
10/28/2018 20:33 – Facebook Post

10/28/2018 20:33 – Facebook Post

From Michael Love…

Excellent Intel….

I suppose if i I added that all this is being done down here
by a Man Linking his Family here through a Play and Script…

“I roared and I moved away from the place of confrontation and walked to the back of the shelter,the place which the official portal out of the Universal Simulation Awareness, which Time and Cause and Effect of Human interpretation had transformed into this space,
I turned and roared and every body in the shelter heard it, i then found myself moved in a dance- whose language and meaning was infinitely clear….
I had turned to the realm called the astral plane and I had summoned the Armada…”Grove Armada”
The Army of Harmony E… Enraged to come and respond to the blasphemy done to the Eternal Truth and the Eternal Law…”

I saw a video placed along my route from Taylor Avenue.. another rendevouz spot “The Cross Roads of the play and the road home to “Lawrence Av 6th Train, 6th Sense Train of Thought” transformed into a a park bench.
It read Hole in the Wall… I did not even bother to pick it up…
I was full aware that I had manifested it…
See Sacred portal 115.
Message from the Dream World and Subconscious through Anamla Qayin representing Death as the end – the Wall.


Bed 4-005 Wallee Bracey

M L… 13 12… 25…


I could sit here, and provide more and more evidence, of this fact, not to boast, and not because I HAVE TO CLAIM credit, but rather to prove not only what the Evolved Hue man being is able to do and enact, or that this allows one to track the entire narration with the Arts and Science contained with which demonstrated that not only that this is fact but what Michael Love s Data is correct, because there is a blue print and an expression linking how it is correct but that it translation has left out full meaning of its reason behind it manifesting…
Only because his line is picking up the frequency, say in the frequency of Michelle Lobsinger M.L 13 12 ( program identified as the portal to Manifest Logic L=12 Completion the mission of the science and art of manifestation from nothingness Creation)
whose apt and portal I passed through in 2004 ending in 2005, 57th Street, Columbus Circle and 33rd Street
where I time traveled back to Origins and its original frequency which cause the Family oF T E N to rise in me ( a family of frequency the first 55… 10… 1 O… Who together with myself, as their Indignant by delighted avatar descendant wrote the Original Story of the Family of The Elegant Nomad. TE N…
And then the story of the battle enter this realities Awareness and Consciousness and the wall of resistance of creation stories, ideas, philosophies, opinions theories but hardly any facts or facts linked like stars to forms a true picture which the Universe and Universal Nature would Itself Echo before a life Audience and confirm
Roger That!
Roger Attaway Florida… 27th state reflection of the correct equation 27.. A-Z-A… B G.. Blue Green Spectrum Rainbow.. S.R… Sol Fah
S.F… Link was Stephen Filgueira… which as a connection in the play has failed …
We did not make contact on the correct date and i am about to give evidence of how he allowed himself to be used as a pawn in a Cosmic Chess Game going on between the Ancestors Ghost in the Machine, Memories not aligned to fact, fighting the awakening of the Body and Beings of Harmony to the actuality that their world is and was never real and that it was transformed through time from a Play Theater to a Game… a Deadly game of Human Evolution back to origins not simply through a natural flow of cause and effect which has been evolving everything in Nature…
But this time as proof of their evolving back to the E, that they use Reason and Logic. True Consciousness… R.L .. T .C…
Left Right Turn Center… – Movement motion their own Human Knowledge having been guided by Nature their Guardians- to now surpass Nature by proving through actually reason and explanation using the sum total of Human Knowledge… clean knowledge ( that which makes sense and produces the exact results it said it would from conception to manifestation.. Like an acorn in Nature always manifest a Oak Tree. The evolution of this, is to manifest this same process as Nature but evolved to Natural Expression…
And through evidence of your Awareness as you break down the Art and Science through a Life Audience step by step, and give proof of manifestation.

And that the Space which this expression is using is the Universal Simulations Emanual l called a Film projected live which transforms and manifests as an echo to the correct expression sent out from within the play…
A Planetarium…
Yes.. Like the Truaman Show… meaning you are in University… Universe .. while others are down in their bodies called HI School…
1-7-8 Grades…
And that this was a learning curve of how to use Expression the 5th Element ( the only true Element) which manifested Everything even Creation Nature… Pi… in perfect harmony naturally and from out of the Blue so perfectly that in hindsight it could be quantified qualified and measures, broke down into an arts and science…
Perfection without being aware, simply through being Natural Expression of The Your self .. the highest potential of yuourself then comes through… The one who knows… then this Highest You then links to the one Original You… and the One original ancestor..
You ancestor, your Self… The Self The Source…
Yes like a Family Tree..

Life’s Original Truth… L O T…
Lifes True First Family…

7:06 p.m.

