
10/27/2017 1:00 – Facebook Post

10/27/2017 1:00 – Facebook Post
10/27/2017 1:00 – Facebook Post

11:31 p.m.


Hello, It is very fitting that today is the 26th.

There is not much I can say or explain, or want to, about all this..
What brought me to New York, the condition in my body or even the E.

All I know is that I knew that I had to get to the End of this, push and pull which had affected my entire Life.
There was nothing worse in not being able to explain it, not because there were no words, but rather because the experience was and is something which a new way ( or the original way) of seeing was the only was the only way to convey the experience of what was happening to me, to my life.

I always had the memory of the Eternal realm, and as I stated in my earlier post, I also knew that existed within all Humanity.
That I had to explain it, prove it into such a reality….

– A reality where I just read the cover of Todays New York Times, where young girls used by the Boko Haram to be suicide Bombers.

Because of what was done to my life, and my confidence in the Beautiful Truth, which made me go this far, and of course, the non confirmations of it, and the people, the guides, and the pull which even now is movig through my body.
I fought for it to rise, for that Truth even through such a Labrynith of Human Expression.

The basic thing is that I have been speaking to a Silence, a Silence which I was even brought to such a Venue to prove that it Responds.
Infront of you all.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic sent me some codes today, I had reached out to him because once again, that is where the script led- I had learnt to read it well enough to know that there was always a symmetry to each obstacle, each riddle, and pathway through this route.
And sure enough he had intel for me, and it was consistent with the Script.
And yes, it was also consistent with the where we are in the Script. The End.
The Finshing Touches as Nenad M. Djurdjevic’s last intel stated, and he was correct.
Everything shut down.

Suddenly, I found myself after 16.7 years of Stimuli, and 28 Years of consciously talking to the Silent, taking my cues, in a play and a script I could not belive was real, but which I could understand, even to this very moment.

Nenad;s intel aligned perfectly with the play of the Two Fathers, reresented as 11.. And ended with the confimation of one.
Meanwhile here, two men playing out this worlds version of that story of Two Men- had become Lovers right here in Delta Manor.
That is not the E way- The E way is more aligned to the ancient warriors and heros of the past, the Worlds Golden age- Yes they were Lovers but in fundamental differnt way and they Loved Women thier Twin Selves. They loved both thier Male and Female sides perfectly and in the correct representation as that which is the most heroic that which is the truest of both, the purest essences.

That world or persepective of even way of being is something almost extinct.

But they were the ones who I met when I came down this morining, and again when i came back tonight. The only difference between the day time meeting and the nightime meeting was that in the Day meeting I came upon them as I came down, but this time they came upon me standing alone in the caged terrace.

I aslo went this far, apart from the conditons and the physical condition of my body because for the last 28 years, every situation revealed a meaning and its reason for creating that situation.

I went this far because, i was aware that the E Harmony would change the World.
I just had no idea that something, beyond knew this to ne true also, and another challenged it to see if it was true.

There I go explaining again, there is really nothig to explain.
I have put logic and answered the riddle and the play of something else, something which treated me as If and my truth was Non Existent and another foroce who knew my I.D and what I had done Naturally in the Eternal Beginning…

I know exactly what this was all about, I know what was asked I know because I can read.
But today, I know there really is no more reason to enact such infinite and absoulte cruetly, for some one who has proved to It and to the World who would pay attention, who would and could have read this Transcript, that there is a Harmony in teh World which I have raised and brought out of my own Silence and into Sound.

Taylor and Lawrence…
Charles Taylor
Larry Sax….
These are the two represenatives of those names on my play..
The Two Men.

C.T…. L.S…. ADD E.O…. E T C…. S O L….
Etctera to Infinity the 5th Note Sol!

