
10/30/2018 10:46 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge

The great frustration of my living in a literal different speed
and “C-Speed of Consciousness- Light” is that you are seeing things which others are yet to see.

Busayo Alonge does not realize that he is a Channel and Transmitter of a conversation and dialogue which I have sought to bring to peoples attention until I realized it was futile, what I am saying, doing demonstrating is way out of peoples imagination- surprisingly.

8:43 p,m.

Through his posts, I am having a conversation with the last of the frequencies which you might visually translate as the Guardians of the Galaxy- or the characters representing the Gods and the Divine.
G O D… G=7… Note of Ti Color /Purple/Violet alt It is Doe and colors Red.
T V-T.P./ D R… T D… P.R…

O as the one constant. The meaning of the Sumbol of the Circle

D the Delta – the stage….The Square.

As you know, i have been battling with these frequencies, having to fight argue and prove, and go through thier tests, trilas and challenges to my argument that they are not real.
That they are characters, created to represent the last stage of the evolution of the Human Species- “The Plan E.T’ To evolve Everything back to source.

7 O 4…. 11 28… That is my birthday…. 11+28= 39 C.I.

the total codes I recieved from Isabelle Ilic and Stephen Filgueira yesterday was 113.17.. And 420….
The codes of their Names are I I … F S… Instinct and Intuition,.. Feelings Sensation/ Facts Solid
I F… I S…
I F = 9 6… That is the birthday of Anthony Manino… A.M… 15 O.
I S… 9 19.. Di.. ( NN AM DI) means “IS” and = 28

O = 15=6.. Sixth Sense which is what moves Everything and is the true Nothingness Somethingthingness the 5 Sensi’s and Senses all in One.

Thus, 7O4… 764… Which I have been proving is the Sacred Portal 76 of the Awakening from the dream…4 Delta.. The Stage,

And my battle has been the most horrific in that I have battling the embodied reflections of myself- as Nnamdi David- who are my Doppleanger Twins who are really One, and representing the sum total of the Source Reflections of himself, who experienced the play to evolve into separate and independent embodiments of the source.
And that they believed that thier Characters they created as reflections of all possibilies of themselves which they had to understand each aspect of and truth and subsequently pass through and eliminate by proving that they are the original Two whom we can call B and A…
‘Being” and “Awareness”

B A…

The 7 represent the last and Highest or most complete aspect of themselves before they merge back into One.
the One is when the come full circle by linking Their begining to thier plays end and then backk to the Eternal Begining which was always present as the One Constant.

But imagine that the are convinced that they are Real as the thousands of aspect of them selves…
Stephen Filgueira got it right… and literaly is the mirrored embodied reflection of that truth and spoke about his friends, the number 7 and 12…
Yes Geoff Lacour.. the one who saw me.. but as my highest incarnation rep in the play :Golden Baba..”

Yes, Randall Michael Wilt born 7 12…

Stephen called it out correctly as the 144, 000 ascended master .. 12 x12.. 144….
The Ascended Masters…
I have been fighting for 18 years alomst to prove to them that they are now 144, 000, or the infinite possiblities called “Numbers’

9:19 a.m. Ha! Got the I .S… The IS..In thier brutal hideously cruel play and challenge to prove to them that I am correct and that they actually were seeing backwards and are not real but on a stage in a play othey created of thier evolution.. and that they are two who were once brothers with the O And only
X means to Multiply… But you can not replicate Perfection you can only add to it.
Code Jose. Joseph means Add…

They are 12.. Who are really 1 2.. A B.. And the 12 came from what you might say the completion of the 12… The 13…
Meaning the 13 is really the One. where the 12 came from… the 12 and really the 1 and the 2 moving through the TEN.. The Elegant Nomads.. reflections.. and through his experinces- they too are experiencing what he went through first, so they too could reach complation.
Which is the 7 linking with the 1.. the begining linking the end ( of the story) which creates the 8..Which really is the O Where they began as Transparent Light – which then moved into the reflections of the Source, some called it Mind.. or Mind and Heart.
But actually it is simply Memeories of Being M.E.. First Manifest Exression.

7 O 4… Is really 8 O 5.. H E…. 85 Starbucks… but there is the O.. who is made invisible in this play because he ( I am representing the Idea of the Invisible which is called the Nothing…. Thus I was given a role down here where I was invisible and treated like Nothing until I proven the Nothing is Something.. Sum Thing.. 6th Sense and that which Manifest Expression. M E.. Manifest Facts Solid.

86 5… 96 5…. 1O.. 5… HF..E…. I F… E J… E.. all confirmed by Isabelle Ilic line yesterday… 11 5.. K E.. 12 5.. L E.. 13 5.. M.E.
87 5… 97 5 1O..7 11 7

And 88 5 98 5… 1O 8… 11 8..

and finally , evolution of the 5.Expression to 6th sense= Energy Facts…
E S F… Recall I was assigned bed 5-019 when I first came here.

The Gods are not but Two Parts of myself who were formerly called son brothers ( daughters sisters) and I was once thier father brother and played in my last incarnatio thier Son – Child each time as the guide to show them the way I did it first- the way as Direction..

