
10/29/2020 14:34 – Facebook Post

Its always been recognized by me that I was inna Game of Chess.

Cosmic Chess.

Flip J Hendrixs
Peter Nyarkô and the stone Chess Board in the Foyer of 33 street where I had stayed in 2005 back from Augusta Georgia with Michael Frazer M F
And where I met Fritz Venneiq formerly Recon Studios Sound Studio.
I had been there in 2004.
Chess was the name of the two guys in the Shelter one Black and the other white.
Black Chess challenged me to a fight..

The first time I saw Esteban Stephan after being kicked out of 29 Lincoln was here where he asked Kim, Tree Sage to play a match of Chess.
I wrote a piece about the Cosmic Chess gane match I was in in 2009..2010 called “Covering Letter.. C L- L C.

So considering all I had been through and my Sister having lived in Queens Park
And she as well as my aunt Iesha-Thearea, Caroline ..Chiamaka Bene Franka all went to Queens college in Nigeria..
And my bunk mate in Boarding school I slept above.. Malije Okoye was a chess prodigy – he reminded me abit of this girl..
Anya Taylor-Joy.

A.T. J. Jeron? Jay… Joy which is my Sister name given by the same Nanny who gave me the name Victor.

It really came as no surprise.

Elizabeth Harmon. E H. Harnony

“My little sister Harmony ”

The Queens Gambit..

T Q G. was what.. ?

Manifest Queen..
Queen Aisha, Serenity’s Mother

Aisha Gamage A G

Stephan took 9 of Trees players..
Kim Tree..took 6 of his.

Two Men..

Thus when I found myself choosing this series
and as I watched it..I shook my Head..
Kamora Herrington
Liberty C Liscomb

And Woman as Supreme..
Did not play chess with me nor did they represent the two Awareness Black and White..
Two males did.. here at Heaven in Kims Room.

Harmony was dreaming.. it was the play of the two men she was witnessing via 2nd Sight.

I E Manifests.
Who can move freely on the Board
Because my body may be tied up for this challenge but I have always been the Free Man.
Mind Heart Soul..only my movement has been curtailed.

So many people in my experience here have always desired I play chess with them,
The only persons I played chess with, and as a youth.. was my sister..
She won, but I never was interested in it even as we played.
But I recall watching under my eye lids..the joy she felt in winning.. despite being aware I was not interested in Chess.

Until I was challenged in this Play.

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