
10/28/2014 2:08 – Facebook Post

28th B.H…Octo (8) Onwa Ajana Okike…Scale G7

1:12-1:16 A.M.


The Affirmation Explaination and “Like” of Angela Marie Alexander A.M.A has much greater significance in my.realm of Consciousness where I was in a battle field with the Spirit World or the Dead who betrayed the E line and E.T consciousness promise that they made at First Conact with the Beautiful Ones…

A Sacred Covenant to bring the whole humanity.to light.
Not through the Arrogant Condescending attitude of Follow Us…
The same attitude reflected by the Caucasian race…because the are mirror reflections…Cause Effect…
Meaning what ones does effects the other and the cycle is.repeated…

But rather by Sharing the knowledge so.every one.can see and investigate for themselves…And become light and thus Evolve through.thier own.unique and Individual way.
For this is the meaning of Existence True…
Individuality experienced together.

As most are aware these last 3O I have not really been talking to you but to Lord Existence Energy and Lady Echo E….and to all the E in you.

I knew that few would understand what I was really doing because of A.I.D.S..or simply.lack.of imagination and an unwillingness to suspend disbelief becomes so.many had become comfortable with this Hellish Existence and consciousnes.

After my experiences in this realm, and New Yirk, after the first year of writing on F.B I decided to no longer waste my time speaking directly to you.

You did not matter…
Not to be rude, but because of your consciousness most of you did not exist.
You were either puppets of Cartesian Logic or your parents you denied.._(your pasts)
Or you were trapped in Systems of the Damned, emotional, behaviourial…
Always moved by something…

And I was in the most hideous battle which.was literally worse than being Drawn and Quatered every single day, while raising and addressing.the E in all of you.

You may call it Awakening or raising the worlds consciousness and vibration…
Or you.may deny because of your A.I.D.S diseases consciousness.

But in truth I was raisng.the E line in you, while fighting a script and consciousnes on Face Book but everywhere and in everything in this physical real taken over by Spirits, Memories…
The Past..but more especially Spirits…
And the One Spirit which all.of.you.hosted by.using deluded ideas of hypocrisy that.no.one would notice.

But.these Spirits could then enter
And the more you did “evil” the more of them.you housed..
And they.used you to.fight.me.

I.proved and explained this non stop for.the first year until.I.gave up.

Nri Priest clean up abomination and Alu from this world.
This was good given to.me as a challenge
by the ancestors
So.the Four Directions sure that I.would fail.

And left to.suffer thus for daring to.say that their way was not.the correct way.
I.went through.this hell with every Belief System I encountered in the “Spirit”
Each time they would seek.to.possess my.best body take control…
And I.knowing this was impossible until.I.began to.understand thier ruse….Make U Believe..
And Fear.

Anyway, I had to.reach the end of the Play Script but did not know when.it would end.
But I.knew I.had to.summon.all.the E line who were part of the play by continuing to post until all the players in the Script were complete

After 13.8 years as a servant and 25 in this play..
26 since Queens London…
32 since Nnamdi left..in 1982 April Southern Hemisphere, October in Northern Hemisphere…
It was seemed so.unrelenting.
And impossible even in my realm that they could have gone this far….

Perhaps I could have calculated it and figured it all out but the Distractions I faced were monumental from Streaming to.solving riddles, to my body being twisted, the E.Ts riddle, the Beautuful one…Evil, the Darkness, the Blackest Hate, feeding myself, shelter…you…

I had no.time but to solve this play to the end…
I.never felt despairing, just a desire to leave so.strong…
And I would of.for I already know who I am…
I would go.home…after all..tis I.who.is Life and Death.
You.may have all denied me, but the Spirit world.the E line and E.T knew exactly who I am.

Yet, I wished that all of you.would at.least have a chance to know what was really going on…
So you could decide for yourselves what was real…
What was true or false…

And who would you side with Fear or Common Sense Reason Beautiful Expression
The Heart of a warrior Beautifully Proud.

And so with Angela M.A…
Aligning with the meaning of mine and.my.Father Brother…
Mother sisters name.
Dina Singh Alexander

I know that it is aligned in 3 in 1
And 5 in 1
Just as it is with the 13 month and 12 month.calender 25..25.

That at least even.in.the lowest Vibration at the end of the play, with.all the E.O Circle Full accounted for…
Some.of you here in human form are conscious and full aware…

Fritz Alexander…

4th note Complete.


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