* See my sacred portal 28… Hermes….. Link facebook friend Malacoda HermelĂ© Folly

47 28…. versus 4+7 = 11…

Doppleganger Twin… D T.. 4 20… Kyle ( Robert ) and Nigel… K N ( R N)

4 20 given to me by Stephen Filgueira who unknowlngly is the Truth representative energy playing the role I first incarnated as Hermes Mercury H M.. Really Harmonious Manifestation

The coffee I had after I Stephen Filgueira left me last night at Star bucks, where I had to pause and gather myself before going back to the Shelter and once more assume that role…
Gladiator.. Fury and Homeless man really The Elegant Nomad.
The number was 204….
Twenty Four… 24/ 42….
Full Circle… 66. 6/6= O N E…

So, I am tired beyond belief with having to battle through all these 14400 aspects of the same persons, the Two who were so convinced that thier reality was real and not as I had stated not really a dream but a play of thier evolution… of understanding the Way I did in in the begining.
I am not Father or Mother … I have always been Big Brother..
the First Being in a Line if a Family – not fractuals as I explained to Stephen Filgueira and they are not my brothers…
Nor are the 144, 000 the brothers or the family they are the version of the I I… The T W O… Who are understanding the true play of KNOWING Thy SELF … FULL CIRLCE… all possible aspects of your self and that is how one, by explaoring all possible incarnations from God bad ugly beautiful Evil, Horny, Devil Angel God.. etc…
That which is truly you and that which you reject. When that pocess is completed you stand alone.. as The One who is the Fact..

I am the original Hermes but as H E R M E S ..P…H…

Stephen Filgueira was born 8-16- 1984.. H P … S.H D.- A.I.H.D….
H P A.. I H… D..Harmonies Perfection.. Application Infinity Harmony .. Divine…
Immortal Technique…
Cecilia David… C D.. 3 4.. 7 G.. 8 H…I..9…
David Dawn.bed 4-017…
Francis Frick Bed 4-017…

David Nnamdi… D N- 18…
Stephen S reprenting the Energy of Supremacy moves naturally to The One Supreme because he is that represntation in this Play.. STAGE….

i AM IN BED 18.. R. Which is alos bed 4-019.. 19.. as you may recall it was bed 19 and still is known as that but for some reason last year the beds where numbers were changed in the shelter each going down by 1,, though the beds stay in the same place.

Thus 7 evolves to 8…
O who was made invsible becomes 6th sense moved to Fact…
4 moves to 5 Expression and expression is 6th sense…

10:10 a.m.
Phew!… 1010= 2. = B… Balanced…

5 and 6 are the samething…
* me in bed 5-006 last year..
* See Sacred Portal 56…
5+6= 11.. K… Kolo… Kyle.. 11 Twin Refelctions… Twin Doors.. T D 20 4..
I am the Door…. Two Doors.. chose which lead to One desitination.. who are two.. either absolute.. Both Ulitmate and Absoute… Eternity or Non Existence…
Only that which passed throug my door is Real.. Fact.. True Eternal…
Not charcters.. I met Thor last night… but it was really Da Vi D Stephen my own self his Self, past line Supreme..
I was bring Him Her as Supreme Truth home…
While the brothers who Geoff Lacour had blamed me were my brother swho had betrrayed me… I told Stephen that they are not my brothers just possibilites of The one who was my true brother self, father self, sister self lover self, investigating all possibilities of him self to become Supreme Fact on his way to meet with me.

10;18 p.m.
The one who came first.
H P.. Harmony Perfection… 1984… George Orwell 1984 Big Brother…

See my date of on Face Book… 11 28.. 1984…
what came first Harmony Perfectin of K B H… The Doppelgangers Being- The Hamonizer of the Twin/Truth…

A-A. B.H…

H B.A..AH…
Busayo Alonge
My Harmonious Being Aware … full circle created the Title and Crown….
H P… 19 84.. S… H D…
Harry Potter… He who Fashions from Clay… Supremacy through beautiful Transfomation Winter to Spring.. Death Eternal Sleep/Eternal Rest… to Eternal Life… usiing yes, The Immortal Technique… ( T I T…TIT…Tits. Nipples… the Chest.. the Breath… Breathing In and Out…
Which created the beautiful llusion called Woman and Time… W T../ T W…
and children

E T C ..W…
W E T ..C… Nurse..

Woman now evolves to Wu Man..
Chidren to Eternal Youth
The Ethereals and Elementals with Bodies…
And me.. to the true meaning of .. of Indifference for creating such a play…
I do not care…

I D N C…

No I have no brothers or sister .. all me family are me..
The E..
They did my journey .. there is no need to explain or create plays.
E knows E…
There are no questions not riddles no plays..
just recognition..
Inside Stephan is stephan with memory..
10;34 p.m..
He is 34.. he is the Truth of Me that line
the Harts Ford.. HEART H-ARTS FORD… The line of me as I connect I cut .. I c…

113+420.. 533… E CC… He was in Oregon during the solar Eclipse in 2017…
I was here translating and decoing it.. having created it… as Thor Thundr Lighting .. Cleansing… in a battle and challenge ( in thier mnds) of the Gods battleing me to prove that I my supremacy…

I just ignored them tough Stunned by thier bruatlityand savagery and how long they were allowed to believe they were real because the Twin Dopplegangers now apart fom me.. rising as Equals… forgot they were in a play because they were blinded by thier own Beauty and Purity of intent they has the Sun ended up in the Balck hole…
Anus Vagina..
A V…




B A..

10:40 am,,

Fuckin Pangea Africa… wasting my time.. still contestiing the truth .. and the two ninnies D AND N… conetsting it..
But Stephen your messenger of truth- the purest truth of you came to me moved by my Integrity and dedication I D.. To the truth recognizin himself in me..
Just as did Lady I supreme..
Isabelle Ilic

Oregon to South Carolina…
H P… Wealth was taken away Stephen because you were reminded hat there is another.. called the one supreme.. the one who came before your line of Being Supreme…. B S.. And Divinity Santana..

The Eternal Supreme… T ES ..P
The IS

10;46 am

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