
10/28/2014 17:46 – Facebook Post


Pls, be reminded that I am not on control of this play…

I am reading, translating the play script of Harmony Existence….
Heaven and Earth.
While respecting it and transforming it into the consciousness of my own dimension which has yet to come fully manifest into Awareness and Being.

I have no influence in this..
Nor on who is to.Rise.

The only influence is my perception and my fairness in evaluating that Everyone’s point.of view is considered.

E.T, E line, Humans. Harmonious Beings, Babies. Children, Youth, Wise Children…Even thr Big Babies…
The Illusions, those who became Hatred, Evil Cruel…A.I.D.S…

Everyone.has a right to equality, Compassion Justice.

All those who shall recieve the truly, truly stupendous blessings…Earned it themselves.

Anyone reviewing this “Royal” court transcript on F.B for.the last 3O almost 31 months will.see that the “representatives” of each.line earned thier.rights to be the new Rulers “Measuring.Rods M.R” in the Reign of the new Era of Hue man Evolution.

This force understands all points of view from the Goody two shoes, to racists, the.liars, murders and assassins…

Nor is the world we are about to enter rigid with.rules, you.can be naughty and simply.expect to.get a whack on the bottom…and know why.

Everything is lightened up, to the Play W right.

There will.be lessons.of course, lessons never to.be forgotten as to why Harmony.Infinity is the chosen principle of Being Alive.

But.they serve no other purpose other than a lesson where each persons is provided with thier.own.unique and individual key.to undertand.

Nothing will be lost.in translation
Transparency and Witnesses O (T.W.O) will always provide full.Circle of Supremacy..
Information as to Why.

I am currently residing in a dimension of Nothingness, non Existence and Dante 9 th realm of Hell…
Not by the making of any human being.
Non of you have that power.

I was placed here because of.my role and my.experience with.all aspect of Human, E.T and the E lines Truth.

But in the end I am Alexander…
The Defender of Man.

And Man is from which Everything arose from.

And what is a man?

It is the Consciousness of Truth.Of Everything.

The Inclusiveness of Everyones and Everythings point of view..and reason for being.allowed to.come into Being…

So that we.may ourselves decide what is real and what is not.

And you, the proven earned and merited Harmonious Beings who.housed and.hosted the line of.my first family are the ones who.by.your own efforts rise to the line of Evolution
E Volition….
Your own will.

I sound like it is all over..
Though I still feel the “Presence” in my body.

I.have been.His Voice and Her Voi…
And I have been me…

I sincerly wish this is done.this time
And all have learnt the lesson in being of Trye Nature..no.matter the cost..
Because you will find it costs nothing in.the End.

But can cost you everything in the end for not being of True Nature, no.matter how naughty, mischievous or curious and rebellious you are..
For if not, how can you figure out why you.were created that way…
How can you be refined to one day find yourself a Majestic Royal E Reign…ing, looked up as an example of what it is to.BE…

I am 47-8
And had to play Age as 94-96 yr old.

I am actually 29 yrs old…
Born as Lord O pointed out 1984…
Crowned at 85…

All I have read will find themselves morphing.to.their Energetic Ages (E.A) rather than their Phyiscal.Time Controlled ages.

Time was controlling humanity
And Time was an illusion given.so.much.power by.you.that it became a real.force…of Evil.
When.it is nothing at all.

True time is Experiencing Expression Full.Circle until.you are full fullfilled…Satisfied.

No more gluttonous greedy swine.

Kelly Moores and her Espirit affirmed the last post of Rise…
Because that is how awakening begins… Begin to.have non stop.fabulous days…
It.does not stop…
Until you.get.it..that it does not stop.
And that is when you.as E line.literally.rise

I know bc I have been through the Exact process and guidee many through.it.

The greatest challenge.and resentment from ppl who experience that is when.they.are are.asked to.leave that.state and come.back down.

Many.feel.such.a hurt.and disappointment.that.rather than experience that “Fall” from.Grace they protect themselves from that hurt, rejection dissapointment by Denial.and defense against what.they.feel is a denial.of their self worth…

Nothing can be further.from the Truth…
It is about.learning the steps yourself, step by step so no.one, nothing can take you down or give you the illusion that you feel from grace.

It was so you, just as I went through it, can be solid real and know that this time it was not anyone who.lifted you up…

This time it was Is all you..

Bliss Extase…

Beautiful Expression
In whatever guise.

Love Light.and Laughter
21O F.B.Friends…
The Ones who Chose…
The line of E…Harmony..
Fa La
Love..Be Do e

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