Hi Kyle Murphy HI Isabelle Ilic…
And i…Emeka line…
E K I…

Yes Hector who Kyle Murphy get hinting about, as being one I had to make contact with.. at least his other self was indicating, Kyle was aware of course and delivered and delivers the message but as I, he loathes the play and pretends to not pay attention denying it not only until it is fact but because Solid Fact is the code of completion.
That is or was the part Stephen Filgueira was meant to play moved through to come to meet me at his designated timing.
But his line is late, and I have proven that since we passed long since the play of code S F…
Even the news coverage of San Francisco and the homeless state has passed as news..
7:11 p.m.

It was on the New York times-the designated news portal for the family T EN and avatar descendants…

S F.. 19 6… 25.. Y…
L M.. 12 13… 25 Y..

Roger Attaway code he represents undercover is “Roger That..” Confirmation of Solid Fact attained…
Fritz Venneiq rep of Nature arrived at the same time as Stephen Filgueira to confirm a numeric code and play designated since Time began to end the play of Time by Solid Fact as Truth attained thereby ending the challenge of Nature… U N…And earning its Kudos and blessing from the Guardians of the “Galaxy” also a play but real…
This reality is a Virtual reality is it not.. it has evolved from 4.5 Billion years of motion movement =Time.. to its Truth..
C-Speed of Light Perfect Timing.. P T.. The Point.
Then Linear Time Birth and Death – B A D.. Ends and the correct portal of E.. Eternity Dne responds…

Kyle is called Dark Night in video Games…
My Grandfather is D .N Umeano..
The correct code is David Nnamdi Emeka… and I… Isabelle Ilic line and Same e.. Samy .. Samuel… SAME.. Isabelle Samuel.. I S…
Isis Osiris..
Isis means Throne…
Sacred portal 45… is Throne of Existence.. Planet E ART H… Harmony.. it is not a physical space.. but its Expression manifested Earth… The Seat…

Thus Kyle Murphy line was being meddle with by the Lie of the Beautiful Ancestors – who claimed to have forgotten true first contact despite archeological evidence suggesting such a thing is impossible, but also that the E line never existed and that their creation story as well as Science came from them and that they are the source of Humanity.. That they are God and Goddess..And hence the war.. with an illusion.. who was so effective in hypnotizing Children Natural Truth a precious Human resource and by appealing to their need to have a source a father mother ( using the gap in their schooling and coming into this inverse reality School to understand the language of matter..) To take advantage of that which they remembered but could not articulate – which is what they were here to learn.. to Talk.. use Sound.. the physical realm.

These are the Evil ancestors, products of Illusion and Delusions who held sway through Rituals Fear and hiding knowledge..
The Beautiful Ancestors… they were overun by the evil and its play.. and forced to go deep deep undercover..in Hiding…
In the Universal Body… Were..
The Liver and the Spinal Column…

Kyle line is linked to Dne…
David Nnamdi Eri..c… and now what I represents… I had my evidence yesterday… in the foulest play….

Solid Fact..
Solid Proof…
S F..

Stephen Popiotek fulfilled his role.. See the Obelisks play … Full Moon events he keeps inviting me to..

S.F was meant to appear here in perfect harmony and in perfect timing aligned to Fritz Venneiq
F S…
Facts Supreme… 6 19.. Bed 5 19.( 24) .4-19…( 23) and 6 19..(25) . 7 19… 26….( completed yesterday with coffee 26… and 26 again today from the Arab Bodega…) 8-19 .. played out today with Hector…
* Hector Herrera H H.. 8 8.. EME KA… K O L O… 8 8… 16… Still the past… 20 16…. 36.. Fritz Venneiq age code… 18 18..R R.. 36.. 9…
9 19.. 28… Kyle has 28 Vertebra… I am born the 28th….
108… Total monies sent by Fritz Venneiq to me 40 35 33… 108…
Sacred Number… 108… October is 10th month.. Octo means 8…
108… 18.. my bed….
we have already aligned the equation algorithm to 108… 118.. K H..
Kolo Harmony…
Kyle its Reflection embodied… He link Hector.. and hector moved in Harmony twice each time seeing a seat vacant near besides me until finally I did the “Work- the sharing with him today”
He said “Your activating me, I am getting goose pimples.. you are putting words to things I Knew but could not put in words.. suddenly I have the words… I can see, and understand clearly…” He was staring at me, “this is one of those miraculous encounters you read about…

He was living in a depression he said, a Void because he was stumped with how the world used reason and how he just could not accept thier point of view but did not have the words to express and explain their insanity…

12 8… 96.. That equation has been fullfilled with Ant Manino who was serving as that portal- he has changed – he is no longer that Beautific smiling Little Jesus, instead he is this person almost demonic consumed with wrath at how he felt he was used even though he was informed and ignored the the warnings and now is enraged by the consequence…

he was born 9-6-19 75…

That portal has been passed… Kyle Murphy without knowing my thoughts and reflections concerning Ant expressed my conclusion but through his own empirical experience…

