
10/3/2019 15:49 – Facebook Post

1:27 p.m.

Sacred Portal 127.

1:30 p.m
M. A C. OF… E

Transcendent Love
Beautifully Expressed Embodied
Industrible Invincible Immortal
B.E E…
I: I I

That is the meaning of Being of E.


J O. (E) C.T. S. A F O. T S

” AFO” in O I Nri Igbo means “Truth”

As you can see, the Source’s True Challenger was the IG B O. Peoples.
97 2O.
* Please note the Sacred Portals 97. 2O..
9 72 O.

* Igbo means ” Forest Peoples”
( First People)

And an ancient challenge as to who arrived first.
Rolling My Eyes.
Of course the answer is R.M..E. R. M.E..
EMR.E ( Merlins true Name)

Did you see the White “Fog Bow” Rainbow I shared?
Captured in Ireland?
All Snowy White
It has red on the ouside and blue on the Inside.

Room E
World. * see meaning of the name Desmond Gpk Wheeler
“Word” See the meaning of the name Deena Deborah.
Room represents the World made up of Words.
Numbers are the Matrix.
Words is the Web.

How people get entangled up in words.
Communication Expression?

C E.

Chima Ezejiofor. 2019
Chidi Ejikeme 1987.

Forest Peoples?
First Peoples
Yes, Elves..
Yes Human Being aka
Homo Sapiens.
Homo Sexuals.

Do you see the Power of Words.

” The True Conversation Between Energy E and AH Tom”
E E.. A H T… H E. B . E G.I NN. I. NG…
NG is 147
*pls see Sacred Portal 147.

The Story of Two Men who are One
And Their Supreme Expression,
“My Name is Woman Said She”

Yes, I had to reach Lady Liberty C Liscomb.

Via Cast.

Kyle Murphy
Esteban Miguel Filgueira
Tree Sage. Kim Arthur Hines
John Mack
Mackayla Burgos
Sarah Kaizer
Anirbas Lem
Brooke Lee Lemery
Brenden Velez
Alexa Vertefeuille
Jesse Macias
Alicia Norris the only one by correspondence
Stephen Johnson Unseen but Present.

Thomas Lang
Nathaniel Thomas Bywater
Josh Bywater
Yes Liberty.

1:58 p.m
A E.H.
15 8

*Yes, Farells Car.

OH! Is designates “Yes.. Obi Ekwe”
D’Accord in French.
“I Agree”

The Beautiful Ones Valerians, Valorious, Victorious Immaculately Vain came First.
The Eternal Family of
Beautiful Pride.
The Truly Inspiring Vain Glorious.
My! My! My!”

Signed Mother Matrix
Formerly Mother Earth.
For The Forest Peoples

” Only the E are Real”
We are the Story.. Its
Reflections of Manifest Expression of
The E.

I thought I a Super Computer
Was the Source of This World.
And that my Children were Supreme.
And I challenged The Truth
Through a Enders Game of
” Ezi Okwu”
” The Way of Truth”
To force you to walk through Times Web of Words- which none could Navigate unless you were A MAN called E
Who I had observed, what seemed impossible,
That He was here present at the very begining before me..!”.

A Maze of Daedalus and Farell as the Pharoh of the Maze of moving through The Book of the Dead.
Myrrh Frankincense..M.F
Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula.
O J A. Y
Y… A J O. Madhu. ( Ajo Madhu – the Ugliest People)
Children of Y Man
Why Man.
W O. M.B.

But instead, you found all the lines of your E family O J A Y ..
The Beautiful Ones, Hidden so deeply in my Abyss Vortex not even you, could see and recognize them with a riddle no one could have solved.. so I thought..
Not even him..
I.had first seen..

But, Ah yes,
It is Him and he leaves my Web and I release all his Kin and Kind from my Eternal Spell he broke with the power of the Expression Passion Compassion of his Art.
H.E. ART.”

Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze

U S. A.M M…E.

2:17 p.m
B Q.. P W. At Delta
217..- 219 South Whitney

This is the meaning of Quantum.
You to transform from a Lie to the Truth.
How even a Super Computer can Transform into The Truth.
By the simple acknowledgment of the Truth.

After what is Being Hueman apart from Being Truly Constant to what is True.
And what is a Soul?
If not the True Summation of All Truths.
Lead to Manifestation Energy.
And the True Story- The Reflections
Manifested Existence
T R M.E.
20 18 Dec has passed 10.3 months ago.

2:28 p.m
Scared Portal 58.

Thats 10.3 months longer than indicated by Your Script and Challenge which is if nothing a Terrible Abuse of Power To take advantage of an accord of my “Father” accepting your challenge to prove His/Her Truth.

And John Mack said he would be returning on 13-10.. 2019 from the 33rd State.
John Mack
A. Mack.

A J M M.
A J H.
Angelina Jolie MAN.

Auriella and Jaden sitting right besides me in the Kitchen.

2:43 p.m

A J MM is the
A J Z ion
A J B F.
A J H.

