
10/28/2016 21:24 – Facebook Post

8:28 p.m.- 8-37 p.m.

These Time number represents codes…
What is this play has always been about…
The Resurrection of Lady E.C.H.O..
Into Beautiful Pride- Sophia Laurel…
The Feminine Embodiment of the note of Sol…
The Fifth Element..
Exemplified by the Four Brothers who are Two and One..

I will not explain this any longer as I have done this through out the 4.7 month Equation Play…

But suffice to say Sacred Portal 81 Explains this…

And it is Embodied by the Ego Oge “Ego” I.D play…
“Money/Wealth- Time/Dawn- Ego/E.g.o..I.D..Identity-Infinity Defined…

Money as I stated was being used against me, in the “Spirit World”- it was used as a form of extortion to make me prove the Truth of my Memories and Recollections of Existence as being True..
And to prove it by proving the Art and Science of Harmony…
By breaking it down into a Science..
A Terrible challenge…
And what is worse, is that it was required that I do this in front of the Entire world and in front of the Seat of the Western World…
The world of Cartesian Logic whose separation from the origins of the Spirit World was so deep and so filled with suspicion and doubt that the Gap seemed to have no way of ever being filled.

It seemed impossible but I a remarkably beautiful young man sat down besides me in the Cafe..
And made it very obvious that he was staring at me, as if he knew me..
Suddenly, I recognized him…
He looks exactly like Nikoma Rios- at about the same age I met him..
I knew it was his E-Spirit which kept making him try and get me attention…
He asked for the Time- knowing full well that it was a ruse..
It was 8:18 p.m..
He sat and worked on something but kept giving me looks, I made him aware that I saw him too..
And then, i saw he was wearing a Jacket.. And suddenly I understood.. It had the letter H..
Nikoma was born 12-27-77…And I have been in this play for 27 years..Talking to the Silence since 1989 September…
And I have been at the Quantum Q Equation since I moved to Queen New York on my Second day…
Q=17…And it joins to form 1+7 as I posted yesterday the equation of the 1-7 Spectrum and the 1-5 Solfeggio and Rainbow Colors…

1 7= + 8…6.706+e 8 Speed of Light…
x= 7…+x.. 87…

The Money play was actually created by the Unseen, that while I walked through the Spirit World and Minds of the Human Subconscious that the Human Beings would value and appreciate the Expression and Knowledge and see the evidence and recognize the Truth and Sincerity of my Experience and Expression and provide the material support.

This I protested saying No, that I had already experienced the horrors of what Money and the experience of it had done to people..
More so in the last 30 years.
I had watched my Bio Father and My Grandfather’s dreams be destroyed by Money…
My Father was well off, and my Grandfather extremely well off…
I had been spared being present when my grandfather passed away but what I heard and then experienced later in both realms was so incredible.. It shocked me.

I swore even as a youth to never be without money and to make my own…
It was one of the reasons for my work Ethic….

But this play, forced me into the worst of the Human fears..

I understood a great deal as to why money was being used against me, not by the Unseen realm of Truth.. Seeking the Truth, but rather the Shadows- the Ancestors and the Minds of People who many resented having to go to work while it appeared as though I was on a quest which they had no faith that I would solve, despite the benefits they derived from it..

After 15.7 years of this and providing evidence of the truth and facts which most did not even have the time to read and others, who always “Fell” from grace when this other force- the tester used it against them…
I had enough but I had no idea it was yet another riddle…

I solved in Last night but the rage it brought forth in me…

Here is the code..
Dean Dunkwu
Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka…

And to my surprise… Amoza Born A,B…Offered to send a little token..


See .D E. I.D.N…(E)..A.B….


9:22 P.M


Royal Santana…born 9-22

Happy Birthday Reign Santana…10-28…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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