
10/30/2016 20:51 – Facebook Post


6:53 p.m.


Fey Elizabeth Cassandra…

Fey Mirach links to Elizabeth represented by Dewight Smith whose Case Worker is called Elizabeth…
Mine is Cassandra….

E.C…Which creates the code E.C..K…
In my Case, Emeka Chukwuemeka- and represents the Feminine or Female portals I have passed through and linked…
Emeka is Chukwuemeka and the are K=11…The Same 1.
as well as the O..Kolo… Round of Perfect Symmetry…

E.C.= 5+3= 8.O…Eternity Infinity….

Cassandra means
From the Greek name ????????? (Kassandra), derived from possibly ???????? (kekasmai) “to excel, to shine” and ???? (aner) “man” (genitive ??????).

“Man who Excels and Shines”.. A Man…

Since the Apollo myth of Cassandra has proven itself false through the Equation Play…

Elizabeth means
From ???????? (Elisabet), the Greek form of the Hebrew name ??????????? (‘Elisheva’) meaning “my God is an oath” or perhaps “my God is abundance”. The Hebrew form appears in the Old Testament where Elisheba is the wife of Aaron, while the Greek form appears in the New Testament where Elizabeth is the mother of John the Baptist.

“God Oath, Vow Promise… My God is a

Fey is Jean which is the Feminine form of John…

Fey means Fairy as in Morgan Le Fey and the Mists of Avalon…

It also means Fey Name Meaning. English: variant of Fay. Southern French: topographic name for someone who lived by a beech tree or beech wood. German: nickname for a vagrant, from Middle High German vehe ‘enmity’, ‘strife’. German: from a popular medieval pet form of the female personal name Sophie, honored as a martyr and saint.

I am sleeping in a place called Beach Street, not Beech Tree…
And so, based on the Anchors of this play, affirming King Arthur and the round table and the story of Lance Alot.. as well as Lakes..Nri..Eri…Aguleri…
And the code Fair I.E.S.. Which is my original complexion but also my nature- Fair Play… not necessarily Equality…which is Merited and Earned.

Fey and Sophie.. “Wisdom” Wisdom John… and linked to sacred portal 37…Sophia Laurel…of Victory… The Ecstasy of St.Theresa.

Fey Dewight Chukwuemeke Emeka
(Oracle Apollo Sybil..A.S)
F.D.C… 6 4 3..
F.D.E… 6 4 5…
Code of Delta Manor and the Current temp in the Room…
6 is the sacred portal 43… True Life…
E =C.Me 4/3….
Sacred Portal 45 “Throne of God.e” Isis…

As you can see, the link of the 25 USD from Fey Mirach Amoza Born… F.M..A.B…had to be completed..
And was played out yesterday to my surprise with my E-Spirit and my own private expression exposed in the play of Lady Redha-Radar…Whose post was in between The image of Nnamdi E Sensie and Estas Tonne…
And then proceeded by the arrival of Lalitha Sampathi…

*A Young woman was sitting besides me here at Star Bucks wearing a head gear with the World S.O.L…on it…
I knew that it was the switch of the play of L.S… O.E…
E. L.O.S..S… Grief Loss…
to the Note of Sol in the Wrath of Woman….

When I wrote on her page- I almost began to weep right here in this Star bucks cage – with its Siren Symbols every where…
It was such a shock to spring on me that expression…
To take my most private and sacred expression and force me to make it public… To a mostly indifferent or public who just can not take in that some one is saying that he is re-programing reality manually through Expression and linking everything to fact
Most times without a clue what will be sprung on him….
And yet knowing what should be….
The wrath that came through me, yesterday and grief…
7:37 p.m..
And such pain of something so beautiful who say they had seen so much endured so much that all they wished was to see that their Vow and Oath is kept before they voluntarily go out of Existence because what they experienced…
They do not wish to come back even rejuvenated…
Because what was seen experienced endured….
And I know what they Experienced..
Go to sacred portal 24 and 82 and 94…
They made sure that I experienced what Woman had endured and then “Father” made me endure what the Child had endured and then I experienced what Man endured..
And the rage for my still defending Man.. But the True Man.

I have a phone now.. 917 5 69..64 55…
I.Q…E. Nnamdi…E.F.I…F..D.E.E…
E Fey I… Yes Efi means “Efi” means Cow Bull..
And was the Title my Grandmother took…
The Bull of course links to Poseidon and the sacred Bull as well as to Hindu Culture and The Sacred Cow…
Redha – Gopi’s and Krishna…
I had received that message from my Grandmother Lucy Ojugo when she left the world in 2008 Dec, and a message that at how tired she was, that the Ancients had gone as far as to refuse to allow the Awakening- which I had thought was impossible…

That was 8 years ago…
Dewight is the representation of Efi… The Bull…
and his bed Number is 3001… 31…
Sacred Portal is Resurrection, Restoration Rebuilding Rejuvenation…

And this is how far the Ancestor as the illusion of Humanity, with their Gods and Goddesses – all illusion who literally though that they were real…
This is how far down they buried the possibility of the Awakening….
Restoration of the Truth…
I represent the Eternal Truth.. So I was stunned by this journey..
And why I had to endure this hell…
Until I realized that it was not the Energetic Truth which this was about…
It was about the Truth of the Children of this world and how deeply they had given up on the Truth…
It was the line of Dewight Smith which I was forced to come down through a 40- 41 year journey…
That Trust and Faith that was given to me, and then taken away when I failed to do it in the way they expected..
It is the depth of the distrust for Nnamdi God… Chukwu… the Creator…
But they never knew E… Emeke.. Energy Expression…
No one knew me.. in this incarnation because no one had heard of the Family of E…

And so I was sent down by Nnamdi
8:00 p.m
Into a lie, to rescue his Truth.. And thus, in doing so make rise his truth as She…

No.. nothing is worth it… worth this…. No..

