
10/27/2018 2:55 – Facebook Post

What took place down stairs today in the back court Yard with Kyle Murphy who came over and sat on the bench where I had for the whole time I have been in Delta Manor their was peace before he arived.

I am not blaming him, but I recall that Chase and Emmanual sat here, two close friends and enforced in thier own way in the shelter.. Guardians who were also devils..
Remember them…?

They had honor in that bad boy way..
They sat there and I never sat there because I was new and did not care.
I soon invited there to sit but they had their friendship and I respected that.
most did.
they were big guys with big hearts but they would knock you out.

They left and soon I sat there more often with Will Woods who took over the weed food business .. Will was a intelligent proud and a classy act.
Chase and Emmanual officailly handed over the Business to then with the Blessing of the staff of the Shetler..
Just as Chase and Emmauel had been blessed by the People staff .. because they were not running the shelter and they knew it.

It was tougher but ther was standards respect.. and calling people out correctly..
And there was a much greater sense of compassion and honor… even if it seemed moe violent and dangerous..
Recall when a group of men with guns rushed in .. security all ran of course…

There was never any of this mignling with everyone because it was a lie…
No body liked every one.. it is a lie and especially not in a shelter, the most was respect for each others space.

i am not goig to romanticize it, but what I am experiencing now, on this play of competing for a place which to be honest bagan with Kyle Murphy and that moving in on a space which there was no real satus…
I saw it, and commneted on it…
I have been here a long time… I have watched the people .. I have never seen anything like this….
People were stupid, but not for space in this place…tehy jumped the fence, smoked, did other more adventurous things…

What I have witnessed in te last 6 months.. calls to mind what Kerywn Vincent in bed 5-022 said to me…
Big guy, this place was bad then, but e said diease is comming we both saw it..
Go back and see the play.
Kyle Murphy has the advantage of reading my post and understanding the play…
So does Randall Michael but I also spoke and talked to Kyle Murphy even when I had made a vow after Clevealand not to. that it was a waste of my time.
But he came, and as the others I felt compelled.
But I recall Vincent expression about when he leaves what is coming into the shelter is worse and worse and world mark the entrance of pestilence and disease in the world..
The Plague.

Rock bottom in human beings.. at least before there were warriors, character, all fighters…
There is now complaceny and such hypocrisy, pretense, pretending to like each other…
While I watch the vilest and mosy cold hearted sub human exhanges…

I can not tell you the disgust and contempty which flls me when a place become filled with cowards who have bif mouths…
Who have lost al sense of Huamnity…
Perhaps it is the fact that before there were more men who spoke up… Spoke their minds…
Perhaps more convicts.. there were more explosions with the staff…
Fights battles.. men.

This.. when I saw the exact same play of which began with D who I called P, and had invoked the sacred portal 122..
( which I recieved again today but took a sip and threw it away it was luke warm)
And how he had used a guy whose name I have no interest in, to check me…
And how there is sort of quiet respect now.. Manners…

My first conflict with him was over manners.. he checked mine..
which was interesting…
And that is what this play was eventually about…
Sacred Portal Ms Hell Fire.. Ms Manners..

2:26 a.m.

He sat no longer at that table, I have not seen him there in days..
Perhaps he has seen his fill made his observations because I saw him watching every one…
I do it..
But the play of that pawn who I saw the entire trajectory of his movement to where he left and then planned his come back, with another one who has balls to challenge because there is no one to slap him down .. except me in the spirit realm.
All the people have had respect for what is moving through me.. fear some. respect.. but they knew it was something in me dangerous…
But recently no one had publicly destroyed by it, and so rodent of power.. smh… lol…
in a shelter creep up and into that table made accessible by Kyle Murphy who perhaps has played a role for Terrible Death..
I had observed the true insanity of this world and some people..
Ingratitude, Pride… and bringers of the unclean, filh dieases..tolerating it, profitng from it gaining from it using it for gain…
No pride… no separation..
no self respect..

And I found myself standing alone, as a grown as man carrying the most vast load and burden and people around me, here some even aware, taking adavanatge, seeking to use.
Jockeying for power for nothing at all..

I understood for the past weeks and with clarity today that here, now that there are a alot of truly truly sick diseased people.
Most of of the peope who have been her as long or longer tham me or at least over a years have retreated from this last group.

There is something so wrong about the way they treat and interact with each other..
Peope here before were sick and homless but they had some spirit… somethng real..
But I see now in here, a hypocrisy story lines i can read like a book decisions made…
Demons…the Demonic are comming” k Vincent had warned,, I saw it too…
Jan 1st 2017 it began with a Death.. and then it began.. Vincent was panciked to leave, many were… they felt it…
2;42 p.m.

I saw the truth today, the play the last paly with Busayo Alonge as avatar.. and the question A E Quora.. Victoria Venus fly trap…
Full Circle…begining of the Vicous Cycle who come back again and again to the same point.. Ghist Gobins Demons possessed by thier on lack of Personal Responsiiity…
Condor..Stephen Filgueira Vultures cricling…

I have understood the choce to be unclean.. liars deniars cycle repeaters no desire to be clen or redeem..
Vengeful spite full 7 deadly sins…
And then there is I…
I have lived in space but not here.. I dwell here, I have lived in this space Human ( not Mann Made) diesease..
The ones who create it and the ones who tolerate it..
I am sacred portal 49 now… Satan Devil Great Witches, All teh foul were allowd to use me and defile me..I am still Emeka Praise Robert…

But I have seen a plague born raised and which has now entered this world…
foul foul… from those who do nothing and those who play both sides.. those who have no conscience..
There is no one here yo can ever call friend..

It was hatched here.. not by Mann or MEN or naturals but something beyond contempt.. literal No Bodies..
2:55 a.m.


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