
10/31/2016 21:12 – Facebook Post

5:58 p.m.


“Cee” Creation Alpha to Alpha in Fulfillment of Infinity…

Jay (John) Resurrection of the Cat (“Bast-Cast of) – Plan-E.T.

*This code translation refers to the Original Creation Story I wrote of the Resurrection of the family of TEN.

6:04 p.m.

A-O, C.A-…. T.P..C.F..i…
Alpha Omega Consciousness Aware of the True Point is Create Facts=Infinity…

*Meaning that Infinity is represented by Facts… Materialization.Manifestation of the “Idea into a Fact”

7 85 Face Book Friends…

@ 13 85… Metropolitan Wood..
13 13…M.M..(26 Z..8 H).. 1+3=4…M.D-M.D…D.D..8…H. is Infinity.


I have presented the Facts,that not only is this World, is not the Real World not of the True Earth- but rather an Awareness Simulation (A.S) Matrix to test Human Awareness and to prepare them for Evolution which requires Self Awareness.(S.A)..

Assa! Is an OI.Nri Igbo (N.I) word meaning an Something of Astounding Beauty…
N.I..Represents the Play of N=14, I=9…Nri Igbo…
Which concluded with the Play of M.D Patrick Okolo.
“We are rooting for Patrick.. not Emeka as the Ikem Okolo..
“The Strength of the Okolobia- the Young Warrior Man of Spirit of the Orb, the Full Circle O’ Kolo…The Prince… T.P.

ASSA…Also aligns to Alberto Santana… “Noble Bright Intelligent Eternal Law Full Circle…
Anthony Spencer

And A.S.S.A… 1 19/19 1…which means that Everything now has been manually physically, manually manifested as 1…
1 19..20…20 20…TT…20/20=1…1 19..1+9=10…which equals 1O…
11O… See Sacred Portal 11O.
11O= 11 1… Tomorrows Date…
November 1st… 11 1..9.

I have presented the evidence and facts of the Existence of E Harmony…
6:43 p.m..
Is the Sacred Portal of True Life..
E=C.Me 4/3….

6:58 P.M…

7:17 p.m…
*I was posting the images…


191191….191/191…All Full Circle..
Stella Antley…

Thus the OI-Nri Igbo meaning was confirmed in September…
And E Consciousness meaning as SASA

Meaning “The name Sasha is a baby girl name. The name Sasha comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Sasha is: From the Russian name Sasha, a pet form of Alexander, meaning “defender of mankind.”

Stella Alexander… The Star Defender of Mankind”

For those who will see this in Hindsight, this code has been playing out over and over again through out this play….

Emeka Consciousness E.C…
E.C.H.O.E.S….53 😯 519…*Recall my original bed assigned to me at Delta Manor was 519….E.S…P…RIT Z…
And Responds…

E.R… Elizabeth Roussell..
E.R…Emeka Robert….
“Praise to the Famous Bright Shinning..L.I.G.HT.. Of VV..Delight.

4th and 3rd Dimension merged into one… 7…Expanded into the past.. 12… 7 12… Geoff Lacour… G.E (75) O.FF..(O..66)
See sacred Portal 75…Hindsight Foresight.. H.F..86…
And Sacred Portal.. “My Emergence from the Pit and the Black Hole.. Represented by Delta Manor but not it as the Pitt…
That was at Atlantic Bedford Shelter.. A.B… Amoza Born Anthony Bienke…
Apollo Perez..A.P
Anthony Pitts..A.P..

Three L.G Phones…
From Albert Santana..
Erik Ebright…Tribute 5
…..,,..Emeka Kolo…K.3 K.C… E.K.K.C…
One is present and the other is Chukwuemeka Kolo backwards..

43..7.. 34 7…77..=7/7=1 4 5 O….
Nnamdi was born April 5th Easter and left this world age 13 on the very day +1 he was born…
The code of the Star Bucks Bathroom here is 77 45 O..
Meaning he was and Is the rep of the Full Circle.. of the Past as Chukwuemeka Kolo…

And despite what has been done to the play.. I could still see the Exquisite Beauty of the true intended play…

7:45 p.m.

Of a truly Beautiful Being of Mind…

But because if this current consciousness and that of the illusion of the passed and how they held so tightly to their ideas and beliefs turned this Exquisite Play into a literal torment..

