
10/6/2019 0:07 – Facebook Post

11:53 p.m

I have a New Facebook Friend

Abby Temple


Its a code Linked to Liberty C Liscomb her own license plate which I noted,
AT 331 6 33
And which she another one cose noted today..
AT 777 33…

Do you see the connection?
I saw her code and liberty saw the arrival of Abby linked to her own I.Q.
777 is 21 U. 3. 33 is 6. 6th sense aligned to F.. AC T. I On
Fantasy Fiction linked to Fact.

The play at the Fair today was 77. 14.. 2(7)
The play at ended with 14 12. Noted Bun..
Who counted Lost Balloons..
And 14, 000 Pounds announced pulled, by tractors a moment later.

Abby can mean an Abbey.. as in a place of Worship.
And yes a Temple.

But it really means ” Fathers Rejoiced, Fathers Joy.
Intelligent, Beautiful”
B I ..J.F.

Fathers Joy, Beautiful Intelligence born from his temple, his body and temmples, template born of his Mind”

A.T… E


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