
10/30/2020 14:55 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 2 linked to 3

The Story.

A B. Linked to C

Kim Arthur Hines.. Tree Sage lives on the 2nd Floor… in the Story but would work on the 2rd floor where Chris Filgueira and I ..
Mackayla Burgos and John Mack lived.

2 connected to 3

So here is my being brought back to 217 219 South Whitney to rescue the last of the original people at South Whitney or still moving as Programs in the Matrix

By being forced to prove over and over to her that She is He. ..
Supreme Harmony E is Kim..
Tree is the code name of A Story.
Tree of Life
Joshua Tree..
John Thomas.
Phallus is the Tree of Life.

Anus Mouth Third Eye –
Flower of Life.

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