
10/28/2020 17:46 – Facebook Post

Source Codes.
Solved by A MAN
And now Two Men..
Awaiting confirmation of our little sister Harmony
Serenity linked to Liberty C Liscomb and
Kamora Herrington.

14:53 Hundred Hours right now
2:53 p.m

N E C. K.
A D E C. K.
B E C. K. H A.M. ( David)

J B H. 2020 Vision.

A F ” MAN” Leander.
Sacred Portal 28 ..Victor Victorious

I am back at 14 86 Facebook Friends
With the arrival of Anja Umlauf
Tree Sage.is going to or is at a meeting at Knox.

Yes Forte Knox
Arden Fred Knox Gemino.

Dream Vision of Cynthia and me in her vision after the spirits meddled with her dreaming to accuse the one you dare not falsely accuse.
Elevator Man.
E M. F
Safe filled with Gold Jewels.
Fire below..
Little Fires Everywhere

She was directed instead to the Fridge.
Inside was Alcohol – Spirits ( A S)
Spirits of the Ancestors interferring with peolple “suspectible” to the Spirits.

What is the Gold Standard ?
Do you recall why J F K was assassinated?
Federal Reserve..
Who is the true rep of the Gold Standard?

Steven Esteban is rep of True Money and its distribution.

See meaning of the name Kasien Thompson
Kings Temple.

Kim means Gold.
Aurelia means Gold. Symbol is Au.
Kamora means Golden Fields
Gold Meadow.

Black Molten Gold.
Alchemy creates Gold.
The Philosophers Stone
The ability to transform the darkest thoughts of rage, through pause before reacting and see the within that expression of another the Gold within it.. extract it, and cut out the rest.

Thus, I must code this for Kim Arthur Hines and the line he represents to bring back the value and worth of Money from the seemingly empty Federal Reserve to manifests from nothingness the Golden Ones.
Golden Bricks.

Yes, we have Coal to Diamond as the Present.
But we also have The past, obscured, deformed into a lie by those who write History not realizing that there are Watchers, recorders of the Akashic Records
Alien Council
The Blue Black to white Sheltering Sky.
Earth Records
Atmosphere Records
Sky Sees and records
Outter Space Dark Matter Energy and Transparent C sees everything

Your Body is the literal micro version of the Universe Present and Suprene.
It records Everything
From the moment you are born, your body absorbs and records Every Thing, while your brain organizes the data.

Anja is a Russian name

It means “Strength and or Power.
Grace .. Inexhaustible Grace.
Rhythm Melody Eye Sight..
Grace Favors those who see percieve

Umlauf ..its an old German word from the Police town in Germany and comes from “Umbe Laufen” which means “to make the rounds”

The Police ..50 who were present and called when I was kicked out.
They made it clear to me, that I did not have to leave, that I had rights.
Two black and one white..
Emeka Kim Esteban.
Eke in OINri Igbo is not only a name of one of the 4 Market Day, but is also of the 4 Corners of Existrnce in the O I Nri Igbo People Creation myth… actually proven real
The 4 corners of which Eri -Chukwu divided himself into 4 in 1..
5 E K E
It is a Python
Pythons represent the Earth and Heavens as dark matter.. Ala who down here as Matter took on the female form but in the Heavens is actually Male.
K = 11
S = 19
A is their 1 as Arden Emeka Esteban
Atom formed by Expression Energy merged.

Dark Matter Expression proven to be Loves Cee.. is cleansed back to Transparent Light Reflection Dawn.
And Gold.
Sun Rise. Light Blue Golden rays and Transparent Light.

Sunset.. P.M.
Paul Mass-On brandy left for me by Johnny Newmans higher self.

Mass On

The Python is the representation of the Goddess Ala..
It means Breasts.

I will share the image seen and sent to me by Tree Sage
Ala. Breast Milk feed the Babies and the world
She is both Afrodite Love Aphrodite
1 12 1
A 121.
112 1
Sacred Portal 121 is the portal I with Esreban went to West Virginia ” 35th State..Mountain Mama.. take me home….”
Anirbas Lem Dillon Robert
A L ..D R. Death Ray
Sabrina Mel. S M. R D.
Kim Arthur Hines was on the Road that day.

Sacred Portal 112B is Return of the Prodigy Prodigal Son.
Which was the last film I was watching at 29 when Stephen Esteban appeared asking me what I was watching.
I rolled ny eyes with a hint of laughter and ” just wait until after the Awakening now that I have got you back to HG. OE. D E.
G D 7 4. 11 28. 39. 12 A B Love 3 C..
Consciousness Crystal Clear ..Cut.
Die A Monde.
Death of a World.

