
10/6/2018 21:33 – Facebook Post

By whose authority do I speak..and state I came?
Who would respect that authority without a Power to back it up, especially here in this reality.?

Isabelle Ilic just sent me a message at at 11:48 p.m.
France time.
She sent me the message the moment I was completing the last post.
And the message this time felt like a Divine as well as Humans endorsement of the She line of this world of the past.
She asked ,to who she should send this last Gift code..
Victor or Robert Kyle Murphy.
She also stated that she trust my words and all she has read about me…
She said she found coreelations between her own Energy Healing work and that which I do.

Such words would normally send me to Joy and Bliss..

But instead I am saddened by such a script.

I responded that she should send via Robert Kyle Murphy and not Victor.
The reason is obvious is it not? Not only because of the script, and what played out with Robert Kyle Murphy coming right to Taylor Avenue.
But because this is not about Victory is it- I find no Victory in this play and script.
The code links to which door way in the Altar Art Installation Chess Piece-Robert is the name i passed through into this portal and in the meaning represented by the two men in the room myself if bed 4-018 and Kassim in bed 4-015…
18 is R and Robert means:Famed Bright Shinning.. Of Light.
Moon Light… M L..
Michael Love is that portal reflection which was confirmed yesterday with his two posts – one of which I shared” where he details the ascension process.
M.L..= Y…
Y E S..H U “E S” A H…
Abel De Yeshua Yeshua.. A D Y Y…

The portal of the Man on the Altar in my Locket.. on the other side it is a Tiger…Woods…
One symbolizes the 13 Zodiac -which is a Healer…
Energy Healer… Excellent Healer. E.H..
That portal links to Aclespius Ophiuchus … M= 13..

*A Hurricane Michael is a big possibility as storm system eyes Gulf | WeatherTiger. Ryan Truchelut, WeatherTiger Published 5:05 p.m. ET Oct. 6, 2018. play …
A weather disturbance that was dumping rain near the Yucatan Peninsula early Saturday (Oct. 6) was given an 80 percent chance in 48 hours of forming into a tropical depression or storm as it moved north toward the U.S. Gulf Coast. If named, it would be Tropical Storm Michael.

Hurricane Michael of the 2000 Atlantic hurricane season caused moderate damage in Atlantic Canada. The seventeenth tropical cyclone, thirteenth named storm, and eighth hurricane of the season, Michael developed from a non-tropical system to the southwest of Bermuda on October 15. Wikipedia
Highest winds: 100 mph
Date: October 15, 2000 – October 20, 2000″

The Portal the Knight in Shinning Armor in my Locker is linked not to a sense of Victory…
But to bring the Famed Bright Shinning… of Love…
The other as the Tiger Man..Tiger Woods.. Victor “Kassim” Hudson rep links to the Black Hole…

I chose that which actually aligns to the Script I have moved through to Robert… The portal of the 13 Zodiac Sign..
Man… the Only Man…whose back is turned to this World.

8:08 p.m.

The Other portal which I link to Tony the Tiger… Anthony..
is the Rage which faces this World as a Lie.

The Portal I see, and link that I represents “Robert O’Sullivan, Rahul Da Silva.. R S… ;Ayam”( Ayam Dreh Berry) Rachael Devon Rios Sessions “Ayam Album release on Monday the 8th.
Robert Coffee… Robert Currin 4-015…Eric Ebright, Edward Eceinco ( 25 usd in Bit Coins) Eric Eposito.. Eric Eyutchae..

To the Light which brings Clarity… not confusion chaos..
Clarity Consciousness…

Yes, it comes to me through Kyle Murphy because Kyle is of a line of Supreme intelligence, brilliant but this Script seems to be made my lone responsibility – and thus, the hatred thrown at me all these years by people,- that resentment towards me is that this is all about me. Kyle Murphy did point out early in his play with me that it had nothing to do with me.
But after a while, because one person is made to carry it and no one else is being forced as i am, the forgetting comes and the resentment that they are not seen appreciated and valued.
I have watched and observed this for decades even to my sister and I growing up.It made me often hide my light so that the other could shine, see that they too have that light.
But I was then pushed in anonymity, into nonexistence by others who sought to shine even at my expense, even to my enslavement and torment before their very eyes…
They turned a blind eye.
– That greed and desire to be seen, for their own merit became the greatest impediment to the Play.
Envy jealousy grew from it.
i knew this would be the case…the same way it would create the resentment for the Teachers pet..

