
10/27/2018 18:45 – Facebook Post

6:09 p.m.

MW87 …Milky Way-Creamy.. Not Dreaming…S.E.M.E.N.
Not Sea Men.

From Busayo Alonge

Yes.yes… and pain and suffering came into the word- and then created a world in which It’s power was so great, that even though it was not a “Real Thing”it feed on the little Angels, singe minded point of view, that he was able to seem real, and exercise such a will , that it used the Little Angel, to destroy a Paradise setting and use them to hold themselves captive in a land of make belief everything can go wrong and chaos, horror and pain, transforming the Little Angels into Demons; Abominable Monsters…

6:16 p.m.

All it take is a few True Men and Women to do nothing to let The Word meaningless and sink their world into an Abyss of non existence to be gone forever.

I understanding the meaning of this quote, but it also applies to certain context.
To exemplify is to use the language of Silence.
To be quiet and Mime is to act out the truth.

This is all well and good, but there are some instances when a Direct Thunder Bolt approach is the only way to convey the point, if the point is lost in silent expression and quiet demonstrations.
A Voice Rises…
Direct and To The Point to say what perhaps many are thinking, linking.

My journals are called Talking To The Silence for Pete’s Sake…lol..
I understand the beauty of Silence…
But the testimonial made apparent in something breaking the spell and laws of this play to bring me out of my own chosen line of existence and Cause Effect.. path, to bring me out from that Silent Expression conveyed in my Journals, by not only making sure they were “Discovered” not by my will but by “another’s will” and then a whole series of events leading me at least to break my silence of what I have ebeen reflecting and quietly perceiving to make it public to my astonishment and Horror, being that I am very private person and very proud, and chose when and how I would like to present my view, and if I wish to share it in the first place.
Even going as far as to bind my body to its will, making it obvious that the only thing It directing Its will for me to focus on is this…
My quiet reflections of the wondering of my mind as The Elegant Nomad while I walked in this Word, I had quickly surmised was not the real world….

The Silence, as my drawings, post were Drawn out of me as if Moses meaning Drawn Forth” and Ramssee’s meaning “Begotten of Ra The Sun God”
M.R….E… Y…
– As if the River which runs through us and the Light Rays from the Sun- The past.. Its Birth- Its Memories, Universe Creation and Time had conspired to move my body and being to one accord…
The recounting of its Records of the Akashic Records of Time…
That TImes Up…

Times Up…. T.U… 20 21… 41…D.A….5… E…

And thus we have reached the end of TIME- the illusion allowed to enter Space.
Numbers and Cycles, set like a wrist watch at a point…
An Alarm Clock…

Sound bursting through the Silence, Story, the Song, the Singing of the “Heavenly Harmonics” and Words aligned to the Cee and the Song…

Silence had to burst forth into Sound….of the Universe.. Logos Order…
hence, I have been in a War to bring Clarity…and breaking the Silence..
( and paying a truly inconceivable price for do so)

6:42 p.m.
Saw the code today … S F….

And by the way, I told the true story of how this mess of ages began, it was by the first embodiment of Existence not speaking Up.

6:45 p.m

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