
10/28/2015 17:36 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell

Wonderful commentary and post.

Bell Amy Brothers…

V…Donna has been seeing 22 everywhere…And just bought groceries 22;55..

Bellamy means ” Beautiful, Handsome, Fair, friend…” Brothers…

ORB..BRO..T.H.E…(Thantos Hypnos Eros) ..R (Robert. “Shinning Bright Fame”)
R=1 8…Which is a circle….A ring, Torus..

Bellami Brother BB..22..V

The Beautiful, Handsome, Fair Good Friends…The Brothers (E.N=A-O)

And so we know who and what this post affirms, who it is from and who its too..
4554…@ 18…M.V

It is a perfect alignment in a different Energetic Language frequency than my own but it is linked perfectly with not only my own expression (weaving, linking Transmitting decoding feelings and bringing them from Dark Matters to exactly what is described here, the Literal True you, whom I literally remember, recollected called my Family of T.E.N…)
-but links now to form a conversation between a language expression of the 3 Dimensional True Expression and the 5th Dimension Consciousness and Expression.
We are meeting in the illusion of the Black Well of human consciousness and fear- but which is really a bridge to Brotherly Love-
The re-establishment of Mans Victory over himself.
The unification of the Masculine Feminine within himself…first.

Inter Stellar – the Movie..”While he is in the “Black Hole- really the sum total of memory”

Only the can he make peace with the feminine symbolic representation of himself in a different form.. Creation and Woman..

He himself has to get to the bottom to understand his True Nature..
For it was Man who was the First Born and he was and is both Woman and Man… Mercury Venus…M.V..Versus Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus..
Which is the correct equation of as Mars being the 4th planet away from the Sun and Mercury the 1st… Creating the equation 1 4/4 1.. It would mean that Man is the messenger of the Feminine Nature Creation, but who applies it in a masculine manner… Straight line is a masculine Principle, Circle Sphere Symmetry… ( the Story Time) is a feminine principles… A line and A Sphere.

The Orb called Universal Existence.

The Lord of the Rings and the Tale of the Twin Towers- World Trade- Trading Places-911…Middle Earth Middle East- Orcs-Hobits-Man..O.H.M!

To the OI-Nri People, beings of memory who live and build and create everything to reflect their Cosmology of the Circle and their memory of First Contact ” They Lived Before Adam” By the “late” Professor Catherine Acholonu…

To the Movement of Everything aligned to the Atom=Proton Electron- Neutron..
Penetration Insertion into the Darkness= Feelings Sensation Ah-OH..
A Star is Born- a Child is born- Creation was Born…

To the Wedding band… Symbolic of commitment *To an “Mental Institution?”

Meaning to restore the Truth of mans nature, and his Highest Purpose, a mirror was created embodied in Woman. Mars is the Greek God of War, Venus off Beauty, Sensuality Sex, fertility and Love who is a Goddess unfaithful to her husband who was not beautiful but rather Hard working and misshapen, “Apollo” Would be more as Aphrodite…”
Thus, it become a War of Trust Value and worth… And that Aphrodite wished to see Beauty. her equal in ALL things which brings forth Creation..Life..
Hephaestus was the son of Zeus and Hera, cast out and exiled and as the fable the prodigal son, was the only “god” exiled who was allowed to come back..to the Light…he lived below he C…
A Black Smith.. and Apollo…evolution..

Would this not mean that the Story Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus is naught but a riddle of man seeking within himself his own expression of Balance within which became A war within himself, reflected outside in his battle and alienation with his Twin expression- Woman was his own forgetting that the battle was within him to “traverse” the darkness, to remember that he is Mercury the one closes to the Son warring in what become the planet Mars symbolic (and transformed) into War, on the red planet, the red planet as the ROYGBIV-R (Robert) the First planet Mercury nearest to the Sun Waring with himself to to remember that red red earth is the color of the Earth…Terra Cotta..
And thus, Mars…S.R.A.M..(Stone Ridge A.M)- really represents the 4th Dimension..Green Grace, 3=333=1O of 3,..1+3=4..4=4444…4+1= Five.

Meaning, Mercury-Venus; Venus-Mars had to revert back to its true meaning ..
Man becoming the Messenger of the Brightest, most beautiful, most brilliant self…The Beautiful one, not the negative one.
The battle man faced was with himself.
The Battle Women faced was in Mans rejection of his True Nature and consequently her…The symbolic representation of what man is with… A creative force of Existence.

