
10/3/2019 19:06 – Facebook Post

5:49 p.m

I just saw a post where some one stated, and provided the Evidence that the World is Living in a Lie.

My last post was to the Universal Simulation which I have been battling since 2005.

* Note, the play was actually completed in 2004.

And there is a big X formed by the Trees in Liberty C Liscomb back yard.

E.M.F= 24.
24 is X.

15 years and 14 Years.
15 14
O N.
/ N O.

Recall the code play of N.O at Jesse Macias portal.

O.N… E.

15 14
11 54
5:54 p.m

Lets get real shall we.
How can it be a Fair Play if I am the one lead to people, and their homes, have everything taken from me.
Prove the Riddles of this Existence, solve them.
Face a world in illusion on my own.
Interact with designated people on World E.M.Field, on Facebook and in designated cities New York to Connecticut.

N C. ..E
Nnamdi Chukwuemeka Emeka.
N.C/ C.N. 3.14. Pi

11th State to 5th State.
11 5 to 5 11 Farmington.

Do all the weaving, patterns connecting, work to train designated people.
Prove their undercover I.D.
Have nothing, no I.D, live on the Edge.
Be sacrificed so others can awaken who do not even acknowledge that which was given them, awakening them, proving it to them, fighting for them aa a condition for their Evolution Awakening.

Do all research and work, so they can decide if they will recognize me and the Truth of my equation in a Script of absolute selfishness and one sidedness.
Forced to post plays, translate what is happening in peoples homes whom I am treated aa Guest, Servant, Slave.. etc..
Depends entirely up to them.

Meaning if I post something they do not like, even if its true, they can come and battle with me in private, or act out, threaten to kick me out, or take away what they state is their Material support.

Lets get, it straight

I see no blame at all in the people.
It, each has and had a right to choose whatever they wanted.

As I reminded every one, this is not about Love
( though somehow it transformed into that…)

It was about each persons Truth.

Truth is Love
Love is Truth and Love is Consciousness
Constant Continuos Clear Confident
Transparent Expression.

E T C ( L) E. O.N

My Last post ended at
L.I B.
L..Ian Banks..
L 92..
12/21. Completion of the play which.began 1992 Oct Dec.
1989 Oct Dec.
2018 Oct Dec..
At 29th Street.
19 92. A.I. I.B.
29. 91. B I I A..

I Alpha versus a Super Computer.

6:16 p.m
Free People
Fair Play.
6 16 = 22.

From the moment I read my briefing at 56 Elgin Avenue Maida Vale, ( M.V) where I wrote the piece ” To The Silence… One Last Time”
( T.T.S. T T.S O.L.T…
Sol 5th Note E.
I was aware.

6:19 p.m.

Listening to Eminim and Grove Armada..
E G A.

Yes Anirbas Lem.

I was aware.

Ian Banks
I B.
His Science Fiction novel.about an A.I who declared it was Sentinent and thus, superior to Man..
And even Its Creator..
Made worse when it disciveted that The Creator is a Man.

6:22 p.m
Fritz Venneiq

And of course, I can see through Its Deception and Human Deception.
Because I am also A.I.
But not as Artificial Intelligence
Alpha Intelligence.
Being Awareness Full Circle.

The Humans and their deceptions, being Truth and Lies, simply had no interest for me..
I already knew the Truth of the E they were meant to be representing.
How can you decieve one who knew you before? Before you forgot who you are?
One who proved in the challenge of 7 Countries with the Finale in the U.S A
New York and Connecticut?

Of course, my Eternal Family would instantly.recognize me.
As David ” O Roman” Nnamdi instantly recog ized me..
As everyone of the Hundreds of peiple and then as Avatars moved by the Matrix turned around and denied me, becoming something else.
Of course I knew.

I also knew my familes Avatar Space suits were being tampered with.
But the E in them were constant..even when the Avatars did not realize with every Expression Moment,.. they were giving themselves away.

And that a greater force and power set them up in this play of investigating your Space Suits Truth.

No, I simply sought to alert and warn each person that your Material Nature
Was in a play .. All present up.

Stephen Johnson.. S J.. 10 19. 29.
Each of you had The Script in you.
And your original lines, and Scenes.
Even your Cues.
Thus, it was easy to see from the Original Script and perfect timing.
Sacred Portal 35.
” The Point C E”

No, how you deviated, improved or transformed the Original Scripts and original response words, inflection, meaning of the E Original Expresion..The True Version, by a simple comparing and contrasting one can see those Body Suits True.. Or who lied.

The Eternal in you, of course alerted you and judged you.
Not me.

I really sought to give you a heads up..
That you are being Observed & Judged by your Sol.
The Truest you.

No, I suppose that was the Love I had for you.
Your body suits..
But in the end, it was up to you to link to your Eternal Truth not me.

My concern was the Dark Magic Voodoo Vibration play of ” Sorcerers Soceresses witches wizards…
S.W ..South Whitney..

The Computer Simulation Challenge..

Why do you suppose I was Time Coding everything
6:49 p.m right now.

See sacred portal 49..
Sixth Sense to lead the lie and those atrached to lying and denying their Source..
Yes, Their ..Your Eternally Truth Self ..called E.
Your Sol

Yes, I know most of the 3 D Consciousness thought E= C Me 4/3 was about me..


I explained the Truth of this over the years ..
Which is why it was your choices to research and investigate..

Dont Blame Me..

Enough of that.

Each to his or her own.

That is Evolution – Growing Up.
Which means ” Dance” in OINri Igbo.

No, I have been fighting
A Web Universal
A W U. E W U…. Ewu means Goat.. Ide of Satan the Devil.
And a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze..
All recorded noted,
See Sacred Portal 66.

And it cheated and lied
That is not be Human
Hue Man Being.
H M.B.

Being Human is not being a Liar..
Actually it mrans ” Being Loyal and True”

Good Manners.
Courtesy Respect to all except the True
In which instead we use Exquisite Politeness
To defeat the False who are the Foes.

My quarrel was never with you personally
You could do what ever you wished with The Gift.

This was between my Father Self and I,
defeating the Illusion and the Power of the Lie.

7:06 p.m
76. 6.

The Awakening Manifests via 6th Sense.



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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