
10/30/2019 13:45 – Facebook Post

11:41 p.m
K D A.

J C O. T. S.


Liberty C Liscomb has recorded most of our latter conversations, so I have not been posting full explainarions of the progress of the Play.

It is extraordinary, there is no doubt.

The finding oneself moved by conversation as DNA to Dne,
The proving how the Ancestors, the Dead have been influencing their descendants Dna.
The actuality of it, Words affecting Dna.

The true consequence of people no longer being able to tell the Truth, recognize the Truth.

My finding myself playing a medium, and “occupied”
The isolation of this journey of evolution and the long long winding road of linking designated people who each had intel which connects and links the Individual to the whole.

And the finding oneself, with the entirety of the burden placed on ones shoulders.
Nearly all abandoning the responsibility of their own awakening evolution because they feel that they do not have to act upon their revelations… because the responsibility had not been thrust upon them.

Dissimulating the information while existing in a non existent reality, which so many have chosen as their anchor.

Constantly moved by forces to give each person the evidence, facts and prove so that they can see the evidence for themselves the facts before they chose…

Liberty truly is the one person doing the work, of learning to read the codes.
Which dimension she choses to live and decide as real, is the same choice each person was given.
But what I have found is that just as Esteban Miguel Filgueira was representing the True Mentality of Humanity in the 3 D realm, that she is representing the World of Nature.
And just as John Mack was representing the forces as a reflection of J.M and Energy Kinetic which asked me to clean up the E.M.Field to prepare it for the Quantum Leap Jump.
Q L.J.
Liberty with Jeron has been representing the choice of the World to Listen 2 Me…
And clean up their past, matter Dna – bodies of Truth.
Recognize The Source or deny based on the evidence and most importantly, demonstrate the ability of Humanity being able to Read and Understand the Source Codes and the E Consciousness.
Evolved Consciousness, and The Script of how people, The Masses have the I.Q to read the Script and the E Manual docimented at such a cost on my page for now 7 years, 10 months and 30 days…
( 7-10-30.. G J C O)

So that you have all the tools available to take responsibility yourselves for your own evolution awakening.
E A.

Emeka Arden is the code of the play finally reached.
Emeka Alexander.

And Linked to
E + A= 5 +1= 6
6 12..
F L.
Ferrel Liberty
Facts Liberate..
All to the Sunshine State.
27th State.
E A-A..
Since I have passed through the Portals of Anthony, Alexander Aristotle Agusta Adama Arden And Ariadne Auruelia Ferrel Liberty Leander And Jerone.
A 9. A.I.

And that no one else will come down and be sacrificed, and crucified for your choices to bring you home or back to your senses.

Humanity has reached the point where they can take responsibility for their existences for tjemselves. To no longer have parents and guardians sent to inspire them, uplift them.
They have passed the tests of I.Q.
They can read.
This has been proven and established.
As well as the fact that anyone sent to inspire them would suffer the fate that so many of the others who came to inspire them endured.

And that teaching them, is a process too painful and cruel for anyone to endure.
Sacrificing one for the many, the Beautiful Ones for the ones who were given the gift of choosing to rise to the True Door of Life and way of Being

I am not a parent, and I have endured the last story of the aware messengers sent to help people read, to rise, to clean up and be of amazing grace.
And I fought it every step of the way, knowing and having experienced human existence, and that for most, it is not True Love which will move them, but the ability to show power l, to allow them what they so desire Pain and Suffering.
To learn the Hard Way
H -Arden
With Desire for Sir E
Or Harden because this species have become so hard and impregnable to Truth Love and Creations Beautiful Expression that for most this is the only way they can have a chance to evolve.
Through pain.

And so I fought this journey as A MAN for my own preservation, self love, individual truth.
But I was compelled to bring proof.
My own suffering did not move anyone to be inspired, it did not make compassion rise in the World or in people.

1:04 p.m

Instead I experienced a pain and a callousness beyond belief.
And so from the horror given to my existence and life, I have brought the one gift which Humanity can take.. or leave it.

The E Manual and with this, the chance to do it themselves, yourselves.
For in truth, that is what. Humanity really desires, and is the reason why they crucify the messengers time and time again.
It is because they do not wish to be seen as not being equal to the task of doing it by their own way, that rage against authority, that dualistic thing they call Love Hate
That inner sense of Indivuality.
That sense of ingratitude and lack of grace of someone providing all the answers which take away their sense of I and Ego.
Independence that I can do it myself.. could have.

1:11 p.m

And they, you are not wrong.
For that is the nature of being an Individual
That is how I rose.
But I shared everything, so that no one would have to feel and experience the absolute Aloness and Isolation I have endured.
Because there is a better way..

Together, with family unified.

But this world has chosen,
And so you have been given the tools, as well as the way to read the E Manual.
And Liberty trained and qualified to understand how to read, and see the way of E
Liberty Arden
Liberty Anastasia
LA 121 Conversation
Activation of 6th Sense.

Now all have the tools to rise from the Dead, to do the last step themselves.
It is indented in her, the Blue Print so much deeper than she can ever realize right now.
Many of you will not make it..
But others will rise, in the moment and meet your most Beautiful Truth and Selves but through a journey and experience of suffering and pain which you gave to me and all the Eternals, that beautiful truth inside of you.

1:21 p.m

With the threat of Terrible Death, made real and now activated by Alien Father Alpha, you will find that Heroic Nature, rise like a Phoenix Bird in you.
A River an F.M frequency of which those who attain that frequency of being truly transpatent..
The journey of Maleficent.
But what pain she had to endure, my experience of gossip and constant betrayal..
Tis this I wished to avoid for all of you.

But it is your pride which causes you to suffer, pride as False Pride.
There is only Beautiful Pride which is not Hard or Rigid because it is able to bend.

But Humanity of this Frequency requires the experiencing of my Truth manifesting, instead of taking seriously my word, my proof and truth created by my Father Son, to prove to all of You.
But it is not enough is it, you must experience it for your selves because my comming to you, sent to you to show you, guide and my exemplification was not enough for you.

1:33 p.m

Just as I knew.

I have always Loved, so deeply and truly, because I see you so well, but this was not about Love it was about your Conscious Truth.


I have 3 new Facebook Friends

Cameron Chastity. C C
Eniola Adeduro. E.A.
Charlotte Carrie. C C.


Meaning “The Crooked Nose of Purity and Innocence”
“Bringer of Wealth, Crowned.. Sit!”

Duro is the same word in Igbo and Yourba.

5:35 p.m

Charlotte means ” Free Man” ” Strong, Virile Vigorous ”

Carrie also means Fully Grown Man
( 16 in our realm Beautiful Youth.
88. 2(8) 28. )

Carrie also means “Free Man”

This one of Innocence and Purity, with the nose for sniffing out the “Crooks and Crooked..
The bringer of Wealth, Crowned…
Sit! Man
Free, restored to Strength and Virility and Vigour as a fully grown man of Perfection
Highest Point of Beautiful Youth..
5:43.. 5:44 p.m.
For within you that truth at 16 never ever changed.
Arden was your last test of Vigour Virility and Liberty Ferrel, Leander Auriela Jeron, the last testers of your Immortal as Human Strength.

Titans Giants.

5:47 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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