To piss of a Python who are gentle by nature as is the Goddess Ala.. is not a good idea.
Kali.. she becomes Kali the destroyer.
And behind her is herself as Man above powering the rage.

Just as I have been provining that both Solomon and Sheba are really two men.
S .H.E. B A. C K. E .
not a Woman

There is only Kim and Emeka here with Stephen Esteban who had arranged this space chosen by both of us.. because it was the portal which opened naturally
So this is also Stephens Esteban portal and creation

Two men ..Three
E K E.

Now.. please see Sacred poryal 98
Joy. Diamond Clarity it shows Pythons.

But then see Sacred Portal 89.
8th ball of destruction instead of Pythons there are furious eyed Eagles who look down from Heaven.
Have you see Kim pissed off, or glaring

The Sepent as Ourubus is the expression of tye rage of Heaven.. The All Seeing Eye.
See pictures of Arch Angel Micheal destroying the Serpent.. Satan.
Yet they are the same thing.
The All Seeing Eye of the Watcher..
And her source HE is the Eagle
Bald headed eagle symbol of the United States of America
But there are no United States of Being in America are there, just as the money here has no foundation as Gold Standard
It owes trillions of dollars and owes China staggering debts.

So this country does not exists..its an idea that went terribly wrong from it very foundation and founding fathers.. Hypocrisy.
Thomas Jefferson..Sally Hemming.
Benjamin Franklin.

* Alan Franklin Jnr


Just recieved Kamora’s confirmed @ 16.18 Hundred Hours right now
River Phoenix
4:18 p.m
D R. Death Ray sacred portal 49
D I. E
She gave the code G R A C E.

So she and the line she rep resentss in this planet “Ala” is good to go and leaves with her Eternal Family of I.

Now.. Clara Star Child is the line of Percing Clarity and it was her challenge that her vision was greater than her self as male ..two men.

Kelsie Bissell is of that line.
And all are aware that she is in Harmony with what i represent as the Boogie..
As well as Nugahs Nahdarp
And her challenge was also correct to challenge our sight 2020.
Kelsie never went too far in her challenge as her sisters selves did.
My pissed off with her was like her twon line Edward
Shaggy.. that there were having too much fun playing while I was doing all the work with the E
Their C was correct, perfect but not down here in the world which required Action Expression Explaination Awareness Naturally Supreme

Its true we came to Boogie but there was a problem here people just could not see as we Edward Kelsie
E K line can
And so Help was required..

Creation is founded on SEX
And Clara line of the Super Nova her chill cool funny warm piercing sight as well as Shaggs was required.
That their abulity to be unaffected by this reality by rising above it as Light Seers.
You were meant to come down into the messy realm of Emotions Feelings.
E F. Even rage.. which she was finally pushed to feel express not for anyone person but to the horror done to children Men Women and the Truth which normally would transform gebtle funny Clara into an indestructible lazer with just one look with intent thought reason behind it, they can evaporate your entire existence..erase you holding the Valkyrie Sword, its point at your throat at the last portal into Eden.
They will scan you .. they are terrifying and beautiful.

Her nick name is “giggles”
Just for Giggles..
Yes.. Girls just wanna have fun.

My problem was Yes, I totally agree but erm.. see what was done to my body which she herself had experienced herself she told me, in her dreams.

It wasn’t time for Giggles yet, it was time to rise with the Sword of Truth.
I too am the representation of supreme clarity.
As is Espirit E Awareness and Devoted of the Ultimate Trinity.
In this play, her younger selves took her nonchalance to world affairs and not adding her lines Clarity 2020 Vision as her sight being better than her Brother Selves.

Pleade recall the play of my bio sister?
So close but separated by her stance that her take on things which took place was better than mine and her using language to tarnish me in the eyes of the family, not out of malice but in going too far, to make herself be seenin her own right and not via the shadow of her two brothers..Emeka Nnamdi.

Pride made her realize when she had gone too far.. Her true name is my Aunt Iesha..
Queen Aiesha.. mother of Serenity
Qusharia Aallah sees through Sound.
Sound.. Amazing Grace
Seeing through Emotions Feelings
Seeing beyond Sight..
That which we percieve via physical sight.
But any scientist will prove that we see through In Sights
Third Eye.
We feel the true reason of peoples actions expression ww understand why.
It does not make it correct or acceptable but it modifies the intensity of our response and reply.
The ability to see the truth of a persons purity despite often monstrous expressions.

