
10/6/2019 14:39 – Facebook Post

From Nuala Evans

Natural Evolution

Gay-Marie Hollingsworth.
G M.H.. 7 13 at 8

* 7 and 13 were the numbers of the children who appeared infront and besides me in the Fair Liberty C Liscomb took me to.

1:11 p.m

Now as you know, that I have making the claim that not only am I not from this worlds frequency and consciousness, but that I am from the Future Present aka the Origins of Energy and its Source Expression called Eternity Eden and that 43 yrs ago as a 7-8 year old boy in Windsor Park, Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada I wrote a recollection of my being dropped off in this dimension for a mission by my Family of E.T..
* I was a little different from then because I had a solid body ( Suit) merged with my being.

You may also be aware, that since I left university in 1988, I resumed my secret quest to find my family, and through that secret and inner quest, stumbled upon the Spirits Mind dimension frequency of this world and dimension.

It was not a wave or frequency which I wished to ride or walk through, it was not the truth nor the way of the E.
At first, as I walked through Reality, in this case London England, I could see that a Wave was moving me through people who reflected and radiated, emitted a frequency which I came to recognize as the Memories and storues, inherited from the Dead.
Ideas of the Truth of Creation distorted to places of Non Existence.

I tried to get off these wave lengths which I had begun to percieve as far back as a baby and toddler, and then fully activated in West Africa, Nigeria when I was confronted for the first time with my parents ancestry.

Natures Expression of the Truth, and the true search of origins of Man.

This did not concern me, because I had studied humanities history and also way of being, and saw that they had chosen to see things in an obviously twisted and perveted kind of way.

1:38 p.m
13.8 billion Universe.

13 8. M.H = 21.. Letter U
Manifest Harmony
Harmony Manifested.
E Harmony Manifested.
21= 3
Letter C
Speed of Light
Racing through the Ether,
From the Origins of the Big O.
Orgasm.. Organization.. Organism..
Mouth O.H. YES. HUES AH!

Some call it the Big Bang..

I of course, was searching for my Eternal Family and found myself unstead lead through the a World of Words Thoughts and an Existence not real, but the insane mission of having to move through these perverted expressions of prgrams first planted by my Family of T E N.
The Elegant Nomads.
Transformed by lost in translation, misunderstanding, and others, intention to deform and literally imprison all the species to a literal Eternal Slavery..!
And without solving their riddles, that impossiblity literally becoming real.

Yesterday with Liberty Liscomb, I saw myself and her, literally in a play where I recognized first contact not just at the begining of Time called this Universe, but the First Contact made with Mammals and the Forest Peoples who rose after we left to represent a seed my family had planted, of which the species evolved to Humans would be the Ore and building block of my Familes body suits.
Of course, the Human Species were meant to evolve by family merging with these walking talking bodies creating a new species called the Hue Man Species.
And thus, those who could not.. would not rise to the E frequency would become by products of the play..
While the rest would rise evolve.

And then of course, releasing my family of E to merge with me, transforming them, evolving them from Extra Terrestrial ( Eternal Truth) and into the E.

It is no coincidence this picture from N.E
Natural Evolution..
Or that I am on Facebook while at my last portal of as Liberty C Liscomb of a journey which began in 1988 Dec..

Or that the portal and code at which I passed through Jesse Maccias portal was Family and Code 2012. 68.. Golden Ratio .. E.Q.
And that I had a conversation with Liberty which she noted was 56:56 mins.
Which she had no idea at the time, that her noting the time, had swayed me from walking away, after 29.11 years from this Play Theater.

56 56 is E F. E F
Eternal Family.
56/56 =1
11 11 = 4 (1)
11 11= 22. V.

Please see sacred portal 56.

So, this photo has special meaning, by not only its perfect timings, but also the image of the photo of the presence of President Donald Trump
D.T.. 4 20. 42 O. 42 6. 4 26.. D.Z.. 4 8.
T D. 20 4. 24. E.M.F =24
2 O 4.. 26 4…84… 1984. Esteban Miquel Filgueria.
Big Brother Is Watching.

Donald Trump.. A Trump D’oeil… Trump Card..
A Play..
A Ruse, and a diversion, part of the play of the Truth.
Donald means ” Universal Ruler”..

Meaning the representation of all Humanity.

Not blonde white peoples..
As reflected for years on Television Screens.
And not a ruler as a King or Queen.
But as a Measuring Rod.
Rulers Measure…
Of what is the True Measure of A Man and a Human Being.

And so, he played his part in an Enders Game of True and False.

Yes No..
Yes hues AH..
All Colors, Notes Expression in one
1-7 Solfeggio Spectrum
Merged back into one
Transparent Light
Family of Energy
Are Expression Transpatent
Rep of Air Breath and Space..
A B S..Truth.
Eternally True Constant.

E T C…


Yes, I have been speaking to them through face book, and the designated hosts, I had to meet calles U.
Y O U.
A E I O U. Y

Vowels Bowels..
Fear. Vanquished by Organization of Internal Organs..
Evacuating of Toxins
Large Intestine.
L I B. ( QW) E R.T. Y ..
Y ..T R..E. ( Tre Shawn bed 4-019 Delta Manor)
B I L…
Being Infinite Limitless…Love.

B I L L..?
B U L.L. S H I T…
B S.. Being Supreme.. Ha..

Correct code
See meaning of the name

” Desire Helmet Protector ”
P H D..”

Will I A.M. E

William Tell
Robin Hood
Little Red Riding Hood
Dora The Explorer

He shot the Apple ..Big Apple Dead center
And saved his Boy..

Whale Rider…
And his Girl to.

2:35 p.m

23 5. Abby Temple..
W E..

2 3 5.
B C. E.

2012. 32/23. W..Double V
55. EE.

This is how I have been communicating with my Family…
Through Codes on my Facebook Page.
And Conversation in person through all of you.

2:38 p.m
B C H. Being Connecticut Harwington at 900.
S Road.

2:39 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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