
10/4/2018 21:32 – Facebook Post

7:41 p.m.
7:42 p.m.

My Facebook page just closed terminating a post I had just spent the last 2 hours composing, and I kid you not..
I know exactly why.

I was encoding the Time and Date
5:44 p.m.

D.E.E… And i had linked it to my what had happened to my Facebook account yesterday.
It had come from my phone number 1 917 569 544.
This sits a black box in my Alter Art Installation.
And the phone has not been used in almost a year.
Yet I saw that my Facebook pages password had been reset using that number at 5:31 p.m which was when I was sitting here at startbucks which would ruled out anyone doing in having used my phone and my number ( except the company who gave me the number and why would they hack my facebook page and hack into my page to reset my password in the space I had arrived here)

But that is what had happened, which all that it made me do was change my password.
A change I noted as very relevant.

I was encoding the code of the Date and Time..

5 44… And immediately linked it to Dee at the Shelter, and then to Dee my aunts Theresa’s daughter, and inevitably to myself as D.EE…David Emeka Ebright…

And then to 10 4 2018… J D…T R… and A O D B O A.H.

J.D is Sacred Portal 104.. Terrible Death..
And linked to Jonn Delguidce…Blackwell and Donna O Sullivan
Jonn means

The name John is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name John is: Jehovah has been gracious; has shown favor. In the bible John the Baptist baptized Christ in the Jordan river.
Which links to Jordan Colon who i have met…
Jordan links to the River Jordan and a song which we learnt as children in my 4th Grade teacher Ms Wall- one of my favorite teachers ( the other was Mr. Martin…M W..) She was a Hippy and when we she taught us this song, i recall being deeply affected by it.
It was in Ms Wall class that were given the assignment to write a story- which ended up being teh book I wrote about what I saw in my vision but also knew was a reality which I had known must be
8:06 p.m.
*I woke up at 8:06 a,m.


But it was not Ms.Wall who created that assignment for us,but rather a young substitute Teacher. Who gave mean A+++
And caused my Aunt Theresa ( yes her name means Harvester and links to St.Theresa of Avila… The Harvester is not Death, that is Beautiful Death, It harvests that which is the Beauty cultivated by Human Beings expressed by the E within which creates the Body Beautiful- why It has been ladled with the name Death and associated with Fear, because when the harvesting is done- that which remains- is cut out..

And that is what the play on my Altar Installation shows..
One one side my right is a Knight with his back to you facing a Cock Rooster ( Link Robert Currin as the rep moved by the play to represent that, he passed through the room and bed first.
Bed 4-015 which i had occupied as 4-016… It is now occupied by Victor Kassim Hudson…
E 95 H V X and J Y L was the numbers on two red stylish Zip cars parked conspisciously in near the park on my route to star bucks.
I linked it to Marina Burini.. who used rent Zip Cars)
The Knight is on the side of the Green and Red Letters.

On other side of the Altar near where the letter P and letters Blue.

8:38 p.m
That was the number of my coffee from Arab Bodega 38 for some reason I had found myself buying on credit.

A Man in the form of a Tiger stands in full wrath clothed like a Sorcerer Magician he is facing the front, and stands before a wooden piece like a door- portal to the Abyss through the Woods.
8:44 p.m.

When Kassim had stated that there will be no harmony, unless there was destruction i knew he was alluding not only my remark to him yesterday about my simply seeking of us to live in some form of harmony in the room.
3 of us do, even 4 with francis whom Kassim despises him for what he represents by his behavior.
He had called him out to me after observing him, saying that if i was staying late because so that Francis could sleep because he was paranoid at sleeping besides me that i was foolish because he does not deserve that courtesy…
But he missed the point.. Francis not staying in the room because of me brought the harmony in balance.
We slept as 3… never 4.. Francis slept alone.
But it was more what his E-Spirit said which aligned to what I had stated to Bean and the Room after the play with Roberto Munoz- which was about manners and simply finding a way that grown men could be courteous to one another whike we transitioned through this horrendous portal.
What took place with Robert was not about power and control it was about common courtesy and setting a good example.

