
10/7/2018 0:15 – Facebook Post

From Susan Otelia Nelson

Susan Otelia Nelson ??
“You wish to know my names.
This is what I am called.
I am called Glad of war, Grim, Raider, and Third. I am One Eyed, Fire Eyed, Flashing Eyed, and The Blind God.
I am also called Highest, Eagle Head, The Hanged God, and True-Guesser.
I am Grimnir, Lord of the Aesir, God of Prisoners, and The Hooded One.
I am All-Father, Gondlir, Wand Bearer, and Spear Shaker.
I have as many names as there are winds, as many titles as there are ways to die.
My ravens are Huginn and Muninn, Thought and Memory.
My wolves are Freki and Geri.
My horse is the 8 legged Sleipnir.
I am Odin.”

Saga Vanecek… 8 year old girl found a 1,500 year old VIking sword in a Lake.
Yesterday, I did the play of the codes with Kyle Murphy of the deepest darkest magic- cruelty.

12:15 p.m.

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