*Please note that for the last 3 months I have been solving these riddles in first an Assessment Shelter, and then a Mental Health Shelter….
There is a very good reason why so many people who become homeless, prefer to sleep on the streets..
Now be aware, that most people who live in Shelters are either those who have just come out from prison, or because they are drug addicts, alcoholics, have severe mental problems… or simply having become too tired to deal with life…Or they are seeking this extreme method of finding housing in New York City…
Or very rarely because they are running away from something or some one or some organization… Hiding…

I am none of these, and thus, I can not tell you how much I do not fit into any of these categories, nor could I explain that I was following a path- voluntarily to a certain degree (All the conditions passport and my physical body provided the pull)..
A Pattern and code which has brought me nothing but the most awful Truths and experiences of what has been done to the Beauty of the Human Spirit.
Each moment is a distraction, as it has been for the last 15 years..
But here, it has been something else…
Nearly all are here getting benefits, and monthly checks from Welfare and SSI…thus they have a regular source of Income and a purpose for being here…
They are American Citizens..

I am not…
Nor do I have any I.D.. or source of income.. and yet to many, I am viewed as a “Soft Touch” some one to be used, or someone who is not used to difficulties.. or even a way out… Someone here temporarily and thus, someone who might be able to help them get back on track or gain…

7:58 p.m.

People are people, everywhere you go.. but when you place people in circumstances like Prison, Mental and Psychiatric wards, and Shelters… People who have had what many may call a disadvantaged existence… or simply people who made yes no choices which led them here..
And then you place a person such as myself with my education and background.. With a Supreme Consciousness of Existence literally awake and manifest in me who often wishes to rise up and command the Spirits of these men to Self Respect and pride, who disgust and disbelief of what some have allowed themselves to sink to..
And then me, rescuing with the reality of my solving the riddles of Existence, obedience to this Supreme E, struggling heroically with this force..

8:05 pm..

Not to express our true voices in such a way because we are undercover and they will not understand…
And so in me is the constant struggle for balance, while holding myself as Emeka together, when the reality of what is going on in my body, what I am solving, what I am living and the complete isolation and the awareness of all who have abandoned you, who gained from it, whom you could not help but love and care for…
And how to explain to my nephew and niece I have never met…
All the years being moved..
All the battles in Mind Body and Spirit with myself and then with all those around me- seeking to use the E,Consciousness for their own gain and then the challenges battles…
And worse the set ups which these people are not even aware they are in, and I am forced literally by my body to call out…

And then what the ‘Evil Spirits and Evil Thoughts.. E.S..E.T..allowed to manifest….
And the what they were allowed to do, and how real it was allowed to feel… that there are moments….
And the battle to recall that it is not real..
The battle to recall that my being in Mental Health Shelter serves a purpose….
After 28 years..
After 40-41 years, and writing these codes.. solving these riddles while the codes all convey the awful truth that of the years which have passed…
The former friends with families, living all the dreams which you had..
To listen daily to people seeking to foist onto you their realities, thier judgments…

There is a guy and girl who sat opposite me and now besides me…
On her sweater are the words “Parfait”
Perfect in French..
Par Fait…
By Do…

How can it be Perfect?

8:18 p.m..
That was the time the beautiful young wearing the letter H who kept on staring at me, here and who I saw looked so much like a younger and even possibly even more beautiful Nikoma Rios…
and finally asked the time… it was this time…
His name was Mark.. he had told me..
After asking me the time once more to both our smiling faces,…
It was 8:56 P.M
Which is the age of Paul…in this Shelter… And sacred portal 56…
and the code I shared of my 7 85 Face Book Friends…
Michael Keenan…

Mark is also the name of the young man who took over my bed 5019 at D,M.. Though he goes by the name of Marquise…
Mark Emeka… M.E… Mark Harmony…
But the problem with the Slowing of this play to such a level is that when Mark appeared it means Harmony but that was about a week ago… Meaning you are given no idea that it is sign post, nor how long will it take to reach there…
I wrote the book at age 8… 40 years ago… The Seed and Bean..
Seth McBean
And confirmed by Dewight Smith.. who is 40…
born 1976…
As Erek Eclass Mateo..