I had observed how people her had abused power because they thought they were protected by the laws of the shelter..
And challenged people they normally would not..
I had told Bean, and those who remained in the room that since very one seemed to be strutting about, each offerin challenges to simple common sense that I would show them power..
I felt the Rage.. Terrible but Beautiful Rage rising…

His words struck me as if he were my E-Spirit of Terrible rage in in who had risen in me and now was aligned to me from within with one voice but also manifested outside in another person who was right besides me in the same room and in the bed D.O.O..
Dzidula Offiong D O.. sent me a wave message at 3:12 p.m..
I responded at 5:44 p.m.

That is when a play took place here with a Jamaican man called Robert who I have seen here for the past two years.
I have never felt the need to connect with him even when he was I was friendly with Brenda Booth and doing the work with Lisa Nathalie Johnson..
Men can carry grudges for things you link with what women do when they want attention and feel rejected.
He had a book with the Title Women on it and I believe he his doing his PHD- since he is very vocal about it and his sexuality links to the mannerism of gay men.. but who knows and who cares..
He created a scene that was simply unnecessary and which made rise the same rage as last night in the T.V room and in Back Court Yard…
I just stared, it was over something with the wire, he had connected to the socket ..
And him creating a connection which I could trip.
And i told him him to place it on the ground which he later did but not before acting as if he were ready to call me out..
It was noise but I responded quietly and he saw it .
And he saw my E-Spirit responding and then the codes which passed before me worn by people..

A Woman had stopped at the my table after a scene which I am about recount which linked to my page shutting down then reopening by itself immediately after that play took place.
On her bag was the “Super Hero’s Stuff and a tatoo of I linked to Anubis because it showed two dogs like Dobberman pincers back to back with a portal in between then with Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

I had been posting the equation which linked to Phone, and how the Kassim had walked in as I was about to leave, dressed truly elegantly. Class style..I had to remark it, but he told me how he had been sent on a wild goose chase again by the government programs to meant to help people get employment.
He concluded that the system was really about psychological war fare to demoralize the people and keep them in a spiral of Failure.
He said that the only way that there would Peace and Harmony would be if the world is destroyed.

And so this man who should have known better, then pointed out that I was stepping on his cable..which he had stated he had put on the chair facing me so that he would not make the wire touch me and disturb me…
Get your story straight I had sighed inwardly…
i pointed out that he could have put it under the chair as i had indicated and not near my foot.
He went on and on.. saying why could I not just step over it, that i knew him here and that I had an attitude in the begining and so forth..
I simply mildly pointed out that whatif I forgot thatthe wire was there and tripped…
To which he said…”Okay I see your point: and finally did as I first suggested.

That is when my face book page shut down and the code to bring the end of that line .. that is not of the men who link to the Sacred Feminine.. Robert Munoz is bed 2-012…
and this other Robert is 42 I heard him say once…
I sat with a person who is Mexican when i arrived it was in perfect Harmony of a play which we were both cordial.. He moved to the table just before i reached it.
He agreed to share and i made sure that he had space as he accommodated he space I required ofr my lab top.

I was with the Mexicans on Taylor Avenue- who keep coming around me.
I saw two men pass by either way… One wearing a kersey with a massive Tiger.. and then other who crossed the other way with teh number 8.
The same number appeared here in Brown as Earth with a man, after the play with this sillly boy..play of using aggression and war as a tool to get attention of prove a point.
Then Jimmy Segarra came by and sat for a while- and I learnt his name.

I re-wrote the code I was doing which was then lost, hi-jacked because ‘All is not forgiven” not only did that force moving through them to forget what their Instinct and Intuition told them
‘Don’t Fuck with this guy.. there is no reason to yank my tale or tail”
But no…

Mexicans ?
I passed through that portal and test of the abyss, simulated and how many of them are treated here.
Maya Ayam… Yes link me to Rachael Devon Rios Sessions..
Atzec. AT.. Z.. E.C
Inca.. INK A..

9:26-9:27 p.m.

M A I… ‘May” 5th Month
I .A.M… E

I had linked not been surprised by his conclusion,I had come to that conclusion of Tiger ..
I had given him Twice the Corn Frosted Flakes ( F F) which Dee always gives me Extra off…
It says Tony Tiger.. T T..
Tiger Woods..
T W.O…

Every Thing
Every Where…

And me now as E.O…

Every One…

E E E T W O… N .E

9:30 p.m

The song which Kyle Murphy had me listen to has the intials

9:31 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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