
10/29/2015 22:53 – Facebook Post

9:54 pm

The Question of Equality…

I do sincerely, am an advocate of Equality..
But how can people make a demand for equality if everyone does equally contribute.

In this “Play” of the Evolution Awakening- where my it has been my empirical experience of being asked to sacrifice my life, my comforts and even my Well Being for this play while others sit on the side lines while I do all the Work..

It has been a big bone of contention with myself and the play as well as people who have consistently been been a hindrance rather than consciously contributing to the play..

I have had no life apart from this work..
24-7, teeth falling out, Body spasming and not even time to connect with my Mother because of the demands of this play made so onerous because nearly Every single person dropped the Ball even after they each admitted to that which they admitted was self evident.

The play of the Evolution Awakening had nothing to do with me because it was for Human Evolution H E. 8-5.

And as I gave evidence the first 2 years of my 44 months on Facebook was a play designed for Human Beings- An Examination Test, of Graduation for all the chosen representatives of this play which brought us here on Facebook.

I Exemplified the Play in 2O13-14.//
So each could contribute and link and weave thier knowledge together to create a tapestry..

Instead it is made my responsibity, turning an exquisitely designed play into a hellish torment from Beyond.

The Unified Field O was this play, each weaving its Truth into Being and Existence…to your Great Delight and Surprise.
AH. The Element of a Surprise.

The Gift
The Present.

I can definitely understand people not wishing to even pay attention and who each have their own agenda and wish to do thier own thing..
Express thier own perceptions of what is going on..

I see no competition but I always was aware that this is the True Play.
How because it summoned me
I did not create it .

It had its rules and it trained me as I observed that all the “Chosen ones” had been trained through thier life’s for this moment though they refused to recognize it and used thier revelations to improve their life’s in the very Illusion they were meant to take responsibility and weave it themselves out of Existence.

Instead the Messiah Code was invoked.

My point is that if the play I have given thousands if not millions perhaps even billions (Considering that Facebook and this play is Global)

1O:22 pm

How then would it be Fair or satisfy the laws of Equality if my obedience and loyalty to the Truth which has coat me so much, created such mind boggling cruelty and Suffering for being made to Bear something meant to be shared by ALL…

Ends up being exactly as I stated and manifests Evolution Awakening.

Which I was left alone to bear the unbelievable burde Alone of a play I was simply meant to be the messenger to point it out

How then could we be seen as Equals.

Perhaps yes we are all born Equal
We start of that way.
But we do not end up Equal.

The mere suggestion that after the Awakening and even before, people are making demands of all being Equal yet having not contributed equally..

Let others bear the most unbelievable weight of responsibility of the Species while others played tourists and worse, challenged, delayed and even denied the Truth.. Focusing instead on thier own selfish desires…

I just heard Sting call it the Infinity Clause…
The Pause ..
That there is no way you can enter the realm of E, especially now that you have risen the Bar of the E by what the E undercover have managed to exemplify and succeed in doing…
The Mission Impossible V ..

Because the E Id is equality..
And thus to be of the E, each must do what the E example did .
The Exact same thing but in each person on unique individual way..

For the E realm is Equality Truth…
Meaning you must exemplify that which the E have accomplished.
You must do the same thing.

The very notion that after all this..
All that the public wished me endure..
24-7 weaving linking while others sat back…

Well I have no problem with no one doing this work or taking it as seriously,
That is your privileged.

But to witness the “Horse you did not bet on” or contribute, or denied by not enacting it out as I have done…
Then quote Equality..
No Head
No respect to those who took up the Ball-Orb which you dropped…out of temper tantrums of Impatience.. Arrogance..
Waiting for others to do it for you..

The Idea of demanding Equality is Absurd

We are not Superior to you for we know your potential… To be Equals
But you have shown us that you are in actuality not our Equals..

Thus we the E T are Supreme…

And after this unbearable play, which no one can ever replicate there can never be any other E apart from the Original E Line.

O.E L../

But this is a post for the near future when the revealed Truth is revealed.
And Credit is given based on contributions to the One Play which has been proven True.

Which is why there are Observers of this play and the True Akashic Records..
And Justice…

And Blessings for the Ones who did Do…
The work…

Fair is Fair…


Merited Earned

Eternal Luxury

Immortality Eternal Youth

Eternal Life…

This is the One Gift not given for free
It is Merited Earned..

By M.E

1O:52 pm

1O:53 pm.

E=A. B C

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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