I knew that these family all brilliant and amazing all.. From Kyle Murphy to Randall Michael to Roberto Munoz, to KT Lockett, to Kasien Thompson, Dewight Smith, Will Woods, Allen Murray all these lines who passed through this portal and others have great things to accomplish but without their Big Brother to protect them and hold their hands, because as we all observed yesterday they are no longer Children any longer they are now Y Line of Youth.
Thus, they are the one I suggested stay behind because they have something which they have to prove, and on proving this perhaps even through great risk and peril they will be able to give unstintingly that which I share with them- the Radiant Light of Consciousness Creation.. and how to be Excellent Healers…

This they must do on their own…
Instead of doing everything to keep me in the dark, anonymous so that No one Shines…
And yet in doing that you plunged all the World into Darkness, and a quest to have questions answered.
Which only the Source can, the Original Big Brother, the First Man… First Female, First Two men….

How far did you allow your insecurities to go- to make a script where he, (I) am Invisible- and yet used to set everything correct. Use my Energy, Expression Creation, Invention, use my Art and Science, Knowing and Knowledge and then refuse to give credit where credit is due..?

This is how far it went….

I am reminded of the biblical story of Joseph of the coat of many colors and the Benjamin… J B.- via Rachel..
Leah had 6 sons… Leah Rachel 6 2… F B…

*”Jacob had twelve sons and at least one daughter, by his two wives, Leah and Rachel, and by their handmaidens Bilhah and Zilpah. Jacob’s twelve sons, named in Genesis, were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. His only daughter mentioned in Genesis is Dinah.

Dina Singh..

“Hence, kethoneth passim, may be translated as “a full-sleeved robe”, “a coat of many colors”, “a coat reaching to his feet”, “an ornamented tunic”, “a silk robe”, or “a fine woolen cloak”.[8]

James Swanson suggests that the phrase indicates a “tunic or robe unique in design for showing special favor or relationship” and that “either the robe was very long-sleeved and extending to the feet, or a richly-ornamented tunic either of special color design or gold threading, both ornamental and not suitable for working.”[9]

The phrase is used one other time in the Hebrew Scriptures, to describe the garment worn by Tamar, daughter of David, in 2 Samuel 13:18-19. This is the relevant comparison. ”

Tamara Chioma
Lorraine Tamara James
Tamika Rivera

The Equation Wave is activated but the I.D of the Creator Inventor Designer is still being denied.

From Dzidula Offiong…

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel…

Link Suzan Firegul Nkoboloane S .F..N. F N Father Nature
and Suzanne Wassail Wellbeing Wass. S W W.W W3=69

MIRACLES, unity and LOVE are the NEW SHERRIF in town. The STORMS are here on earth to establish that beautiful law of ONENESS.
Be prepared, be aware, LISTEN for the truth were LIGHT shines for the FACTS. Look at what’s being cleansed and purged. What is it that is coming to the SURFACE now and being exposed. It’s not being exposed for fun. One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed and many don’t get it. Its about time this energy balanced up. There is many things and religion being another one being exposed. GOVERNMENTS and their industries are being exposed, and of them being health… Listen and listen GOOD. The PURGE is now.The cleansing is NOW.
High Vibration is the new Sherrif for SAFETY…”

Yes Revelations

There is an obvious benefit in knowing the Creator and Inventor of the W.A.V,E.S…
Its serves as an inspiration to what each can achieve.
It is also the First and Last Authority of the subject of Creation which all the New Creators can use as a reference.
And it is better to know Him, Her in case they decide that the code of Infinity balance has become so one sided that it opens up an abyss which those who did not show appreciation and recognition ( which is the key for others to rise by recognizing outside of themselves what exists within themselves) in which as a consequence of the Law of Balance and Infinity Harmony all is created from that principal.

Reuben had not intended to have Joseph harmed but his brothers threw him into a pit, and the sold him into slavery where ended up with the Egyptian Pharoah…

Well that is a story but it has it true interpretation in code..
The coat of many colors is the Break Down of White Transparent Light… 1-7.. Rainbow Spectrum…

Joseph and Benjamin… J B…007.
The two names mean “Add the Son of the Right Hand”

The One Perfection…
Balance in Being…
J B.. 102… 12…L…Lucifer… Son of the Morning and Evening Star.”

Ah Nicole my Case Manager has left… But she created a password for me Emeka_Star 11…

I added 11 but I was curious at to why she named it Star…
I linked it N.. Sacred Portal 14… Evolution of Consciousness Star E.

9:33 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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