
10/7/2019 19:28 – Facebook Post


Happy Birthday to:

Aaron Stewart. A.S

Isabelle Sullivan Evans. I S. E

Deena Deborah. D D.

D D.

J ( A O A 6. )
J T.S. John Thomas “Stephan”

I S. E
D D J T.S.

5:30 p.m

D D is 4 4. Balance.. 8.
D D reps David Dawn. Bed 4-017.

I have a new Facebook Friend,

Mike Sab Ndulue.

Mike means “Who is as God?”
The answer is Water Transparency.
Water Town.
O W T/ T W O.

Sab means ” A Hunt Saboteur” and is short for Sabbath” which is the 7th day of rest.
Now Sunday.

Ndulue is an O I Nri Igbo word which means ” If Life Makes it.. So”

“Who is as God, Transparent Creation.. Air Water Expression it is the Hunter of the Saboteur, the One who rests after creating life who makes it so…”

Microsoft Service Network.

Manifested Supreme Network.

Roots.. Web.. Network of communication.

Its interesting, after yestetdays play,
I realized that I am kind of done with this whole play and script.
And especially translating, transcribing, transforming and documenting my solving over and over again on Facebook.

Riddles solved and solved, and to add to insult solving peoples riddles, of which they represent pieces pieces of the puzzle of Human Evolution.
With me doing all the work, sharing the intel, living in peoples worlds, fighting, bearing insult and suspicious doubts tests..
Until they see the evidence of the Truth.
Then having to clean up their past..
While they invite me into their homes.
64 times in 18.7 years.

How is that this Script through people, place me at the greatest disadvantage.
Example: a body morphing, speaking for Itself..
A constant invasion by Impulse Stimuli outside of me.

A Christ story as a lie, a distortion of Self Abnegation for the sake of other’s.
– something which makes no sense.
Because We all know what that creates.

And yet, in this Script, what about outrage, witnesses, sponsorship, awe, respect.. ?
This Script negates all I am, all I have done, all I have shared.
And encourages people to take advantage, challenge, compete with the very person who was sent to answers their prayers ( literally)

And they get to crucify my Espirit, ignore my discomfort and some even get impatient with me when I continually express my outrage, indignation after enduring this body being locked ( not possessed, though it feels that way.. but I solved this years ago)
for 17 yrs.
All so, I could bring an Eternal Family home and with Body Suits of the 5th Dimension.

Of course, I do not require peoples, sympathy compassion.. or even outrage.
But that is what a Human Being would do.
A normal human being would react.

To not just what is happening to a person who has been proving evolution a fact, with his body and being rising as witness..
While an Evil representation of what I can call the False Ego, pulling me, holding me back.

Of yes, I know what and who causes my Muscles, Tendons, Fibre and tissue.. my body to contract.
Tug Pulled T P.

6:31 p.m

* See the Patrick Okolo play.

And for Pete’s Sake, I have solved the Riddles of Existence even in this extremely and unnecessary complicated, intricate weave of a script.

Evidence Proof Facts..

Where is John Mack.
Where are the ones I was sent to whom I fought so hard to help make them rise to see that which I see..

P.S It can not be sustained with out me, linked and connected no matter how much in Harmony and Perfect Timing you get.

Electricity Charge.. Switch.. Circuit Board..
Umm me..
And I don’t even have to anything, the switch and connection automatically switches off.
The E M F circuit is powered by Truth and Love.

And erm, its also my invention.

No one who is truly Human and recognizes the Truth of me and my condition would not spring to action.
Not just from Horror and Compassion but because of the Facts Proofs, witnessed for them selves, that this a Play Theater, but based on Human Evolution.

There is hardly a person, aware of my work who is not aware of the burden of proof I had to demonstrate or that this is Not At all for my benefit, and that the Consequences would affect all.

And if they denied this being real, then they face the Consequences of choosing the wrong side.
And if you know it is real, true.. there is obviously a correct response.

“Holy Shit!!!”

I do appreciate Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Sarah Kaizer for their care, while I passed through the portal they represented for 10 months.
Since E.M.F invited me here.
Even if they did not truly recognize the E and the Truth, they witnessed enough evidence to do at least keep their words and commitment.

6:56 p.m

But to be honest with you, this Script has made me suspicious from the Get Go.

I do not believe in Self Sacrifice, or cleaning up others peoples life descions.
And much less a Script which bases its content on having to live with people, convince them, prove to them… convince them to see the evidence of Evolution and come home with you.

That is insane..

But I walked it, because it proved to be the Truth.
But where was it leading to?
Awakening or a Black Hole or the Two in One.
Yes, I already proved this into Existence..

7:03 p.m

As I stated so many times before, I continued this far, to understand the point of this Evil Cruel lob sided play and Script.

A S. 1 19. Means “The One Apha Supreme”
Art Science.

I S. E. / E S P.I… E S I.P.

7:06 p.m

D D.
Dean Dunkwu sent me 200 x 4. 800 U.S.D.
I had not seen him in since 1982.
34 years.

He retrieved my Birth certificate
And we spoke and he provided valuable intel
D D was also linked to David Dawn
Beloved Dawn.
2 4.

There is only one possibility, purpose of such a terrible and imbalanced play,

7:11 p.m

Of The Trickster outwitting the Tricsters characters created by this Script.
Which I had stated before, through the years, which is Empty the Trash.
Bring and End to this Matrix of Cruelty Indifference and those who claim to be Human Beings, but of course, are not.
Because I am a Hueman Being, and passed as a Human Being.
And both of these beings have a Heart.
4 4

And I spoke to Liberty C Liscomb about this today, showing her my new facebook friend M.S N and his Facebook Potrait a Black Hole.

Recall Stephan Filgueria had one for a while on his page, placed on his head.
And recall Kyle Murphy who met Stephan and who both carried Terrible Death, who began to appear clearly in the Script, at Generation X Gardens East 4th Street.

And to tell you the Truth, even being made to carry the Garbage out, and incarnate a Black Hole.
I am still not completly convinced, that such a script was necessary, and or, allowed to go so far

The Evil, the Inhumanity of this play and how people treat each other..
The Selfishness and casualness of carefully step by step malice visciousness..

A Human Being does not behave that way, they would bring A.I.D.
Publish the Manuscript, do everything to get peoples attention… just as I did.

After all I am MAN
Alexander William Emeka Victor.

Defender Of Man.
Praise to The Victor.

Light Blue..
W A T E R.

Thats the only way this makes sense..

7;26 p.m

1407 Facebook Friends
N. O G.
A. D O G…

Nako Pipa?
And Ire.. Dali..

7:28 p.m

Good Grief!
I know what that code means!

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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