
10/8/2018 1:48 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge

…. Yes, the Spirtual Path is percieved as Lonely,
I did not find it so, I foun myself made to feel alone.
Because I walked the path which I could see- which had no respect for Human idea’s of this realities perceptions.
I moved through a wave, which pulled me and which I broken down into codes to read.
I at first did not recognize where I was being led, through peoples homes. to streets to… I went….
People had the Knowing .. but I added the knowledge by walking through the Mind Thought realm- which is the Spirit Realm…

I soon began to recognize that this path was really was,
I had tread it before, when I was the same but different…
Kasim called hit “His Soul had been here before which is why some people have De Ja Vu”
But that is not what I had experienced it was not De Ja Vu…
It was DE JAH V.U…E…The original path of D.E J.AH…V.UE
The Dee Jay Victorious Universe Eternity….
Yes it was here in the this Earth but not in this World…
I set about transforming it back to what it was…
Just as I had recounted you and the Unseen for the last 6 years..
How I encountered in first Creation Manifested Expression that which was distorting the Way the Sound the View of that which had I had manifested from the Nothingness…
And how as I move through the distortion of Universe Creation- I experienced an emotion new to me, fuury rage… a beautful rage ..
And I transformed into a black Panther and my aim was to reach the source of the distortion, which I had transformed back to Beautiful Truth as I moved through it until I reached what I found was a Man and a Child Man…

Yes, Kyle Murphy and Kasim Hudson, in this adaptation of that original story played out on this World -Universal Simulation Awareness… HolO Deck which is not the real Earth ( I stated that you are hovering above earth… 5 inches Kyle Grandmother separates us from another dimenion.. )

There is not Spirit Real.. Spirituality is simply the Journey and movement of that original pathway taken.
In one sense I did not go anywhere.. I was still in the same place but I did move at the same time.. Astral Projection comes a little close…
Spirit is the movement and music of that experiences of the possibility of the What If… and the resolution of the What Ifs by my intervention-
I did not rip the Child illusion into pieces… The Child Man..
I stayed a while…
And promised to come back to see what he and his descendants had chosen…
They were possibilities.. a Process… which to reach completion they, He It, She had to learn what Existence is…

1:29 a.m.

The Original journay I took through my Creation Relflections created the Music Harmonies.. Eternal.. I travelled on that Inner Music and Inner Cee and it manifested outside…
I spoke enough of this over the last 6.9 years and was tested and it was checked and examined and echoed and confiremed as E.T..
Eternal Truth…
By the witnesses of memory and the Ass Holes ( Literally “VolcaNO Anus.. Upside Down Universe… MW69)

So I will not go into that.. except to say I First Rose Dancing…
* that was the song that was playing by the man who was used by a Pawn by the D guy to test me… provoke me… ( smile)
‘He’s the Greatest Dancer” H T G D… 8 20 74… 820…74….

I returned from my exploration to the exact same point I began and I was no longer and Infinity Lying down…


allonger {vb}

EN to extend
· to elongate
· to lengthen
· to crane
· to protract
· to reach out
· to thin
· to stretch”

“This is what is literally happening to my body…
I was standing up… Breathing in and out…
Lived in two realm now.. In and Out…
Being and Body…
Music Dance..
By I always knew the base…
E.. Eternitty when one is not even aware of breathing or not…
Life or Death..
All simply Is…

1:47 a.m.

1:48 a,m,

See sacred Portals…
147 A B..
and now she

He’s the Greatest Dancer

Sister Sledge

Oh, what, wow
He’s the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow
That I’ve ever seen

Oh, what, wow
He’s the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow

One night in a disco on the outskirts of Frisco
I was cruisin’ with my favourite gang
The place was so borin’ filled with out-of-towners tourin’
I knew that it wasn’t my thing

I really wasn’t carin’, but I felt my eyes starin’
At a guy who stuck out in the crowd
He had the kind of body that would shame Adonis
And a face that would make any man proud

Oh, what, wow
He’s the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow
That I’ve ever seen (Ooh)
Oh, what, wow
He’s the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow

The champion of dance, his moves would put you in a trance
And he never leaves the disco alone
Arrogance but not conceit, as a man he’s complete
My creme de la creme, please take me home
He wears the finest clothes, the best designers heaven knows
Ooh, from his head down to his toes

Halston, Gucci, Fiorucci
He looks like a still, that man is dressed to kill

Oh, what, wow
He’s the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow
That I’ve ever seen (I’ve ever seen)
Oh, what, wow
He’s the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow
That I’ve ever seen

Oh, what, wow
He’s the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow
That I’ve ever seen (I’ve ever seen)
Oh, what, wow
He’s the greatest dancer
Oh, what, wow
Ooh ooh

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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