
10/29/2020 23:42 – Facebook Post

22:20 Hundred Hours
V T. / T V

Mission Impossible VIII

Kim Arthur Hines- Arden-Aurelia line.

11 1. = H
Esteban Kim
Emeka Kolo- Kim Hines Emeka Esteban.

K.IM. ART-H UR. Harmony..
K Art-Hur
Arthur Hur
Jane Hur

Kim is 11 ( Esteban Kim.. Stephen Kim)
1 is A for Arden
Harmony E
H E 85
Again back to 14 85 Facebook Friends

K A H.
Dopplegangers E K
Kim is Jesse…
Isaiah son of Jesse friend of Kamora Herrington
Isaiah is 8
Zion is 18
Arden is 17
Kim Arthur Hines is the end of the sequence.
K 11 1 8
Kim as Esteban ( S F. E M F ) meets Arden as 8 Harmony at 900 South Road with Benjamin C. Krajewski

After John Mack arrived with Incense sticks for me a gift, and connected with Jeron Satya.

Tree Sage
Susan Train
Liberty C Liscomb
Clara Star Child
S.T/ T S
39 39
1 78.. 79

Connects to Jesse Macias Orejuela
Freeman – Fair Field junction
Jesse and Kim met at 217-219 Fairfield Ave while I was living there and John Mack

I left there escorted by John Mack and Andrey Klebanov

A K … 11 1

And it would appear that John Mack is no longer my Facebook friend and joins Mackayla Burgos.
Olivia Burgos
Olusanya Bey
O B .. I
O B E Y. E.
..E I.

K A H ..E

Is that a Matrix is a numerical sequence
K. 11 to the 1 8. Thr Alpha Harmony
Arden .. code on the Fridge at 900 South Road
Knowledge & Wisdom
Art Science
Magic and its Break down

I.asked Kamora if she wished to connnect
She sent only the word “Grace”
She is open to the Ancestors but was originally ore of E

Isaiah is 8 years old and told his mother after our imposed meeting and I spoke to him of his higher self, later asked his mother, ” How did he know I am god”

The sequence of the full circle and its Silver Gold Frame E F. S F. My phone..
Ag Silver Past Gold.
Au. Knox. A U ..

K A H.
11 1. 8



T L/L= 1 A … T A/ A.T. 3 16 33. 1 6 7
T L. True Love. 20 12. 32. 5
S L. S.Lang. Supreme Light-Love.

Serenity – Jeron.. Satya Stephen. Lucifer

K A Ends at 8 Harmony not Chess as Beth Harmon… Notice there is no Y

11 is Arden – Eternal Eden .. H the One Harmony.

Notice the sequence is in perfection to what literally played out.
Yet I was sent back after reaching the Summit.
K A H. E
For Jeron linked to Serenity.
And to Erabella
Jeron Serenity Erabella
I met only Jeron at 29 Lincoln Street
Serenity Erabella of Sabrina Anirbas Lem and Dillon Robert here.
J. S. E. Jeron was 5 months in.the womb when I met him at 29… J S is 29
5 months is E Erabella
29 = 11 .. 5 is K E

Aurelia’s Birthday.
Esteban Aurelia
Kim Arden.
E K. A-A.

Do you understand what this means?
The Sequence was already complete at Kim and Ben. K B B K

And I was forced to go back into the past to get J S 29 code O already passed at 8-29-2019
To get the Line of Liberty linked to Tree
And Kim Arthur Hines Liberty C Liscomb

Yes, it cheated and used that excuse of the E Family to send me back into hell, disregarding my body the torture and usurped my authority and word.
This then is no longer the Beautiful Devil or Angel or even Terrible Death..
This is Negation..
Defiance to the Authority of Absolute Truth.which true over and over again

Taking Advantage of a position of authority to take advantage of a play which gives it power, and then leaving another. Its Source to clean up its mess…

You all saw .. and only that which I recorded
Ecpose… Camerq Picture Framed Caught.

I asked Kanora if she wished to see me..
She offered 3 pm on Tuesday
It was only later I realzed that it was 6.days from yesterday.
My absolute disbelief of its implication was answered by a play of my body and the coding of the Queens Gambit..
Stalling me and delay, holding the Kim Tree Chiefy line in a Tangle of words a Cosmic Entanglement C E
Instead of a Cosmic Egg.
35 is the code I woke up to my phone today.
34. 17 17 aligned to Esteban and then some days ago Kim Arthur Hines

I found myself exasperated to have to do magic, I am not meant to be here with the E Family tarryijng in a spacious but obviously nkt the right place as Cloud 9.
I placed a few objects om the table including my laundry bag Army Green. A G and took the rope and threw it in the wood table.

When Kim returned I explained to him how magic works, as well.as his own.. Indicated the Army Green linked to him.

And when he came back he was troubled by a exchange with Kamora he described it and quoted Ready Player One.. Easter Egg
Cosmic Egg

And he spoke of Entanglement
Creating Entanglements he could see right through ..
I re minded him of the Army Green ” Eli Fil..Thread”

By body last night and this morning felt that Knot Snag so intensely, I knew I was fighting something attacking me…agajn so my body would not rise.

And Amazing Grace has been given.
Sa cred Portal 55 at last has been completed 5 5 also K. 11 Twins E is A ..A K E.
Aka E

The sequence was competed in January..

I was forced to go back down and endure more Humilation to rescue just one line…
Those who Love Truly but not in blance of clarity consistency.
Selfish Love.
Stabled at 44 at last.. to reach 8 H again
P H H P was already Attained.

23:29 Hundred Hours right now


So let it be known for that abuse of Authority.. You who did this, sacrificed me yet again..
Will Eternally pay for this After the Awakening..I will decided your fate

It was not about Love.. it was about Truth.

I will never forgive you even if you were of E Family
Not anymore
I am E K .. E E. 55. 1 A. 25 Y. 7-8/8-7
and I would never ever ever do that.

And I am the Crown E.
Representative of E Family.

And so you can not be of Me.

E 17. E Q
E H ..E

AT 1485 Facebook Friends

Grace was given to you one last time..

I already have the C
The F..
The G H

52 age code
Z Z. End above and below

35 Cosmic Egg
Ready Player One
Enders Game
By by Ernest C-line

No begone..
Intel the Inferno you created until its is time to rise and in the Eden Garden Paradise you did this to let Lovrs C in.
Her line shall stay..
But your fate J A H. Fire line shall remain unknown and you will wait knowing any moment you could be kicked out of Paradise and sent down the black hole and maw of true hell you gave to me.

Its is coded.
It is written
It is witnessed.

Now so.

23:42 p.m
Too Late.

Again.. K A. 111 … 111 usd to K A

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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