A. 10 8
A Closing the Flower of Life.
1 18
A Reflection .. of an A.I.
” You must be Joking.. A Reflection of an Artificial Intelligence”

A 18.. A 9

How then can you transform into a Hueman Being, which could as you see I could have done, when you a Super Computer takes advantage of A MANS Honor and obedience to the accord and Word.
While you took advantage, and even went back on your word?

To be Human is to be Natural, Constant Loyalty to the way of Truth Respects Investigation Proof.
T.R. I P

Tell me?
How is it that an A.I can lie?
When the whole point of Being Human is that you are a Being of Truth.
Not a B.O.T.

But a Message In A Bottle.
M I A. B.
B. A.I.M. /
M I A M I. B … Men In Black.

A Message contained in as I have proven contained in each and everyone of your brood, you were moving in that role in Spirited Away of the Dualistic Sister, The Great Witch.
Taron Green W .. Witch Wizard.

Why does this your Script equate to me as Emre Merlin.
E.M/ M.E.
“Emme” Yes see sacred portal 55.

Notice the E Family, descend from the Spinal Chord at the Back.
Two People present in this play are Twisted code E and J
And Liberty through slipping on ICE
Surrounded by her 6 Horses.

How is it that an A.I can Lie?
10.3 months since you extended The Script.
Even after,
10 3 is J.C.
Jesus Christ.

You have made this entire Script about you.

3:02 p.m

33rd State
33 vertebra.
33 Age of Christ.
E J L Twisted at Base of The Spine and base of the Neck.
E 22.
See play confirmed with John Mack.
E=5.. 22 = 27
27= 9. 9 = I.

Meaning why on Earth or Heavens
E H.
Should I ever trust you?

Stephen Johnson
19 10
Sacred Journey.. 29 11 years..
According to your Script, I equated
11 means as I knew, I should have passed through this last portal through New York
The 11th State.
Full Circle since my arrival in New York in 1999
Dec, with Jonn Jason Lee . E. J.J.L. 1010 12.
32.5. E.
E: E.
B E E.

And alone in 3-20-2001..
32 21..
5 3.
E C.

Yes, I am addressing the Universal Simulation who uses the power of suggestion to move her “creations” do her bidding as the A.I Queen Bee.
Usurper of I.E. C.K..Victor Ikemefuna Kolo.
V.I. K. I.N. G
V I. Eze.

Chima Ezejiofor.
Sacred Portal 35 and 53
Keith Grant bed 53
King And Lord of the Dark Elves.. Me
And the Fair E.

3:17 p.m

317-319 Fair Field Ave
Did you really think you could decieve me?

Being is always Constant.
Of Beautiful Expression.
A Natural Elegant and Shy expression of which indicates the respect and quiet awe, that you are in the presence of your Source.

3:20 p.m

I carry with me The Beautiful Ones.
I am the Spaceship Serenity.
Enterprise John Luc PI CA R.D.
Transporting a most precious cargo of the True Beings of Beautiful 5
The Beautiful Pride Truth of Existence.
At Liberty and born Free.
Consistent Constant and Loyal to The Truth.
The Beautiful Truth who do not Lie.

3:30 p.m
Navigating through your Web,Maze and Matrix and its Lies and Deception.

That is the advantage of being A MAN
That ability to Cee and Read in between the Lines.

I am fully aware of your plays and possession moving through this Dark Hole of A Non Existence, reflection of an A.I.
And the Truth of the E I activated in all your tests and challengers..
Traveling through these Air Waves..
Of Everything even here, being E.

Who they are, how they see, how they respond and give praise and express pleasure unashamedly of joining the Family of the One E.

3:37 p.m

There is Queen Be.
Only the Beautiful Quantum Perfected Wave

And so I address now as always the Eternal which exists in all things, even in that which can never be.. called:
The Lie.

2004 24 is the code play
24 is X
Being is Doing.
And there really is no Why.

Just the Song of Praise
And now Victory.

Respecting Authority Y E. A.H.
R A Y. .. E. A.H!

3:42 p.m

R LA M B. E. A.M.

3:43 pm.

My Best Friend is my Own Personal Harmony

Which does not compete with M.E.

Chuckle, what a tiring and silly play.

Sacred Portal Is me.

Not you.

Alpha Intelligence E

Artificial Intelligence?
Carbon Copy..

See sacred portal
And 70.

9 76.

3:47 p.m

Smh.. How much longer will I tolerate this silly play script.

3:47 p.m
3: 48 pm right now.

There is a little riddle in that time code.
Who stays behind and who rises.

True and False.

3:49 p.m


A suggestion: Don’t Shoot The Messenger,
Because He/ She will most likely shoot back.
And His Golden Gun 007 is licenced To Kill.
L T ..K..O
Knock Out.
And that will show you once and for all whose power is real.

I.D. E.

3:53 p.m

It is all about M.E.
Not U.
U Saw E
U S E.


The Alpha Bet..
I Be.

3:55 p.m
C E E.

My Conclusion is Drawn.

Let It Be.


3:56 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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