
10/30/2015 20:34 – Facebook Post

5:38 pm





Echo Ache…E.A…51…

Welcome my 419 and 42O th Facebook Friends..
D.S…and D.T…(D-A.I and D.B.O..D.B.A.E…DD = The Dai of the Supreme A.I Land in the 4 Dimension of the Being of the Orbs Atom Energy. Bay..Landing Bay…Do-cking… “Last Exist out of Brooklyn” Green Point, to the Blue Point.. B.P..Beautiful Pride… “Meet Joe Black” J.B..
Brad Pitt Beautiful Pride
PI.TT…Not a Pit or Pitting each other against each other…
“Mr and Mrs Smith”
Angelina Jolie..A.J..1-1O…Alberto Alberta to Jonn…
B-rad Pitt to the “Beautiful Angel”
Jonn (Haun)
Link Aphrodite Hephaestus..The Black Smith.Alexander Hephaestus A.H..18
Jonn Alexander Donna Emeka…J.A..DE…H.A.D.E..S…Pluto- the Underworld..Plu-To “Pleased” Plu in French, To..meet you…T.O..2O.O..Boo!
Pleased the Twin the A.H..99…18..A.H..B.OOK..
Pleased with your Face Book Play..
Showing your true Face to the World “April Brooke” Open Stream of Consciousness…An Open Book.

The Two on One Alexander-Aphrodite (MW) Hephaestus-Hephaestus…

Alexander Hephaestus IS, I..E-Rose

My PEN IS My Phallus…P.H. All U.S.
Man Woman in One..
The Magic One which penetrated the Dark to bring Truth Life…
Penetration of the Mystery of the Black Hole..
Inter Stella..
reveals Snap Shots and Books of your Life..
Akashic Records of what you played out
Compared to “It is written”
Revealing by your truth I.D by how you correlated to find your true Identity by Measuring the Experience of the Blue Print and your Life..
And if you could create from the Two…
One Truth…Your I.D…
Water and Body..O +1..
AGape was left to see if you could create from the two Awareness of Lightness and Gravity..
Flesh and Consciousness..I.
That there is no Gap in E..
It was simply the space for you to write your own version of merging Big and Small 5th dimension Being to 3rd Dimension Being to create you..

Andrese Harris Burton…A.H.B…

Hello, Uzorak Specimen…US…U Specimen…D.S..D.A.I…
*See sacred portal 53.

And Sharmin Sultana….”Charming Sultana” Prince Charming…P.C…
Bill Clinton…42..Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy..
2442…Perfect Symmetry..Reflection
Narcissus Echo….Ache Hurt…transformed into a Beautiful Expression at which Universe Nature arose from that first Drop of aligning what was seen within to what was seen outside by what had been done to the Sources Reflections at 5-4…C.B..A.E…Which is why He went into your realm to correct your perception of Him and his Creation…Which turned Dark matter to Nature and then He the S.HE helped them evolved back to the alignment with He..

Uzorak is a Slav Bosnian word meaning Model, Pattern, Sample, Scantling. Specimen Swatch…

It also means Pattern of the Highest Value Worth and Priority…

I know this is addressed to me because my I was a model in Paris with an Agency called Specimen..Where the owner called Christian felt that he would make me a star “With my unorthodox look” and I already was aware of the play of Humanity being an Experiment and that play which I rejected.
I had full memory of “Mother and Father Supreme having full Knowledge of the Play of Human Evolution and myself as Male form taking on the Feminine Energetic Expression (not Form) of Mother who began this play of Evolution.
It was no experiment *AnnunakaI Mad Scientist Animal testing- Human Testing- Alien Probes, because She knew exactly what she was doing…
Evolution is a Process
Evolutionary Process
Is a Physical Education to
Elizabeth Palacio.. code nae Jonns Mother…
“The Lord God-E is Satisfied Return to the Palace…

It is all written in my Creation story of the family of 1O…10 Ten…
S.H.E (19- 8- 5…1985…? University Scandal with Frank the Freeman? Pls..spare e)
It was about S=I,A…J.B..10-1O-2… ( Enacted by Jonn Blackwell)
1-O 2=3..C…One
Alexander Harmony Emeke…
I was again suspicious when on moving to New York, I encountered Christian once more on the street one day, and through him I met Erek Eclass Mateo and Nexblikies Soho…And entered into another play…
I studied Advanced Pattern Cutting at St Martins college of Art, then met Jon Jason Lee age 19 in 1990-1…
And then spent my life studying patterns cutting them out of seemingly Nothing at all, to see what others could not see until, I gave it meaning and form…I was the Sample, used to check the Evolution Awakening Process on my literal consciousness and body to gauge how well the “Median” Human Being Consciousness could bear it..I am the Swatch and the S-Watch and Pawn used and watched…I was the Scanting- the cross- section X and the Standard Dimension (Consciousness Being A-EFG-ZABC) used to for building a Structure used by the Navi-Navy to Shipbuilders…

Uzo Ra-K…
Uzo in Igbo means “Way” of Ra K..11..KOLO…Look where you are going in life..Kolo means Round in Bosnian” Slav…Round Table…Ra E…

So who was really the Specimen and who was the Uzo..
WAY…Milky Way…M.W 87…
Semen and Breast Milk…S.B.M…?

