
10/31/2018 20:59 – Facebook Post

10/31/2018 20:59 – Facebook Post

7:28 p.m.

From Busayo Alonge

7-28 is my Sister ( Bio ) Birth Day… code 64 to 65..

Evolved back to herself..

It is because of the code I read through the
“Other” Algorithm which I am using on Facebook as an Interface…

13 likes .. no 14… 2 comments and 6 shares..
M… N… 2 6… F B…

I shifted the bracelet which I “found” with the words “Best Friend”
which my older facebook Followers of this W.A.V,E…S
Yes Stephen Filgueira makes the S .. “Supreme” official.
know is my code for my Best Friend… Harmony…
( Perfect Timing)

And just as this post is the perfect timing of the script of where we are in the play…
Sacred Portal 115.
See it is Sam Son… a Wall broken down to reveal the Sun…
Lion of Judah played by Stephen Filgueira.
( I played the Original Role and then my Guide Fathers who before that played my sons and then Brothers – but literal… This is their play .. and I have journeyed through the Selves-finding them all and activating them to rising, right up to the very Originals Begining of the Line…there are 1 and 2…
A B… Few… Originals…
100,000 say about would you not agree Stephen Filgueira?
And then even further up the family tree the 110..)

The wall you speak or posted about here is beautifully expressed.

The darkness is actually the Flesh consciousness of Immortality.
The moment when the Being and the Body ( called the story he or she is incarnating) become not only solid but immortal.
It is the Darkness which is but a moment of the intensity before the passing through darkness which you absorb, and like Luc Besson Lucy you become in One with Dark Matter..But unlike the movie, you do not scatter into the everything, rather more like the movies the Matrix, you absorb it all and that becomes your body and all that remains is Transparency…
Not a wall of Light which Enlightenment brings, but rather the Transparent Light of Air .. But the Eternal Air…
You have crossed over back Home.

7:43 p.m.

I am not seated in that play, rather I have been waiting at and as the Portal for those of the E qualified to pass my Heart into the E and the others, the illusions of themselves- thus lost for ever ( because actually they never were) they go to that place which the New York Times called A Monster in the Heart of the Milky Way which has the power of 400 Million Stars…

7:45 p.m.

Yes in the Egyptian Story – which is one of the correct stories.. ( STORIES.. Just as Stephen Filgueira is playing Thor and I was given a role as Oracle ..these are just titles which have been used to help identify a function.. Apollo can be Neo.. so can Thor Loki be Apocalypse ‘Revelations”)
We aligned this characters to play form the Library of Human History- the originals which we created.
I am also playing Metatro in a different Ring of the same ripple and wave… I am playing Joseph of coat of many colors… as well as Joseph Campbell… J.C… He is also Jesus Christ line as in the feminine masculine…I am Amadioha as is Stephen…

But in truth we are really are we are here but until, this reality awakens out of these stories.. and this Story, we are contained in these characters until all the Truths of each character was re-aligned back to Truth.
We thus have created a New Story and from this new story does our I.D emerge as Emeka and Stephen and Isabelle ..etc…
We become ourselves here in the present … but ah.. evolved.
We morph.
We elongate and yes we even have wings, but not with feather..
that is later when the Family of Hue man has risen and people start to have fun with Matter… Fashioning it to their will, then ah… Fun.

But no, the passing through the portal was acted out, and this time it is not one person- but an entire family .. who morph into a new race…
Awakened Memory is a Miraculous thing, you remember…!!
Things which in this state seemed impossible to imagine much less manifest through Will and Desire…
But having attained Harmony Energy.. Matter.. there is no wall. Energy has been mastered and this In its full circle of qualities, character, expression,,. its principle and essence which is Light but it is also dark and Shade, and shadow…
I saw A Ninja today as I sat at Taylor Avenue.. I am rising and people are starting to take notice. But the binds are still there, so there is still more… not much but more….

Which i why I am hollering in true fury not because I do not know waht is behind the wall.. I am.
The Lion is .. See the Lion as the Sun behind the Brick wall.. It is Energetic .. like knowing that I was meant to see Stephen and stephen feeling that too.
His desire he told me to Hug and holding back, had a long history which you can even trance back here in my page even to Istanbul and my last theater Dance production ‘The story of Colors” there is a scene where a Blonde dreadlocked David Greeves and I hug.
He is from Royal Ballet of London and also does alt dance.
He knew me but could not remember it – but the feeling was so intense.
I enacted a scene at a bar.. as a Bar man recounting how i recall colors meaning ( i was atually literally undercover projecting into the World consciousness through that modest production a portal of the Truth birth of Colors…)
It was the story of the Birth of Davi Rising and manifesting into Form through my recollections full circle in the Nothingness which brough an Embodied David Stephen… D G.. 4 7… 11 28… 39..C I… See I..
Si ..I…
and there is point in the production as he rises and meets me.. We dance together and I hug him.. The HUG was the code…
We were in stage and David Greeves felt the intensity of love and desire in my gaze and as I held him..
He froze at first and then melted.. It was a memory of that which was.. is.. And though he was undercover in a role acting out the literal truth of the Eternal Begining.. His… he was still here in the Human form.
It was so confusing,,, the Desire and the fear as to what was happening to him..
I was breaking through his Wall-Ego.. Projections of idea of himself and he was not ready because it was not yet time.. I had to reach this play and then Stephen line…

8:09 p.m.


