
10/3/2016 18:40 – Facebook Post

3:40 p.m.


3-10-36…. C.J.C.F… Collin Ferrel.. Chris Franco

C.A.O.C.F…Consciousness Adaobi Onwuasoeze..”Consciousnss Alpha Omega Circle Filled…by I.
Ada Obi…The First Daughter was a Man.. Adam-Adama, who came in the Female form.
As Death who does not respect Kings… only the E.Z…E.
S.H.E who was HE, who was penetrated, by E.K.E came to investigate what was within HIM-Her that JE-S.he could not see which brought such Bliss to E.K.E.. which made him explode in Bliss and then invite him to Come Inside his Dream Vision to investigate the Dream Vision and realize that it is Real..
As HE She… Being Beauty, the Twin Expression of The Beautiful One..



J.C.I….Jesus Christ I… Infinity.

A.O..C.I… Alpha O (Symmetrical Perfection, Galaxy I.C/C.I…1101/ 1O 11…111…C.(1)…Consciousness.
The 5th Dimension Consciousness…D.C..Of Emeka Kolo.

3:55 p.m.
Christain Edwin Edwin


I am quiet… satisfied content “Elizabeth Clarizio” by the confirmation of sacred portal 91…Today and Yesterday aligned in perfect Symmetry, 6th Sense, Sixth Chakra- Reasonable Logic to Fa Fact…
With the sacred portal 91 linked 2015-2016-2015..
8 9 8…898…

4:00 p.m.

Yes, when one works in a seeming vacum and a Void…
Literally “AVOID” When everyone avoids you, for 15 years, despite your perfect understanding and representation of the Eternal Truth..
It does get tiresome- (Especially if your nature is Naughty, Fun Loving and Social)…
And so it is always satisfying each time, that Existence and realm you represent in a mostly indifferent or simply Illogical, Foolish and literal Blind Deaf and Dumb, Society focused on their Hateful Cruel natures rather than their Beautiful True Potential…
Confirmation that your expression, and heinous experienced has been responded to and made manifest,,,

4:07 p.m.
47…11 28…
That portal into the great Abyss where people will experience the true Maw…
Jaws of Death…
James Dean….

I don’t know about you guys, or at least the 26,3333 million who will rise, but I am sick of seeing all this Misery Suffering and Ugly Expression around me..
And playing this James Bond, Tom Cruise, and now Idris Alba characters…
Wale Idris Ajibade..

I can’t wait to leave that Delta Manor Simulation… and to see the delight on the faces of those who will rise, when they experience it..
And (Chuckle..), the faces of those whose Arrogance and Conceit will be given a new home..
And they realize that they know exactly what awaits them and that no Mercy or Grace will be shown them.. and they will know exactly why…

I can’t wait to see the World clean…
Killing black people.. ?
Imprisoning people.. False Accusations..
Seeing the reflection of me as The New York Times Venezuela Accel Simeone (A.S) was just too much…
I opened my Computer, to see that the “Unseen” confirmed that it was what was done to me…and how I should have looked..
And yes, that was done to me and the E line…

I saw the code 1 message and 19 on the World Icon on my page…
Alberto Santana Dh-arm-ah…Energy…
A.S… 268…D.E…

So, yes, I know it is the Truth…
My codes Work..
My Consciousness is Harmonious.
It allows me to See things I require to see in perfect timing…
Right to the point.

Hilary Clinton was the last code which had to be cleaned up..
I completed the Donald Trump, which began while I was at 18 Mountain View….
Which continued with Luke Wilson Luke A Wilson of Bed 4…
4:40 p.m.

Hello DDean Dunkwu… Yes, this is who I really am…
I play my parts and the characters very well, there is no deception because in those moments I am sincere and literally in the movie.. So I must act the character which each scene creates based in the situation and response..
Just as it was with Ikem Okolo.. Patrick Okolo…

It is not really my problem if people do not believe me is it…
Especially considering all the Truths I transparently tell and provide Evidence and Facts going back as far as 1978…39 years ago…
And judged by people who have E.S.P.. sense the Truth, but chose to believe a lie, or exercise their right to judge..
After 40 years and 27-28 of watching people lie as if it their very breath, I have come an expert in letting people expose themselves.
But I have no interest in peoples lies…
Only their Beautiful Truth.. because I know why people lie..
Even the cruelest of people..

