:10 p.m.

61 O… F A..O.

Solfegio 4th Note.

61 Days in the Simulation of an Abyss ( it proves that the Original Creator did not Exist in a Void or Emerge from an Abyss of Primordial Chaos.
Thus Fa would equate to a Note of Music- A Harmonic Note.
Not Chaos which would be proven by the fact that I am at Delta…
Delta Manor using this World and the U.S.A as a map and model of the Universal Play of Awareness- to manifest Evolution or the Quantum Leap.. Jump Man, back Home to the 5th Dimension

10-8-2018… 1O8… 18 2O 18… 18-2-18… Me bed 18.

108 See Sacred Number 108

^108: Yoga’s Sacred Number. … In yoga, the number 108 refers to spiritual completion.

*a self number.[2]
nine dozen

There are 108 free polyominoes of order 7.

The equation 2 sin ? ( 108 ? 2 ) = ? {displaystyle 2sin left({frac {108^=phi results in the golden ratio.

*108 is the atomic number of hassium.
*108 degrees Fahrenheit is the internal temperature at which the human body’s vital organs begin to fail from overheating.

Hassium is a synthetic chemical element with symbol Hs and atomic number 108. It is named after the German state of Hesse. It is a synthetic element and radioactive; the most stable known isotope, 270Hs, has a half-life of approximately 10 seconds. More than 100 atoms of hassium have been synthesized to date.[2]

Today Isabelle Ilic promised to send one last gift code..
She sent 180:00 usd… 18.

Today is Rachael Devon Rios Sessions Album Release called”Ayam’


“Aya means “spirit, soul”, “corpse, dead body”, and waska means “rope” and “woody vine”, “liana”.[4] The word ayahuasca has been variously translated as “liana of the soul”, “liana of the dead”, and “spirit liana”.[5]”

Like an Umbilical Chord… The True Serpent linked to Eve.

This Completion.. 108.. 1 O 8…
One Full Circle of Infinity standing up…

From Roger Attaway’s Post…

Phaedrus — ‘Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.’

Here is the Evidence of the exchange this morning just afterI contacted Isabelle Ilic

Susan O Nelson…

I love it! Wish I had thought of it when my kids were little
How are you today?

Emeka Kolo

Ready to go go home- I am amazed that despite the concrete evidence of my being moved from room at this Shelter has proven that we are in a script- that still no one has understood that fact… It changes everything people have assumed about life… the code of room movement is 53 45 44….

( 53 Was the bed of Keith Grant who was an Avatar if my family… I was in bed 49.. D.I.. Dawn Isabell … 53 E C… E Consciousness.. 45 The Earth 4.5 Billion yrs old… 44… balance.. 8.. 16… Harmony Perfection… 24.. One Day…. 8:58 .m… )… same with the bed numbers… 5-019 the first bed I was assigned but not allowed to sleep in.. it spells EOS.. Meaning Dawn…

Susan O Nelson.
Wow alot of synchronicity there for you.
This dance of numbers does not end.
I hope you have enough to eat and are safe. Please know you are loved. I’m sure we all wish to go home.
I know last few days I cant shut off the cries
From everyone
Begging screaming to go home
To be released from this
You are very ingenious with your thought processes

Emeka Kolo

Of course it ends… The numbers are not random.. they create meaning… sigh. Aligned to the script and codes… You really do not understand the play..? It is an equation Susan which brings manifestation. It does not require people understanding it to manifest, Numbers are simply symbols representing something such as Pi… There is no synchronicity in the numbers linking to meaning… If you compute someting at it equates to the number Pi… It means that you have arrived at Pi…

Susan O.Nelson.. 8;44 a.m.

Pi is not the end
Nothing is random
And no it will not end. It has not ended for so many times I cannot count them all.
This is yet another replay
Slight variables

Emeka Kolo.

Pi is the circumference of a circle- if something is within us which moves us without our being conscious of it and it spells out Pi.. or the Equation word for Dawn.. What do you suppose it is saying to you…?

Susan O Nelson..
But nonetheless the same
Hang on phone call

Emeka Kolo
I am not even going to bother to argue with you- i know at this point it is a waste of time ( no offense) but the script on my page is pretty clear and most people understand it because it is so bloody clear. So I will let you continue with your belief system – while by passing that to link with your Eternal Truth which moves you all and is aligned and worked with me to resolution. Thank God I do not need peoples consent to manifest that which is… each to their own beliefs… I am not interested in beliefs ” And hope you are eating and getting rest” is appreciated but they are words not action…And I am manifesting Facts.

