
10/28/2014 20:35 – Facebook Post

Man… So crazy….

207 Face book Friends… I just saw…

instead of 210…

Took a walk to Spring Street…

Felt the hold on my body releasing more than it has ever before..
Am I finally rising?

I sat but felt something holding me…
code 619…

Kept seeing the code 27 everywhere….

Are we not at 28 I enquired…

Nikoma Rios I recalled was born 12-27…

David G.P…6 19…

As I growing really annoyed…

More!!! Work… riddles…

Then it came to me JI is 10- 9…
really 1O-9…

Then i saw the code, I sighed…

Then the world P.C Started talking to me…

People passing by…

“Keep calm and row the boat ashore”

Michael row the boat ashore….Rios…on the river from the Pool..

Billy Had met Nikoma… in fact that was how Billy Blocked me…

Okay so I get it… it is my River and stream of Consciousness which is the pure river..

Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions.. her son Raphael born 11 28…

I saw the someone pass by “song of songs’

Solo mon song of Praise…

Arc Angel Raphael Song of Love…


I saw pass me by…

Princess Ndidi Adogu post i shared liked by Shubhi Gautama..

Oh. shit! Billy Had vision of the pool and then met Nikoma and then through the play a quarrel… he took the wrong Rios…

Then I met David after Edward Eceinco… and it formed the equation of e.n.d….A..

My former host…

But it was not correct, Lord A (whom I call Albert Einstein…A.E) is aligned only in Billy in intelligence and the understanding and help given in this play…

A.B…and me C.D.E.F (fritz met him many times, as well as Rachel, lisa. micheal. joseph, david, Micheal….)

Okay, here is the code…

JI,which holds my body is the Power of the play… the hold children have over you… but you can only leave when they are safe.

JI in O.I Nri Igbo means not only “Hold” but also, “Yam”…

King of the Crops in OINRI Land… Yam, Coco-Yam…

Yeshua Christ… Y.C…

A.E’s dog was named Coco…

I met Juilienne and Coco (J.C.Joseph Carey) through Marina Burini…
He recognized the beautiful ones rising in my body, calling them Joyous and spoke about my Father…
He is Persian and his daughter Nur.. meaning Light.

I morphed the physical body of Coco before a group of ppl… they were amazed at what happened… And she became the inspiration for one of my sacred portals 8.00 as Harmony Death
… but together, with Juliene they were twins represented by sacred portal 39…

Julienne was also Tom and Billy, but the mixture…
He knew what was really going on… I loved him…

he took me to Lisa Levines place…J-L…John Luke (toms brothers) but really J.L…which was a coin and case I found..
Johnny Larkin…J.L…1O-12…alpha omega 12..L ove…

Yam is Y am Yonathan Yohannes…Dallas Forte Worth…

Orien posted East Dalles…E.D…Home…

Thus 54 is home not 45…

Yonathan means grace of the Creator and held my stuff kindly for a month in a storage unity which turned out to be just a stones through from 4th street the east Broadway stop…E.B..

Full Circle brought my stuff to A.E place…A.E Is 15..O Full circle…

Yonathan Yohanness is the Grace of the creator First and last name…

Y AM is really Y=25 2 5 Is B.E. A.M.

Being of E is A.M… (Angela Marie Alexander…A M.A…)

Moon Beam… (Marina Burini)

B.E B.E…. B.A.B.A

B.E.A…B.E A….M.M (face book friend Maritza Montes…. Ritz Montes)

B.E.A.M B.E.A.M…


Albert Einstein Maritza Montes…

Mother Father ( in my codes representing brother sister reflections in JA son FM)

Mother of Majestic (rivas river) Royal Mayan S and Reign Maximus S…

Thus JI- is not meant to be a hold on my body nor a holding court, nor keeping me locked in a strong hold…

it is meant to be J.C… A and Julienne A Maritza Emeka S… J.A.M.E.S..

But I met Lord A first so A.J.C…

Y.C Is Nnamdi emeka…

And B,E B.E is my Heart Obinwa… my past as Erie O… Emeka Okolo… an illusion a character I played in a story…

And the two in one… the Character and its Truth… C.T is 3 +2O.. double u vie… 23 56..11 1…

It is meant to be Royal May an… NA (14 1-meaning home and et- E.T) Y AM… LA Y.O.R…( LA-Y (Grace front and back) full Circle Royal Reign…r=18+18…36…C.F… A.H…)

Royal is 4… 4th street
Reign is 3… 3 dimensions 111
E= Cme 43… David Chukwuemeke…

7 is A and Billy as one 12… J.LARKIN.

A and Billy are moved by God… G 7 the highest frequency in Existence..

Maritza by the highest vibration Inutuition music…

(Tired of running)

Royal MAY AN is the alignment through mother MM 13 13.. Father A.E The O as Orien as the R.M… manifest room of the Royals.. the E.T…And Harmonious Being linked A.B to C. D E. E.D.C.B.A….Emeka K….

The back to front… f.b is front to back aligned to B.F…

Thus A,E is the Full Circle of the N.C.E.. Nature Civilization existence( Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna)

Orien Fritz O.F..Existence Nature…E.N… in…Elegant Nomads….

Affirmed by the ladies A B C D E…

THE PAST NA YAM- To May Flower… Masculine Feminine… M.A E.B…
Thus this is the full Circle of the Past 4th street…

IN Me is the BEAM… BE of the Alpha Manifestation…

as E.K… 5 11 55 EE…E1…

No longer simply grace but grace and strength full circle…

Grace Strength… G.S…7 19 ( not 6 19)

A. G. E. S… As in Rock of Ages..

not old age… o.a…
O.I… filled the RIEN with Manifestation… Birth Live of Everything…

done… no more.. pls


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