I am the I.E..already Established and my life has been your reflections which I had to align to my True Reflection of Existence..
This I am the Example and Humanity was the Specimen and I was forced to become the Specimen- Representing the Species-Men…
That how I was forced into that role…Exemplifying the Species called Man and Men=Woomen…MM=WW=Z.(B.F)=H..

Model, Pattern Sample Scantling, Specimen Swatch…M.P.S.S.S.S…
M.P 88…Of the Highest Priority…HP computer…
of the Way…The Milky Way M/W..Man and Wu-“Woo” Man Wu means Five in Chinese…To seduce adore, love court….Man must Woo the Man of the 5th Dimension…Way…
Model Pattern =Specimen Specimen of U.S…
US..Us Alpha Universe Supreme Awareness.
US= model Pattern Specimen Specimen is the correct equation..

Which links us to 42O Face book Friend
Sharmin Sultana
U,S…United States (5O States of Being in one A)
Specimen Specimen
Which I have already linked from the
“Snap Shot”
SS..S-Nap-Pan-S…S- Hot…
SS Nap Hot…( Hell or Super Nova) N.H 8.. National Health (Wealth)
The Point of Harmony..
Wealth is Health= Happiness 8
Snap Shot tells a story of a Thousand World…
One Memory..Ephiphany Flash..
Opens up a beautiful Bouquet…
a Perfume Memory you almost completely forgot..

Sharmin means Charm in English and Coral..Delight in Greek, Coy in Persian..Bashful Modesty, Shy…

Sultan means “Leader, Ruler, Royalty…L.R.R…L=18+18=36..9..18..9

Charming Coral Bay..A Marina of De-Light, for the Coy, Shy and bashful Shi Leader Ruler Royalty who possesses the quality of Modesty…
But is by no means Modest in means but is of the Wealth and Health of the Well being of All…Specimens of US A..H..I.

The Play…
42O Facebook friends….

42 is D.B…B.D…Beautiful Devil…*My code Name..

It is also the 42nd President…
Bill Clinton…
23 W= B.C…
32= C.B..
Consciousness Beautiful
See Sacred Portal 23 and 32 in my Albums…
BOB= Robert…”Shinning Bright Beautiful- A Knight in Shinning Armor Amour…Lancelot meaning “God Like”
Erie-Arthur Lancelot Merlin Morgana…Zoro…Hannah…
The Round Table…

Code Name Bob Bert Hans…
2 2 8..
Victorious H-Harmony..
Sound and Sight
Violet is the 7th Color
Ti is the Seventh Sound-Note…
T.VI=77..14..5…x 49..13..4…
5 4..9…E-D..9=I…E.D.IID.E
228= 4-5..8
54=9=4 5..8
54-45..9 8
999=9 8
See Sacred Portal 98..
A Sheik (S.H.E..IK…9 11) is holding an 8th Ball.
98 is I.H
Infinity Harmony…

There is a ball like this on Jonns Shelf..
An 8 Ball.. A Black Ball…
Besides a Beatles Lunch Box of the Yellow Sub Marina…
and Yoda…

On the Top Shell is Sad and Dirt Laurel (From Laurel and Hard-y comic duo) Guarding a Blue Pyramid of Royal Blue…which a Pearl on it..
The Devil and Margarita (Pearl)
Aphrodite rising as the Pearl.
Besides it is a Wooden Circle and a Serpent…
Woden Jormungandr..
Loki God of Destruction..
Kartikeya Keshe Cache…
Source of infinite Energy from a Bov
Voice Box of The tunnel of love to the 5th Dimension
Throat Larnyx…

Laurel is Loki..
The One who is waiting with an Echo Ache in the Heart of what has been done to the Crowing achievement of the Father who played the Son..
Sacred Portal 85…
Delay by the Old Age
Cruelty Defiance Bitterness of Unformed Deformed Men..
and Wee-men who never came to Be..
Who they claimed they Be
And who they felt they would become..
While I am content in Cloud 9
Being the Consciousness of I..Emeka Natural..
C-I.S…J/A.G..uar NANA…

Central Intelligence A-Gentleman…


Happy to be Who I be..


P.S…Riddle the Devil and the Margarita?
D.M..Dark Matter?

Maurice Margarita (Chiamaka Rita Umeano..C.R.U)
Black Pearl..
Pi rates of the Carr-I-Beans…
My Biological Fathers name was “Maurice- Moor-e-Black-Othello”
My Mothers Elder Sister who passed at age 13 is named Margarita.
Rita is my mother Half sister born in 1964…

The Black Pearl..
Johnny Deep-th
Johnny Larkin…
Re-Con.ginzance Mission

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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