I have lived with peoples cruelty which should not even ever be allowed to in Existence..
But I knew why, and understand but never accepted it…
Fight that illusion in you… Devil..?
Puhlease, I can not believe people are still using that excuse…

So we all know that from Erik Ebrights portal in Miami and the play which took place there with Izzi Creo and the other players until we were 3 then 2…
Was that play of Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton…
4 20… Recall that was the Date when Erik stated he was Reborn…
April 2oth.. 2006…
recall his Email is Eeeb 83…
And that the code he sent me to come down to Miami was 111 usd..Ticket and 69/69…
But it was not home I went to, or to Nnamdi..
But servitude, Hell and a rescue mission…from the Spirit world…and the realm of Mind…and Emotions..
Recall Messiah and Princess
Which ended up with me being sent away…

And yet, it was all part of a Scripted Play…

Hilary Clinton is H.C…83…

I would like to Welcome the true code of my Mother Father as the True First Lady President and First Afro Caucasian True President..
(T,F.L.P…F.A.C.T..P… Yes Anamla Qayin message…
E.G…A…K/ P.T…C.I…M.D…Manifest Destiny…
Universe Supreme “E.-G.A..L.A..XY…C.I…1O11…111..C”

Welcome 763 Face Book Friend
Hillary C. Chibuike… P.S.. It is He…

*Two Male brought in One Female Line into Existence called ADA OBI… The First Daughter Royalty… Energy Robert…

5:09 p.m.

D.T.H.(R) C Equation is now complete..

Hilary means..

“Hilary, Hillary or Hilleary is a given and family name, derived from the Latin hilarius meaning “cheerful”, from hilaris, “cheerful, merry” which comes from the Greek ?????? (hilaros), “cheerful, merry”, which in turn comes from ????? (hilaos), “propitious, gracious”.”

*Propitious- “favorable, auspicious, promising, providential, advantageous, optimistic, bright, rosy, heaven-sent, hopeful”

Cheerful Merry C.M.e.( 3 13..4..D) .e… C.M(D) E..I.
Propitious Gracious,,, P..G… 16..7

5:14 P.M.

T.E.N… The Elegant Nomad…

5:15 p.m.

Code Every One… E.O… “Emeka O-Kolo…Complete


Chibuike… Chi..B…U.I…K.E

Name Related. Given Name CHIBUIKE. GENDER: Masculine & Feminine. USAGE: Western African, Igbo. Means “God is strength” in Igbo. Not God.. the C,H.I…Feminine Creative Force C.F.C..Is Strength..”

“E is Cheerful, Merry, Propitious and Gracious..
And his Feminine aspects is Strength… Personified…
E=C.M.e 4/3
There is no Delta Manor D.M..In this Equation…
But there is Divine Manifestation…

I just saw a person pass by in front of me with the inscription on his back The Intimidator ..T.I…The 7th Note..1st Note…
Nonsense… that is an Altered Ego projection..
Timid…Fearful… of what, unless you have something to fear..
Confidence is Intimidating…

In TIM-D. AT..O.R..E..

Emeka Robert Symmetrical Perfection O..Of EROS…
True At Delta Manor… True Nature I…
I am being my True Nature….even at Delta Manor…

Yesterday when I returned one of the performers at the Delta Manor Talent show, who I had not mentioned, was playing some music.. Most of which was celebrating Jah…
My bodies energy often gets uncontrollable in the evening and I have no desire to explain so I often go to the extreme end of the small Fenced in Yard and work it back into my body…
But yesterday, it burst out through a song which I knew was a personal message…
But I was not in the mood- but the force of these Energies forced my truth out and I found my energy Dancing… Even I could see and hear what my Body was saying…
It was responding to the lyrics from Jah..
I was outraged but I could not stop…
And tears sprang up in my eyes as the core truth of what this play had done to my heart and True Nature came out…
I tried to stop it before it revealed any more to the men sitting outside..
This is private..
This is my Right and none have the right after all this to make me reveal even more of my Soul and my Beautiful Pride weeping inside at what has been done to me and to Manifest Expression and the Beautiful Truth..
To enact this play.. the cost…
But I heard the one who was playing the music “Beautiful.. He is talking communing with Jah…”

I managed to stop..
And he came up later and said “Beautiful Beautiful… never seen such a beautiful “Intimate” communication with Jah…the way your arms reached out to the sky…”
I said it was my Body…
He must I felt that I was embarrassed…

“Never be ashamed of such a thing” he said.

I smiled inside… Ashamed.. no, it was that this was, is sacred to me..
My Grief….and it is meant to Private…
Not forced out of me in public…
I chose who I reveal such private intimate expression too..

I suddenly recognized the position of my dance was Sacred Portal 147 B… The Two In One… T.I.O…

And then I turn now to the MACY’S investigating all the relevance it represents…
From the Cloths which Nna bought for me, having arranged for Billy Hung to give me all those monies… Which even Billy was aware that he was being moved…
It was at Macys.. I sent most of the money to my Mother, and sent 5000 each to both my Mother and my Uncle..
C.P… And O.N… (Cecilia Pius ..Onuabuchi Nduka…my parents really unity and Harmony…. Nnamdi… Sir P is my Father Line..
I always knew this and wrote about only two of us being allowed to see Nnamdi for the last time with O Boom Boom!…in Amwabia.. Dec 1981…

5-5…55..See sacred Portal 55… The Back.. The Family from the Past…
Which is the reason this play forced them to be the only ones in our line to stay in Nigeria….