Mars- Venus-Venus-Mars…MVVM..M.VV.M…
Double Victory of manifestation of of the full circle of the 4th Dimension, transforming through quiet elegant expression and even Conversation- back into its true meaning, 4444 notes, letter,color Energy Chakra…
– “F-A.H- Feeling (Sensational); Do-ing (In completion of tasks in perfect symmetry), Gracefully, A Heart Energy expression…Lust moves to Love which creates the Cee of Understanding, two Languages, from your Soul as Venus and as your Body Man- Mars- Mercury… to bring the Truth forth from with..
A war which reveals you have understood your Heart in the end..
Feels, Communicates Expresses, sends out signals which fills the Void of the Illusion of Need.

The lesson was could Man recognize it, appreciate gratitude when it came..
Acknowledge and Respect all that was done for Him, so that he would understand that you are HE and truly you are S.HE…
No longer blaming each other but establishing the Nucleus as the One Rings which links us (Not binds or commits us)..
but links us to Joy O U.S divine…

Instead of Nuclear reactions which Jonn Blackwell mentioned after a huge leap forward for man kind, man blind, dazed and confused…comes from not understanding language of Woman and Man- Logic and a Story..
Story Oh Logic…


I did not mention that I had mentioned this over and over..
Was my speaking all these moment a waste of my breath,
but watching this play and the nuclear reaction of couples linked by Wed Lock, or because of oney, fear of being alone, lying to themselves as to why they are togther..
Survival not reallyy Love, a primitive and Primordial equation of lust to experience life “Meta-Morphosiizes” into Love Consciousness Heart Individual Beings…Majesty…Self Responsibility ..
MM L…C.H.I..B.M..S.R

*As you can see I am saying three four things at the same time, but if you look behind the screen (Check out the Line and O of the perfect symetry of the Line of constanct consistency and the Story spiralling for 44 months to its point..
What can understand exactly what I am realling saying through this Viel Transparent of words..

911 Who caused it..
Man…Fighting not Woman..
But his True Nature and his ignorance of the true meaning
of what is it to be a Man…
He required a Mirror a Template…

The Template is the Original One 1…OO1
Double OO in 1..
The first Man who was Man= Masculine -Feminine; Male Female..4 aspects in one…But he was never A Woman…His last transformation is into Lady.
Which he exemplified and played in this story, as a Man…
And so Man Fee-Male…M.F…to Lady and he then return full circle back to Gentle Man-Lord…
God (Harmony) of Aries.. No more like A-RISE!..
That was his war to bring forth the Beauty within all MEN..

And that is how I.E became the Sacrifice the ” Ima-Goro” Slave, to be an examply of how to be All aspects of Man in One..
Right to a Lady Gentle Man= Lord.E…

*An hand making the Victory sign, with an Eye of light (“Anyawu…”Brights Eyes, Anya-Wu. Anya means Eyes and grace, Wu- means the number 5-Eyes of Grace from the 5th Dimension, seeing through the Tree of life in the “Woo-ds” of the Green Screen, the 4th Dimension..Fa..D.O…G…Heart…D=4…Hence all this 4th note, 4th letter, 4th color, 4th Energy point..-Number 4…4 4 4 4= 4(4) 7..(4×4=16=7…47..11 28..39..C.I…)
From the 5th Dimension…Grace.. Light from the realm of E shinning through in the meeting place between the true 3D and the 5th Dimension..
meeting here on common ground in the forth dimension of Natures Grace
Father of Infinity..
the Liver De-liver..er
Cleansing Toxins from the Body and the Being by going to the Source of 911

The symbol of Commitment to a worthy cause.
Loves Comet…
Come E.T..
the Beautiful Ones,,
lets meet and kiss and embrace
at the mouth of the Forth Dimension
Beautiful, Deaf and from this Neutral Ground…N.G
return to the Fifth Dimension
The Sol…Soul of Eternity..
Luna-Soul Maia..

To The Full Moon.
perfect symmetry…

🙂 @ Michael O Donnel…
A worthy conversationalist who listens links and understands and appreciates we are saying the same thing, but what a treasure chest have we uncovered while reaching the in perfect symmetry the point, that we are saying the exact same thing…


5;35 PM


Mirror reflection
E Cees E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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