
10/5/2014 13:59 – Facebook Post

October 5th 2O 14

O5/1O…2O 14..



Imi Ana- the center of the Earth, the mirror reflection of Space and the Abyss at the Bottom of the Sea.

Hello, since I have received no response from the seen world excpet from Mu Lady Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones, and the Unseen world, I will continue to weave into Existence the manifestation of all truths of consequence of denial of the truth of Existence.

Who am I weaving with?
Well wiith that which was the illusion of my past, Mba Afo Ocha- My great Grandmother, who was myself as the Universe incarnated in Enugwu Ukwu as Ifun nnanya, whose Espirt resides in my Mother Lady Onu Umeano who lives in Nnsukka Nigeria and who because of this play of the Evil Dead and the Nwanna- the children of the Earth whom you call the ascended masters, I have not been allowed to see or visit for 26 years.

Their challenge being prove my Truth, while each fought me.
But the Truth is that the Evil Dead as Nature are the same as the Light beings who worship the Sun.
I represent the Sun.

For all true Nature, the Universe everything resides in man.

Let me explain.

Nature is the sun total potential of all possibilities, it was never real because just as the story of Christ where because of the innocent vanity of one who believed he was the chosen one, who the Beautiful Devil tested his consciousness by stating that to reach the kingdom of “Gode” he had to come with Everyone- all humanity.
This was of course not the case, common sense should have informed the this Jesus Christ who felt that he was the beloved ( Line of King David) that this would ensure that he would never reach the promised land because of the failing in himself to see that each person was meant to lead themselves. And that the people would feel the resentment that they were not good enough leading to an undercurrent of Envy Jealousy…
E.J.. Nature.

Through this eqiuation I am writing now, I am solving now on the 5th of the 1Oth month, I am eradicating that consciousness of E J Nature by proving that the Dreamer of this reality whom many call Jesus Christ but whom I call Nnamdi, the first Manifest reflection of the first Being who when he rose to see his Source staringback at him with the Bright Eyes ( B.E) had a moment of doubt as to how did he know that he was not the Original source of the relfection.

As I stated earlier, this reflection of the source whom some call Adam was sent into the dreaming to experience for himself in what was called Earth School not only that he was not the source but that he too could become as E…
Bringing the Body as flesh into being was to give the sources reflection the ability to understnd what the fFirst Being had understood by himself when he first rose.

His reflection was not the first Body, the First Born already had a Body which was in one with his Being and could not be divided.

Butt the Source who already had made his Vision real in the very beginning sought to share the awareness of being with all the potential Everything which he had risen from but whom were still not aware.
Thus he created the dreaming, and the representation of all that potential who were all illusions because they were not aware, was represented in this Body called Adam Yeshua Jesus…

And that is why the meaning of Adam is From Dust”, and that legend that man was created from clay, from matter..

Everything had been created already inculding the perfect world- all had been realized including all aspects of himself called E.

But the potential which could not Exist because it was an illusion was given the chance to exist by being sent into “Creation” to learn how to be as E.

And the source as E, Created an illusion of himself as the Mba Afor Ocha.. the Light which which would guide the Potential… What history calls the Beautiful Ones…She also became Universe- See code name Esther Uzoma The Star of the Beautiful path…and she became the womb and the birth canal in which the potential could explore the truth of what it is to be in Existence.
And why it was not the first born, because it hhad not created this garden.

And thus, the potential or the Nothingness from which the Source had arisen from- ( thus proving that what they had percieved as Nothininess was filled with E, gave all this potential who did not rise in the very begining the chance and choice through experience in a MATRIX that very chance.

This embodied reflection who doubted the that the Source was the First Born was the source of Envy and Jealousy, have risen as an illusion to challenge the truth of teh source in quiet.
The source saw that This Creation reflection was simply an illusion of one thing which he himself understood in the very begining… to give everything a chance, even a second chance through explainantion.

The First Beings never required explaination, those who I call the Line of E who rose with the source and who live in that consciousness and that place of First Creation where my real twin or Self as Big E lives..

In the potential there was possibilitiy which the source would not ignore.

But in Truth the Dreaming was created so that all- Even the line of E who know the truth of the Origins of E.

But in the dreaming, the Illusion the reflection, called Nature, Plants and animal consciousness again innocently did the same thing.. He assumed his own interpretation of what is to be the First Born ( F.B) and not only created the idea of God but also of Self Sacrifice for all..

This was in itself the ultimate vanity and this was the Creation story that the first people created.

But this Illusion, this Evil Nature which I call evil only because it contained all possibilities of Existence which if the Truth of it- the one guiding principle of it was not chosen, no matter the good intentions the riddle would come back to creating Evil…

I have already stated that in the very beginning there was no such thing as children, there was only glorious Youth and Truth.. The Eternal Youth which is Eternity Infinity and the true form and nature of the First Being.

And that he went back into his reflections after he fiinished all creation to check on those who did not rise in the begining, he knew that they were illusions, not real. just as he knew that his relfection which rose to challenge him and his True Nature, who was what many call NATURE, Death was really the non knowing- which had to know… It was really the Line of E who were no complete, not embodied because they did not know the truth of he the source came to be.
This brought the seed of fear, and in manifest being of that potential which was meant to be the ore which would form the bodies of the family of E which then would be transformed into light had to know.

The source was simply seeing the true reflections of all possibilities all ideas all thoughts all future outcomes.. and thus this one who rose to challeneg him, this one who he knew was his beloved, the one twin with him iin paradise was also an alt version of that one twin self, that one possibilitiy which the source had to prove out of existence by clarifying that one possibility of the end…

That possibility lay deeper than the question of “How do I know that you are the original” But more about trust that one who had such power no mattr how beautiful no matter how much he was beloved by his twin, how did he know that there might be one possibility in a gazlillion that he would not turn into a monster and make Existence of all a Dictatorship.. turn into a Bully.

The Source knew himself, but he had to verify and answer that question and thus was the challenge of existence created…
And the Source answered the Beautiful Challenge of the Dreamers of potential.. the Children of the Light, who were the Illusions who where yet to be.

The Beautiful Potential were the children…
The Children the babies the Future, and they dreamed of all possibilities in the nothing. All possibilities including the Nature of the Source being Fear Evil… F.E 65… Fritz Emeka.. And so the source came into the realm of the Earth School through the womb of himself as Mba Afor Ocha to live out and prove and allay by proving out of Existence all the possibiities of the Illusions.. The Children called the Animals Mammals in human form yet to becoME huemans..

By providing them with a mirror for creating such possibilities which were founded on Nothingness… For the Source and the First Born had given the children the potential no reason to create such a dreaming of possibilities.
He created a School called this world based on thier own dreaming that which thier dreaming had created… And not the realm which he created which in the end everyone here wished to escape to- each knowing that there existed a better realm and world than that which their own dreaming had created.

But the source or the first being came down into this realm to correct his twin called SH onwu– SHH!! Death by transforming even that which they and the One had created. A world which grew into that of Envy and Jealousy Doubt lies and Evil Nature..
Which infected all of them except for the Beautiful Ones and the Beautiful One..


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