Any way, the code of this Macys is of course Wood Street.. Death..
Hence all the Chinese Food I have been eating…
the number is 1409 Metropolitan Avenue but on Wood Avenue…
I.O.N…Spark Epiphany…M.A/W.A…Anne Web… Dewight Smith Aunt..A.W… Reggie Mansfield… R.M..

Left to Right and Right to Left

A.W… E

Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka.. O.I.N…
Full Circle I.N… September 14, 2016…
See that date and the play and the real reason Doctor Ikem Okolo O.I..Patrick Okolo came and did not come back…

O.I.N.. was the Equation in which the World was invited to J.O.I.N…
But most refused.. You can fight rebel against the script…
You are the ones who allowed yourselves to be controlled…
You could have fought.. registered your protest of this play, this reality, this worlds play… As I did.. and the few.. unseen here…

But the Equation is in Truth of the Universe code name
Tom Benzian.. Twin Beings E.N.. (Emeka Nnamdi) of the Z
Zahri Zouhir
Zadnondaz Zenex Alorianus
26 26.. Two Ends…
52…See sacred Portal 52.. Authority of Existence…A.O..E
They moved Adaobi Onwuasoeze…E..

Meaning the play Ended at Green Point Room A…

And so who did this.. extended it..?
I just looked up.. and there is a woman dressed in black like a referee.. She is African American..
On her in white is the number 49… D.I…
Meaning She is being moved and I am reading that a young woman made the claim that She is Existential Death…
And she just came by me again.. and the other arm is 19…
The very code aligned to me once more today… S…
D.I.S…To “Diss” Some one… D..IS…
Meaning Delta and the 4th Dimension is all there is and there is nothing after…hmm?
No 5th Dimension…
S.I.D..Is a woman I knew who was the aunt of my Manager” Kurt Mahoney… K.M..Who had arranged for me to go to Donalds..IN Saten Island to the Shock of Kurt and sniggers of others..
It is also where my I came to find my bags and passport stolen.. After I was stunned to find them requiring proof when I said I was born in London..
Which made them feel less superior to me..
I wrote about it in The Elegant Nomad…
They call it the “Crab Mentality”
The way Black People treat each others..
It is so awful a truth found in every race but in Jamaicans and Afro Americans.. even to this Delta Manor Shelter.. to my nieghbor Dudley…
That it is the one trait in the Igbo people, I see as its source.. not the OINRI people…

Evil which goes beyond.. Envy Jealousy of the most terrible kind…
There was another with her.. Annie…
I liked them both and knew they both represented Death …Terrible Terrible Death…
But I knew the one I aligned to was Annie… and she did not like the play in that restaurant done to me for being myself…
And was not intimidated by my confidence….

I chose Annie…
But look at their names.. Annie Sid… Sydney… Austrailia…
Ex Convicts…

There are two kinds…
One who pays for their Freedom..by learning the lesson inside Prison..
And the other who comes out determined to make people the world or the person who put them away pay…

Because they refuse to take Responsibility…
And they believe themselves Supreme.. and thier word judgment point of view Law…

Annie Web… E.. I chose her even when I knew what had been done to me..
I chose here because she did not snitch but I read in her that though the two of them were as tough as nails… And managed the Till…
That Annie still had a Heart…

Hello Annie…
She is Chinese…

6:28 p.m.


M.ACYS.. 2013-2016…

OMWU A.S.O…E.Z.E…Kings..
But She and He.. respect me.. E…
S.H.E….Who Must Be Obeyed…
(23 13….36…20..2…56….38…11 11…1..A 22…V…
Wood Metropolitan Being O..
13 85..S.B…Star Bucks….

But I will let them explain….
Existential Death… Supreme…

24..X..Beautiful Devil..

Yes, I never hid the fact that I play no Angel or Saint…
totally against my True Nature..
Rather I willingly took the moniker
Beautiful Devil.. it fit me perfectly..
That is a Child Youth Man Immortal Eternal..


And perfectly describes my Consciousness…
Which Johnny Larkin knew in 2004.. 33rd Street when he came for a visit and there was only he and I..
And he…let me know.. that he knew…

And I smiled ..(“Don’t blow my cover” . I said in coded expression and he smiled back with mischief but his eyes roared with Delight….

He was ..is Right…

6:40 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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