Yesterday in the morning, after having reached 7 83 Face Book friends H.C..Humanity Children.. Human Consciousness which was being represented by Hilary Clinton, until it was defeated..
I found a medallion across the Bridge at the Cross Bronx… C.B..
It is a solid circle, of transparent substance… with a Silver base..
There are Five point on its surface upraised.. all within a Circle…
The silver base is a rectangle…not really a square.. I looked and through it and saw the number 8 then an O point linking it to a 3..
8o3…But then I found that the transparent cover comes off and it revealed the number 8603…
I knew immediately that it was about the number of Face Book friends aligned to 68 and 86… That play of Nri Igbo with M.D Patrick Okolo…Where I stopped at 86 Street Station…
And 1986 when I did won the Designer of the year after turning a terrible situation which Patrick Okolo had been unwittingly the one used to turn a small thing into a scandal of such epic proportions…
86 is H.F..Hindsight Fore Sight and Sacred Portal 86/68…

8:37 p.m… So it is sacred portal 37 which I am still doing and the Sensi is sacred portal 73…
Totes actuall means an acronym for Totally…
It also means To have or bear on one’s person: gangsters toting guns.
A tote bag.
[Probably from an English-based creole; akin to Gullah and Krio tot, to carry, of Bantu origin; akin to Kongo -tota, to pick up, and Swahili -tuta, to pile up, carry.]

When I arrived today I saw Two Face book friend Request one from a person I saw in a post was a friend of Conscious O’best…C.E..
And Igbo name.. then it disappeared..
And I saw a suggested request from Nicholas Petcher of Issa Gant..
I.G.. 97…

Michael means..

“From the Hebrew name ???????? (Mikha’el) meaning “who is like God?”. This is a rhetorical question, implying no person is like God. Michael is one of the seven archangels in Hebrew tradition and the only one identified as an archangel in the Bible.’

Dean Dunkwu who I was led to ask for a code amount.. and who with his own good reason decided not to send that amount but much less.. Of which I was indifferent… the insult of having to ask or direct people to send a contribution for showing demonstrating the codes of Existence Revelations is something I will never recover from…
He sent 100 which was the correct code because it linked to Pan…Sacred Portal 100 and the two Boys represented by Royal and Reign Santana…RR.S… Not Jacqueline R.R… suggested by Nicholas Petcher…

Which brought the gift codes to 700;00 USD…
Arch Angel Michael 7 Arch Angels…
The Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka.. EZE..U.F.O…NNA..
“King of the U.F.O…”Foo Fighters” NNA..Father…”
He only recently changed back from Ifennanna Nnaemeka I,N…Only after that play was completed..

*8:50 p.m…

And because He has more than most a true notion of my Identity though he calls me Eri… My ancient name… Emeka Robert I

Sacred Portal 105 (5;00) Eluetheria Liberty Rest when Tired…”

*I have been typing mainly with one hand because my body gets so twisted that it is the only way I find it comfortable, and it supports my tired body and being….

Sacred Portal 25 Linked to Amoza Born…
“Master De Bate… Our Lady of Immaculate Suggestion – Ejaculate Bliss Pleasure.. at Leisure… (E.B.P..A.L…Emeka Beautiful Pride A Live…it his Pal…which most do not see, past…not only in me… Denise who works at the food dispenser who is always laughter told me mother is committing a sot of Suicide before her very eyes because she has stage 3 Cancer. and she spoke of the smiling face.. The Beautiful Veil..)

Keenan means…in Arabic… “Viel, to Cover….To Wrap
Kinan is an Arabic name for boys that means “covering”, “wrap”, “veil”.
“The Ancient One…” T.A.O.
“Little Ancient one” in Celtic.. LAO… Lao Tze…

Keenan (Cianán) is a male Irish name which means “ancient, gavin”. Keenan is an Anglicisation of the Irish name Cianán which is a diminutive of pauline. The Ó Cianáin clan (Keenan) were the traditional historians to the McGuire clan. Recorded as O’Keenan and more usually Keenan, this is an Irish surname.
Paul Portal.. The Little people- Children…

Gavin means..The name Gavin is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Gavin is: Hawk of the battle: white hawk. From the medieval name Gawain. See also Gwayne.

Hawk of the Battle….H.O.T.B…
“White Hawk…W.H.. O Sullivan… Hawk Eye…”
“Who is As God?
..The Ancient One… Tao… Naturalness the way of True Nature
The Little Ancient …The way of Mediation Reflection Contemplation… M.R..C…Even in the center of the greatest Battle…
VV Harmony the Pure Hunter… the H.,E”

9:09 P.M.

See sacred portal 99…

So much more could be expressed about the nature of this play…
But I am now satisfied with just getting the riddles correct…
And ending this play…
Halloween was the portal which I entered Canada America Nigeria..
From England…

Some one felt I could do this…
9:11 p.m.

And that person by stating this cursed my Existence because no one should ask any one to do such a thing…

9:12 p.m.
I Love..
Infinity Limitlessness

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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