Susan O Nelson..
Have a good day. Emeka. Your ego will be your undoing.
Blessings to you
You are very condescending. I wonder if you ever realize you speak to yourself so rudely.
Love to you sweety. I hope you have a magical day. ??

Emeka Kolo..10:13 a.m,
Good Day.. and Good by Susan our scenes are done and complete.

It started with here messaging me at 8:44 a,m.

Please Dawn Piercy, you perhaps will Recognize the code of I posted yesterday of the rooms I had been moved to in my 24 months at Delta Manor…

Rooms 5B 3A 4B 5A 4A 4B…

5 3 4 5 4 4… And how Patrick Okolo had sent me a grand total of 510 usd.. Which links to Anthony Manino Bed 5-001…Rm 5A.. 51..51… Who they call little jesus because he truly looks like the western image of him.. except he has Dreads which sweep the ground.

Link bed 4-004 which I passed through and Dean Dunkwu D D who sent me total 800:00 usd.

D D.. 4 4.. Link how I aligned it to David Dawn who was in bed 4-017..when I was in bed 4-016… D.Q… D.P..
Link 4-016 now shifted to number the place of 4-017 – all the positions of the bed stayed constant but when I returned a year later they had for some mysterious reason changed the bed numbers reducing them by -1..
Yuin Chen is now in bed 4-016/ 17..
Francis Frick bed 4-017/18…
Me 4-018/19…
And the Bed I occupied was occupied by three people after me Lorenzo Widget.. L W.
Robert Currin. R C
Kassim ‘Victor’ Hudson.

8:42 p.m.

Susan writes

‘My Ego will be my down Fall..
Speak so rudely to my Self…?
Love you sweety…?”

I beg to disagree my Self Projection is what made and makes me Rise…

8 :44 pm. Right now..

By 10:13 am the Play with Susan was ended, and I saw no reason to waste each others time.She had given me all the Intel from her Soul Spirit…Eternal Truth… The rest she can keep.

10-13 is Kyle Murphy birthday…
Mike O.. who could pass for an American Indian is in bed 4-004…
10+13= 23…W..
44 is 8..
That is the Route of Harmony… the Route I took and as to who is moving who…or powering this…

5 3 4 5 44.. 53… 8… 45..9… 44.. 8… 898… 17..Q…
David Dawn
Francis Frick..
Yuen Chen…

Bed numbers.. 19..2 16 6..4 .18/19…
S. B P.F.D R/S….
S/R…D F P B..S… David and Francis were both on bed 17…
D F… S R…/ R S…Where I am right now- links to Rachel Sessions… Rachael Devon Rios Sessions.. R D R S…
The code is RD RS…represents me at bed 18/19 as Robert David…Stephen Robert… Road to Resurrection Supreme.
“Renee” is my Case Manager…
Ayam! Her release is today…
8 Harmony with the Voice I represented..Aya M.
I AM… as well as May A..May First … 5 1…Ant Manino..
Miceal O is on bed 4-004 which was occupied by Quanamae Lewis Q… and then me, before moving to 18/19.
Thus the 3 who were in that bed 4-004…(44)
E.K…Q.L..M.O…. M O means “Modus Operandi ” and backwards OM…Om… Power- I moved through thefull Circle…
So E.K/ K E…. Q L/ L Q… M O/ O.M.

And with first letters of the 3 who occupied that bed E.Q..M..
E Quantum ( Quintessential ) Manifestation Mann.

9;16 p.m.
I P.. The day I arrived at Delta Manor for the Challenge…
And Dawn Piercy birthday.

I have been presenting Evidence and Facts for 6.9 years, she has been a Facebook friends since 18 Mountain View when I was guest of Jonn and Donna.
My page is reserved for solving, and demonstrating the play of a challenge. Awareness.
Everyone who is my facebook friends is aware of this.
I am presenting evidence facts which people can chose to follow and read and observe the process or reject it.
But I do not go on anyone’s page and challenge, deny or impose my views on their belief systems.
And people choose to be my Facebook Friends by choice.
And despite it all, I have spent so much energy seeking to be polite and tell you what I am doing, how I am speaking to the Eternal in you, who is the one who moved each of you to this my page.
And demonstrated the Harmony of this.

I explained then.. She has been a face book friend since 2015/2016…
Why now this expression.
And why would I wish to waste my time on someone who has a different belief system and does not even acknowledge evidence and facts which other, along with me have witnessed.