Because I did not travel through the Physical Material and Spiritual world alone.. I traveled through the THOUGHTS of Humanity..
Of those around me whom I could literal see hear and move through their thoughts which were manifesting as the reality and path I was being compelled to go down..
Thoughts made real…
And what people have done with their Thoughts…
Grey Matter, Grey Area.. the Rage and Cruelty of the things they knew to hide in their thoughts… Those Expressions…

How can people think the things they think.. go so far in that secret place over some offense they believe was given to them…
And then worse, not clean it up after they realized that they had made a mistake or that it was not as they had assumed…

Fey Amoza… F.A…..T.H.E…R

Dort-C.H…is the code to her last name used to access the 25 usd code…
Dort comes from two names Dorothy and the land of O.Z…

Dorothy means “Gift of God”
And Dortrecht

During carnaval, Dordrecht is nicknamed the Ooi- en Ramsgat (Ewe’s and Ram’s hole), and its inhabitants are the Schapenkoppen (Sheepheads).
The origin of those names comes from an old folk story about two men trying to escape the local tax on imported livestock. It is said that sometimes in the 17th century, two men dressed up a sheep they had bought outside the city, attempting to disguise it as a man. When the threesome passed through the city gate, the sheep bleated and was uncovered. That is why nowadays, tourists can buy sheep-related souvenirs in Dordrecht.”

From this play in which Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka lives in the Netherlands- linked to Dean Dunkwu… Myself and Dewight here aT Delta Manor.. and Emeka Nnamdi… Emeka Chukwu…
And the link to Amsterdam where I lived for a few weeks and where my sister code 64 also visited…
And the E.I.N Number… Employment
There is Truth to both versions….
The Story of Two Men and a Lady…
Ewe and Rams Hole…
Elizabeth Roussel…
Emeka Robert…And the Black Hole as well as Anus/ Sun Alpha…
I know the true version of both Stories… but its enough explaining..

Let us simply look at the code of Lalitha Sampathi Marco Custodio Mi Mo Mei,,,
/ MMM…SOL…(5 Note…5=E) C.M…

13X3…39…C.I… E (Sol) C.M…e 4/3… E.D…C Eli De Light (of) Creation…

C.I Expression of the Fifth Dimension Energy of C Speed beyond Light and Mass (Dark Matter) The Thread of the High Ascended God..of Creations Source…
*(The name Eli is a baby boy name. The name Eli comes from the Hebrew origin. In Hebrew The meaning of the name Eli is: High, ascended, or ‘my God’. )

Basically the Link to the Memory and manifest Expression of Every Thing…

See the Meaning of the Names… All Beauty Eternity and Guardian Angels Guardian…

And the names of the two suggested friends by Nicholas Petcher

Jacqueline means “May God Protect and Supplanter…
which is amended through this play to God Protects.. (G.P) and The Panting of the Bean… Green Bean.. 4th Dimension the Green Plant.. Jack and the Bean Stalk…”

Rouault means “Gloroius Ruler..”.
The name is derived from the Germanic Hrodwald, meaning ‘glorious ruler’…

Rosso means “Red….”

May God protect the Bean, so it may rise to the De-vine to Divine “Dewight” means Dionisio -Dios Divine) to encounter the Glorious Ruler, the True Light and Delight of the Self….Eric the Red of the First Note,, Manu..
Fey texted me the code name at 4:15 p.m.. D.O…
Do-e a D.E,A,R…
Recall the these are the initials of Dean Dunkwu children..D.E.A…

While Coham John…C.J… 3.10… 31… Yes.. Sacred Portal 31… and Bed 3001… 31…

Is derived from the name Hamm..which means settlement at the Rivers Bend.

It also aligns to 8 Hampshire Bay… Canada, the House we moved into in Winnipeg Canada after we migrated to from England to Canada.. E.C. in 1972…
We moved into our First home in Canada on Halloween Day….
1O-4-9… A.D.I…/ I.D..A

10-31-72 to 2016… 44 years ago to the Day…
D.D… Linked to Dean Dewight…

8 H.B…8 82..
H.D.. 8 4…

I am currently at 7 84 Face Book Friends..

8:46 p.m.

I am sitting here at 1385 Star Bucks.. with 7 84 Face Book Friends and decided perhaps this portal completes at 7 85..86…
13 M.4..D…
8×5.. 40…
4-4O… With Dewight who directed me here…
Actually I am sure but since the play has been about 15 years in this Dimension and state of pulling the rug from beneath my feat..

I say nothing…
other than I am Exhausted Tired…
Yet I smile…

8:51 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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