Yes we walk through walls and stuff but not yet all aspects of Energy and Matter had to be understood and played out.

But I had already done all this alone when I rose, so I see through Everything except the Physical Matter here literally because in the play that is the last wall…
Stephen Filgueira also was here before.. this is not out play but rather the completion of the line he first incarnated ( His Line ) as Supreme D and Supreme.. Nature.. The last Wall which real is the First line of Matter as Energy to Rise which he represents along with his Two Selves A B… This was the play for the Female Form as the completion of Woman to Wu Man Lady… L A. D.. Y…. E…
He incarnation.

The production after He representing movement and I, Voice Movement… V M… Yes 18 Mountain View… Mercury Venus…
1 2 Planet…

( The movie or series “The Purge” T P.. Sound track just came on here at Starbucks.. sigh.. how they twisted the story… our beautiful story,..)

Which the production was about.. He rising and birth from a Tree Of Life which is Natures rendition of the Penis Ejaculation and Semen Orgasm from which She and also He were “Born” from.

Angela Marie Alexander will recall she supplied the echo confirmation through one of her posts in her page.

Ahu Yagtu acted that character out in 2000 when I staged it, it was my last production after the International Festival of Paylasmak ( which brought me to Istanbul and made me stay 3 years fighting to get it made) was cancelled at the last moment and I lost Everything…
And then began getting summons to come to New York and messages that “I was now ready”

Volga Y?ld?z played 5th Dimensional Man as Contemporary man and was alone in his painting except for a girl in white dress tutu and doc martens and white balloons

There was a battle dance before that, after I the Narrator Bar Man- entered into my Reflections… And I become the Story… David Greeves and I dance in that first meeting of my self as the Golden Dawn..
( David Dawn bed 4-017.. now Francis Frick… F F..)
A third performer rises from the darkness- the Mystery to Davids character… It is Woman and she is wild and untamed and will not be subdued .. She is the possibility of the New Harmony.. the last Evolution of Existence to completion..
Mother Supreme .. Universe Supreme.. Us the Eternals have both forms but She was pure Matter..ultimate darkness- the play to transform the darkest matter- to raise its vibration of Absolute Death… Not Knowing to Light..

David dances with her but she is Him and he does not know her, and she is strong and her will matches his… So I join in and so, it is we both wrestle into existence the process of the New and final Harmony.

That light which exploded above and below.. Third Eye in forehead and in our extension the penis and the opening which creates release.
That first incision which caused the Penis – the portal into creation to form.. The Line.. The Opening of the Eye of Universe Supreme…
That is why there were seven stages , with curtains and each veiled.
Behind each was a Living painting with backdrops and actors behind the scene whom David Greeves danced and one by one drew the Curtain aside…
And a whole scene and story was played out from the scene coming alive, moving alive drama moving through the full circle from ground to stage to audience to back through the portal they came from..

One after the other … all seven…

He was opening the Eyes…. Through the 7 Chakras…

The 8th Scene was She transformed into Light as Transpsrent Dawn..

In fact the very first scene even before David arrives.. there were two female Cellist and a Male who played the Harmonies who with the aid of a Smoke machine, wind machine light.. who moves from lightening and thunder as the music moved from Breeze too Song – as David S.H.E.. being born energetically and moving through the stage from the ground where they played.. to the First stage and story as Africa and Sheba… Not Ethiopia or Omo Valley but the story of Pangea Africa…
Isabelle Ilic.. A F R I C A … It was never about a color and he main actress in that scene was bi-racial..
It was intentional..

Stephen Filgueira took me to a Vegan Restaurant…
8:42.. 8:43 p.m…
We passed into Brooklyn with the two great columns coated in Light lavender Violet….
Brooklyn is a code is represented the landing into mainland.. A.M E R I C AH…Not the United States of back into the Solomon and Sheba story..
But when I saw the woman with the Luna jacket I understood that this was no mistake…
We were there also to find the Usurper of the Story of the OInri West Africa the place where Pangea Atlantis stood…

Any way…I knew we were entering landing of the Dove and Eagle.. he portal of E GA LA XY 1O 11.. CI…
But still played out concealed from this world because we are still landing unseen in this realm .. but rising as E-Spirit Transparent Light… Clarity Dawns Guide and Grace.. Harmony E…
It will manifest in the physical realm shortly..

Hallow ween… is still completing..

Ah there is goes again, ythe sound track of “The Purge”

Yes,,, The Purge…

Before Dawn Awakening

8:50 p.m.

8:55 p.m.

That is enough… Man.. insane…

I have stated all this before over and over again over 6.10 Years..
By the way the last 5 digits of my new phone number is 8 15 61…/ 16 51 8… in the correct See…

16 51 8…

8:58 p.m.

Good Grief!

This Script!

8:59 pm… of the End

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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