Why reduce the Phenomena of Synchronicity, which is the sign of Harmony to banality instead of investigating what the synchronicity means, points to.

Victor Kassim Hudson testified to having experienced it, for the first time after he had his storm.
The next morning he relayed to me the history of an interaction which he had with Lorenzo.
It culminated in his coming to a conclusion which placed the intel about a situation which he had also asked me about ( was he checking me?.. smh…lol.. why not..?)

But it is what he said after the Storm of his rage, of which that scenario of which he concluded that it was all psychological warfare. WAR… till your RAW…
6:48 p.m.

He came to this conclusion that “They are ‘Fucking’ with Peoples heads.

“It means that something is True” when there is instant manifestation of that person.
But it has a back story.

– he told me that as he was preparing for that meeting, a little voice in his head told him that she would not be there.
He ignored it and sure enough shewas not there.
I had called the Voice in his Head the sum total of his own awareness speaking to him.. The Self.
Which his had confirmed with instant recognition by the way his eyes lit up.

Synchronicity, Symmetry Music Note moving along a Frequency, a Wave length of a story already played out as he stated when we were here as Souls.. Spirits Music and Dance
and even when the person appears to confirm it still requires a vocal expression which both acknowledge and which this brings Harmony.
This is a conclusion which I had long since come to- and had tendered my evidence as far back as 2008/9..
And is what brought me to face book and to Delta Manor.
The fact that Opioids, ( Poppy Plant.. Opium… China.. Wars…) ancient Alchemy.. using sacred plants like Ayahuasca Marijuana, all used in sacred rituals of Astral Projection..
Travel into the “Spirit Mind.. Subconscious”

*Ayahuasca (UK: /?a?(j)??wæsk?/, US: /-?w??sk?/), iowaska, or yagé (/j???he?, jæ-/), is an entheogenic brew made out of Banisteriopsis caapi vine and other ingredients.[1] The brew is used as a traditional spiritual medicine in ceremonies among the indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin and is known by a number of different names (see below).[2]

B. caapi contains several alkaloids that act as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Another common ingredient in ayahausca is the shrub Psychotria viridis which contains the primary psychoactive compound, dimethyltryptamine (DMT). MAOIs are required for DMT to be orally active.[3]

D M T… That is what Donna O’Sullivan took when she saw these beautiful blue beings.
Donna studied for over 40 years Transcendental Meditation.
And also worked as a producer of Opera music for children…

* “Ayahuasca is the hispanicized spelling of a word in the Quechua languages, which are spoken in the Andean states of Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia. Speakers of Quechua languages or of the Aymara language may prefer the spelling ayawaska.[according to whom?][citation needed] This word refers both to the liana Banisteriopsis caapi, and to the brew prepared from it. In the Quechua languages, aya means “spirit, soul”, “corpse, dead body”, and waska means “rope” and “woody vine”, “liana”.[4] The word ayahuasca has been variously translated as “liana of the soul”, “liana of the dead”, and “spirit liana”.[5]

In Brazil, the brew and the liana are informally called either caapi or cipó; the latter is the Portuguese word for liana (or woody climbing vine).”

Rachael Devon Rios Sessions Ayam Album Launch is today…

Ibogaine is derived from the root of the Tabernanthe iboga, a plant known to exhibit psychedelic effects in its users.[13] The experience of Ibogaine is broken down in two phases, the visionary phase and the introspection phase. The visionary phase has been described as oneirogenic, referring to the dreamlike nature of its psychedelic effects, and lasts for 4 to 6 hours. The second phase, the introspection phase, is responsible for the psychotherapeutic effects. It can allow people to conquer their fears and negative emotions. Ibogaine catalyzes an altered state of consciousness reminiscent of dreaming while fully conscious and aware so that memories, life experiences, and issues of trauma can be processed.[14]”

The psychoactivity of the root barks of Iboga tree, from which Ibogaine is extracted, was first discovered by the Pygmy tribe of Central Africa who passed the knowledge to the Bwiti tribe of Gabon. French explorers in turn learned it from the Bwiti tribe and brought Iboga back to Europe in 1899-1900 where it was subsequently marketed in France as Lambarene. Ibogaine-containing preparations are used for medicinal and ritual purposes within African spiritual traditions of the Bwiti, who claim to have learned it from the Pygmy peoples.