We feel the sound of the purity underneath all that …Hurt.. is Love.. Supreme Love.

And recall Clara is the scout able to enter realms of which monsters roam and her line able to see that fragment of Purity in them sge stays with them becomes their queen after proving she is their equal and then she begins to inspire them out of that Barbaric Savagery of Monsters and brings out Cilvility.. Civilians Civilization..C..
Then she as the Light in the Dark.
The Lamp.. the Light House.. the signal to the Two brothers Spirit E and Devi Devotion to arrive and check this new species as ready to evolve by adding Awareness and Devotion

800 B C – 1500 A D.
Historic Mediterranean

This realm is Sex
Creation is Sex
It is how we play.
I was literally denied sex for ..sigh..might as well.. since I came to America not until A.M. E.R.I C.. A Arden Alexander

I am Eros E Rose.. I rebelled of course, then understanding.. I abstained and had to express it voluntarily in an alternative way which allowed the Kabal, the Jewish Cabal and all the ancient savage rituals of this world use of Sex to ..
I.had to endure it all with full awareness especially at night or when no one was around and the things they did to me..
.as I was forced to clean solve riddles as they..
Such a rage they visited on me Kelsie..
I will never full re-recuperate
Go back on my page many people testified to witnesssing it
Charity Kanu…
Her son..
My Mother Uncle Pius..
And many others

I often bleed..
I was not allowed to be with women and the men who came in my dreams and were powerful enough to physically lift up my body, move me physically.. I kept of screaming thst this is impossible!!!

5:11.. 5:12 p.m right now
17:12 Hundred Hours right now

A G L.

Its because I met you that I am speaking about some thing I never wish to speak about

See sacred portal 24
Sacred Portal 94 ( I.D) 82 H.B.

I had to respond to their Stimuli go to the Inteenet and Sites they directed me to and smh.
19 years they sought to humiliate me as my beung rep of Sacred Portal 51
Sex God of Creation

Do you know what was done here to Sex as Loves Expression
And what was demanded to clean it up, rage of 1million years.

See your line Kelsey with the Kelsie the tiny white 26 year old director of Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter
I came out via Alexa Kelsie Teo and Cassandra
Then E.M.F was insistent I meet you first here.
Remember in his Elephant Memory Room.

You were In Hell as Delta Manor surrounded by Monsters.. And you would come to work..and then leave my problem with her was she no longer really really cared about the men there.. she gave up..so we had an epic battle..
I was victorious and she began to really care abd Cee people their feelings.
She began to see the True and cut out the monsters.

That is how I got out of that Hell Hole..
Ass Hole.
And there was Billy Hung and Stephen Filgueria
Who later revealed he was really E.F
Eternal Family
Satan Lucifer
Santana Dharma Light Bringer
He brought me.. directly to me..and you saw me!
And went back to play as I carried your lines Excalibur
Sword of Truth

To be of the E Family each must taste a fractal of what I was made to endure surmount and transform
It was not punishment it is Dharma Santana
D S. 4. 19. 23
Divine Law

S & A challenged my sight 2020..
Your line with Shaggy did not but you did worse
” All it takes is a few good men to do nothing ..

Evil took over this realm your line was meant to be guarding..
Lazer Vision
Loves Supreme Truth
Warrior Supreme
South Whitney
S W. O R D. E.K

instead I was left Alone undefended.
Until I had to go deep down to Hephaestus and forge my own sword and release from the prison of the Deep Supreme Armour Amore A Moore..
And Alexander Stephen Serinity Jeron John Arden Autelia Kim Kamora from existential death
Cosmic Egg
And make rise…

Its enough.

My rage is the worst of all..

So chill Giggles..
Lets go home.

5:39 p.m

I see you C. K.B. E
Now see me and your brothers line.
You were never a Woman.
Always seen by us as one of the guys with a body fantastic which lit up our eyes.. fire every where..
Morning Wood.

St Theresa of Aviles
Sacred Portal 8
Love Links Desire

How do you think your line got the nick name Giggles ?

Powerful Vibrations.

David and Spirit E called you

17:43 Hundred Hours right now
5:43 p.m

E. Is S.P 43

And you shall not become S P 7
Illusion of a Broken heart in a diabolical human ancestor savage reasoning script.

See sacred portal 67.
That is First Primodial you.


Au is

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