
10/31/2019 2:07 – Facebook Post

9:31 p.m

31 California the Gold State.

Arinze Umeano A.U and name meaning has been identified as the True Gold State in The Script.

Arinze means ” Halleluja Praise The Four Breaths in One”

11 11 1
Linked to the Gemino Gemini
Arden Emeka.
E A.
5 1.
Area 51

* See the Theme of The Movie Gemini Man.
G.M. 7 13. Kids at the Harwington Fair Ground.
Wearing 7 and 13.
Liberty and her reflection as Gao Mai.

4 Breaths in 1.
11 11 .
4 (1)
D A. V I.D. E.
D A V.I.. D .E. I.
DA. V.I D E. O. ” Vide” means ” The Empitness” in French.

Au Elements.
The True Golden State.
Do Re Mi
Dore Mi
Mi 3rd Planet
R O Y.. Y evolved back to Gold ( Y Male Chromosome 25. 2 +5 =7. G
Eternal Hero of The Golden Dawn.

9:40 p.m

Golden Aura ( Liberty Aureila LA! Of 6th Sense)
A G .. Arden Gemino. Silver.
Alexander Grove.
Allan Ginsberg.
Augusta Georgia.
A-G. Spectum Rainbow.

A +G = H
8 is also Infinity. I as 9

17. Q
9 is constant 3 3 3 Earth Saturn Pluto.

Jumps Man.

Conversation Energy Light Love
Celluar Regeneration.

1:00 a.m

I have been in aching pain all over my skeletal structure, for the last week.
I went to see Maleficent with Liberty C Liscomb and knew what I was seeing was the end of the Fairy Tales and Fantasy transformed into fact.
Liberty had offered to massage my aching body.
At 10:00 p.m exactly, she noted she began.
Malificent Joker.
1:04 a.m
See Sacred Portal 104.

And so it began.
Mackayla Burgos
Brooke Lee Lemery
John Mack

M.B J had each massaged my body which had not been touched by a human hand 9 years, since Marina Burini friend Tanya in 2010.

Each had brought to a different experience.
But today with Liberty, there was nothing supernatural, which occured which made it even more extraordinary, because instead of another reading it, I was.
I felt a bird, a Phoenix, fight to free Itself from bondage, it screamed out, I screamed out, thrashing so much that Liberty stepped back.

I saw it, and had made a comment just before we started which she did not hear..
I called my body a corpse.

1:11 – 1:12 a.m.

She used scents, cannabis for my Heart, Cadmium for my feet, Lavender for my crown.
I felt the scents and her firm but light touch, and I heard voices, all really me commenting as if above watching.

I had moprphed into a Phoenix before, but it was more like an extension of my body, like the Transformer movie.
It was amazing, but so alien that Fritz Venneiq who witnessed it, was so alarmed and had noted that if anyone had seen what he had seen they would have had no doubt that I am not of this world.

That was 9 years ago
I am at 900 S Road.
And in me this Bird of Fantasy and Legend is alive in me Energetically.
Fire Birds.

Liberty’s son and daughter are all Fire Starters..
They build and tend fires.

Sam Hain
Sow In
The bridge between two realm dissolves.
Halloween 1972 we moved into our home at 8 Hamshire Bay.
2004 33rd Street chez Michelle Lobsinger
Halloween, I rose with the Family of TEN with each of their Energies, will idenity, and expression in me..
There are no words to describe it, the feelings sensational. The Love and their ability to literally move my hands body, and take over to all help write The Creation Story.
That was 15 years ago.

How could I still be here, moving them through a cycle of 9 Planets, 9 Moons.
9 Full Circles to reach me at the 3rd Planet called Earth
9 3 .. I C. E.
And to 12 L Liberty.
To 27 A Z -A
To 39 ..12 +27
Liberty A-A.

How can I explain?
How can I qualify all that I have experienced endured surmounted while living undercover in a mentality and way of being no longer of True Existence?
Or that my being so Sore was a proof that I am
Eros .Sex God of Creation.
Sacred Portal 51.

Angela Marie Alexander post” Scientist beleive that the Universe may be Conscious”

How is it that I am still here, solving a riddle which for the most part only I acknowledhed and read and took on a responsibility not mine.

How can I have held on to the Truth of the E Family for 43 years!
Still retained the ardour of a 16 year old while I felt every hurt pain torture through the ages to present leap from my muscles as Liberty age code 43, worked intuitively on my body.

How did I land here at 900 S Road with Liberty her 5 children after a play with Thomas Lang.
T L which has lasted on facebook 7.11.years on 11-1.. 2019.


How can anyone endure so long?

1.38 a.m.

I received a message from Kyle Murphy two days ago, it was similar intel as that of the intel from Anne McHugh and Romy Baker.
But it was directly experienced by Kyle..
Yes of E Ga La Xy 1O 11 C I.

He had piles of non stop visions, of flying through a realm of Rainbow colored beings..
Each color creating an impression and sensation on him.
Orange ..PurebHatred came from that Being.
Green was Sadness,
Yellow Happiness Gold..
Blue waa Angry.. oh yes. Bent on Destruction
And Purple was Envious but Joyous

He saw Two Great Giants, playing Cosmic Chess, one was older who said “No more to Run, your in Check mate..
And the smaller one turj
The smaller one said,
” The Darkness has transformed into Light it was never darkness
Now we can show the world what we mean
He said he had to see me before this is over and they told him he had to see me.”

I understood but I responded that I am still bound to the completion of The Script in the rural area of Harwington Connecticut.
They message was that the clear Check Mate
At 43.
Door of Life.
There is no where to run now.
The Illusion Darkness colors was always Light.

Yes, there is more….so much more, but my body is no longer throbbing in pain and though my Skeletal Structure and muscles are still twisted, the muscles are no longer tense ans strained..
The Ache is gone…
Thank you Liberty.

2:02 a.m


I must see if I can rest.

2:03 a.m
Double V

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