The Ancient Alchemy perverted into what it is used as today.
And yet as I stated years before on this pages where used to access the Spirit Realm to link with the Dead- the Ancestors.
Traveling through Song lines..
The plants are Vines… Link.. same principal as Ariadne and Theseus going down the Maze.
Jack and the Bean Stalk…
David and Goliath..
Love Links..
dna.. Dne… Sound…Bytes Bites…

Now who controls the original pathways..
The Exploration of the Mind Brain.. Individual and Collective Memory…?
Who took them over. placing blockages along the Way…
What blocks memory…Awakening…

See the World and Men and Women rising all over the World having experienced Trauma…
Sexual… LOOK at the sheer overwhelming numbers.. and imagine this is only a fraction of those speaking up


Trauma is Generational…goes back generation after generation does it not.
and if is is not healed. and even worse used as a science of warfare to use Trauma to not only make people Black Out but to forget and to never realize their potential..
And then recall Zombies.. that state is reached using chemicals which come from plants.

All I have written and documented about This Truth…

As a Artist, Scientist. and Social Scientist…
He ignored it and sure enough she was not there.

P T S D is meant to represent Perfect Timing… Supreme Devotion.
D S T P… 4-019 My bed number… 19/18…T.P 20 16..
I was moved to this room first in Dec 2016 in front of you and received a cap with the code of my name initials on it on Christmas Day…
Chike Nwosu and old class mate linked through Dean Dunkwu sent me 330:00 from the class of 1982.
C.N.. Circumference of a circle… P.I.. 16 letter P..
88.. 16.. 8888 8888..64… 80…. 7 10…80…8O.

It has happened so often, people who recognize the ultimate truth, then in a ‘hissy fit” (their P.T.S.D coming out as Trauma ) at mis -understanding an expression or their believing that they have reached completion which she stated and then deciding that she had the power to take that acknowledgment away.
It has happened so often.. even on this page.
..Something which I was stunned at fist and saw as one of the ultimate acts of Human Cruely.. This “Power” tool people reach for so often.. That power to Deny… To betray their words- their own expression and then flip in at, and onto another..
A Tactic so base, so crude and uncouth..
Primitive is not the word because there is such malice in intention this practice…
And the most absurd thing of all is that their opinion has no ability to effect the truth. Others who are not influenced by witchcraft and spells people use now in language sound inuendo, irony in which they relish using an advantage that the others not understanding, like the Arab man at the the Deli..1461…
Or the words which threw Khabib into such rage at the match on the 6th

Kassim said that the next morning after that 10 min storm in New York which caused so much damage, he had put all his finding together and as he thought about Lorenzo own response Lorenzo appeared in perfect timing and then told Kasim that he only realized in hindsight what he had told him and that he said that he had not seen that point of view and had learned something.
That is when Kasim had later told me that he understood that Harmony I spoke about was real and present. It manifested exactly as I had informed him.
His conclusion of what Synchroncity is.. it has a back story but what it does he said is that it confirms TRUTH.

“It means that something is True” when there is instant manifestation of that person. But it has a back story and even when the person appears to confirm it still requires a vocal expression which both acknowledge and which this brings Harmony.

Its is 9:18 p.m right now…
And 9 is the number on my page.. I watched it move from 7 where it had stayed for a while, and then rose to 9 and has stayed there.

I do not know what is happening with Isabelle Ilic.. I I..
but I know that I trusted her expression and I trust her intent and Harmony, and that She as well as I, and All are being moved by the end of a Cosmic War which went too far…
Too Far in resolving Conflicts which at the root did not wish to be solved by the sources of it..

And how a Harmony Eternal can be proven over and over again..
To Roger Attaway, to Aturo Niege…to 5 34 5 44…( 5-7 5-8)
To Ant Manino.. to Kyle Murphy… to Micheal bed 4-004 with Hurricane Micheal about to make landfall…

Modus Operandi…
Legal Definition of modus operandi. : a distinct pattern or method of operation especially that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime.

I studied Advanced Pattern Cutting and Urban and Regional Planning… minor Architecture..
I have speaking out and documenting how humans move in patterns and how and what moves people…
I studied my own trajectory…

Donna O Sophia/ Sullivan..
Delta Operating System…

Defeated by Dharma Santana.. Eternal Truth..Law..
Devotion O Supreme…

..But what this is..?
This abomination of a Script, how it was allowed…
and to go this far to destroy one mans discovery, recovery, recollections.. collections…

9:39 p.m.
I C I..

Ici… H E R E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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