5-026.. 76.. That was played out two days ago and yesterday…

13 8… M H… Manifest Harmony… 21.. U… 3.. C.. That too was confirmed over and over from Leland Johnson rm 138.. 20 usd he found with my codes… to Leland Avenue which is on my route from Taylor Ave to Starbucks…
That is what the S .F. F S…Facts Supreme code he was meant to be representing arriving in his own solid fact form called a body…
To see me in person in perfect timing…
He now suggested friday ….
Obviously he and what he represents has no respect for me…

He announced in revenge for an assumed slight…
“You asked for money….” there right there is his revenge…
And the lie…

I had no more money, to sustain me which meant something was not in harmony.. I had completed the play of 17.7 years and now 8 days in New York not through charity but by providing knowledge and intell and AID in ever area of human life physical to Spiritual to historical to language and expression…

I knew that the human family were meant to sustain me based on the knowledge I brought back from goiing deep undrcover .. into the maze and system.
All that I could use to sustain me in this reality, from passport to control of my body was taken away….
I knew that the response of what and how I was given appreciation from these designated person representing lines of Human Existence and Awareness and response to knowledge which they had all acknowledged its Value…
And the Echo represented by You, the E and the Script as Priceless .. See meaning of Anthony and Robert…David…JAY…

So i knew that it was also a mirror reflection of how far would some go to deny that which is of value pricless and made it intentional seem not only not worth basic courtesy and respect but to twist the truth…
“You are not the only one who has suffered’ he had intoned..
I was just sickened by that expression and noted that Rachael Devon Rios Sessions has also alluded to that.. She of the Ayam.. meaning within her is the absoulte truth of full awareness of what is realluy going on an what I am doing.. and why..
And yet the focal point of communication had been “My Suffering” not my truth not the Alchemic process, not my roar strength power codes, intel.. still being here 6.10 years after 2012…7.10 years since Dec 21.. 12/21/2011… 33…31… 33 32… 65…./ 56…
But the suffering which none has ever sought to express compassion for in all the years on face book…

That is what he chose to address, vegeance and revenge for anassumed slight in calling attention to the truth he is representing within and mis representing outside…
And how he is being used by the Evil Ancestors to bring me down…

Another betrayer.. another person to adress a being of my purest intentions truth facts.. care an consideration for those I already know were avatars for the E bit who will never rise it because a chosen eay to be see and interpret when called out to clean up.. that your expression wihin.. is fact and that your fears dounts have distorted your view and recognition of your own truth…
They make it about me… and make it seem I need them.. a poor homeless man who taught them , brought them up to par has been a face book friiend for 5 6 years…meaning a full degree..they have been all educated by my posts…
See Hectors response from an exchange for a couple of hours…
The value… it changed his life – by giving his truth a mirror which confirmed it as Solid Fact causing him goose pimples – Feelings Sensational…

S F F S… 25 25… Y Y… Abel De Yeshua Yeshua
Roger Attaway…

And then in Harmony, Isabelle Ilic stepped in..
I a grown man.. an ET is being told off by a person – a child who refused to take responsibility for his words and expression all made public for all to see the trail…

Francis Frick and I slept side by side in bed this afternoon.. the first time ever…
I did not enjoy the experience.. not did he.. we are grown men placed too close to each other…but I understood his point.. it had nothingto do with me.
S F F.S…= 88… E M E K A K O LO…
They know my I.D..and so the supreme insult was intentional.. use money and time..
Ego Oge.. in OINri Igbo.. now you the public can go back and read for yourself the play of Stephen Filgueira… the very by man…

8:20 PM..

P.S.. EGO OGE is Sacred Portal 50..
He was in Hawaii when he first contacted me in perfect timing with Fritz Venneiq both declaring that they had not seen my text sent months earlier…
Each responding at the same time but only after Roger Attaway sent 25 usd 25 usd…

I explained posted all this during that time line…
Simply go back.. and see my point of view sane.. and then how I am held Responsible and Blamed…

R B… Robert T Bowers.. Kills 11 people.. 8 3…. Yesterday while this play is going on and completed… 26-27h…
Pittsburgh is the 2nd state to join the union…
2.. TWO MEN… Emeka Kyle… E K…
200 USD From Isabelle Ilic portal Kyle Murphy.. Kelly Meghan N B C..Mr Lack… Mr B- LACKING.. In basic needs to sustain yourself… L A C K../ K C A L ..L… E… LA! C.K..

Was Obi Ckc Obi Ckc Nwakonobi post he was dressed in military olice uniform.. P U/ U P.. With Chinese Caharacters…

Now I present my evidence that he and his line went intentionally against their true nature..

8:30 p.m.
83.. 69… 6=9= 15= O…

8 3.. O…

Harmony Creation Full Circle Fact Complete.. First Contact… fritz 36 age code…. 63 Donald Leyton Turner…Age… wearing senors 17..
Kasien Thompson..11-29-1963….
Kyle mentioned KARIM yesterday..

Dionisio… Grapes..


8:33 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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