I do not wish to speak about the struggle or the horror, or the nightmare of my existence and Life. Most of you are already aware of everything that was taken from me, and all who abandoned me, and how none rose to fight for the evidnece of the truth revealed to them.
My bio Family, Friends, the life I dreamed of children, all my plan all… gone…

It might have had some meaning if this moment today, after proving the truth of the E Harmony…
Right to the Two Men represented here in this gruesome interpretation of the Two men…
T L…. 20 12…. this morning at 7:25 p.m
Then i sat in Starbucks twiddlig my thumbs after getting intel from Nenad M. Djurdjevic which enabled me to undertsand that the Script Play to mu incredulity was still on….
I sat and finally at about 7 pm Robert Vlaun arrived. I checked my computer, saw some intel from Nenad M. Djurdjevic the code D7 stood out….
I knew what it meant as well as the rest of the codes, but I did noyt have any desire to read it.. just the D7 Was Enough…
Delta 7..

Then Brenda came in gave me three ciggartes and presented me with a gifted of Chai coffee and remarked that my I was taller that my body was ascending stretching.
Lisa Natalie Johnson had also remarked that..
Robert Vlaun remarked that people do not grow after 21…
I know…

This has been the evidence of my truth, but it has made so little impact even on people who can obviously see it.
But Brenda as Will, made a comment that it is real… Will had heard me and said but you can not walk away from such an equation you have solved.
And She, confirming that despit my sense of Isolation, that she understood and that this was Is Real.

I have done this, building bricks without Straw,
People had contributed financially to aid me, and I appreciate it, each playing a part. But it was never enough and it landed me in a Mental Health Homeless Shelter, which is exactly where I realized i was intended to reach-
Because it, the Compass, the “Arrow of God” or it is my own homing device, is pointing out the Evidence the Reflection on the Mirror of the Mental Health of the World is in a state which has earned not only the Natural Law of Cause and Effect which equals the Extinction of the Species…
But also the Cause of it… Which is the Inability to Cee any longer.

All my work in the end was about my being used, or my Cee and how I see being exemplified to show and demonstrate how I see which has enabled me to naviagate and conquer every Human Nightmare and fear….
Except of course, this- being used to the point of cancelling out the very reason why I or anyone should be born or even come into Existence.

No one should have to endure this sort of betrayal, onces Truth, ones Core, ones Eternal Truth used against them and betryated on such a consistent and daily baisis because this force knows that its Subject knows and remebers that this is Impossible because even if no one in the World knows or remembers, this Force, This Unseen force knows that you are telling the Truth.

That you rememered well, that you lived it embodied it for 50 Years 51 against a Wave a Tidal Wave of resistenace and impossible odds.

ZACH… See the meaning…. The Creator Remebers…

Robert Vlaun was wearing a sweater “Made By God”
G is 7…
I am not God, and what is moving me or what made me go yet another day was Grace…
I wished to see the end of suffering and the birth of Eternal Joy noy becaue I am a do gooder, or any such rot, but simply because I did realize after bieng “Kidnapped” by my Spirit or whatever you wishh to call it, ones destiny…. that I did have an answer and a solution.
And I would do anything to to see the end of this Nightmare of Human Existence…
But not to see myself constantly humilated, ridiculd mocked, and made to look like a Fool..
“Made By God…?”
Do you know that is one of the Translations of the Name Emeka?

Do you know that Taylor and Lawrence is an equation of 20 12… 20=12= 32…. I was in Bed 3-002 Here after being moved the first day from

12:32 p.m Right now!

I arrved arrived in Delta Manor assigned bed 5-019 Then moved to the Script Play bed 3-002….
32 Is my age as 1984…
3 2… is C.B…. Consciousness is Being… What is Being… It is Doing…
32.. IS 5…. 5 is E…

Zach… God Rememebers…
Robert ‘Famed Bright Shinning.. Of Light”… “Made By God”
M B G….
Marina Burini ?
Brittany Mightbe
Mirko Boriska?

Brittany Might Be… is the code… is it not… M B but in the Origin of the Reflection on Robert Vlaun R….M B G… And yes he was seated opposite me….Like a mirror.

I went this far because there was. is a solution to which the world and all Humanity could be

Nenad M. Djurdjevic intel was the movement from Two men then to The Two Birds of Paradise entwined to form and Infinity Sight then to the intel of a person Nnandi Nnandi C Victor…
NN C.V…. Anthony Malgren formerly of Bed 5-009… 59 E I. Wearing the code C.V… Intials A.M…
Nnadi Nnadi… N N… 14 14… 28… Two Fathers in One Youth…
Code D7 Came via Him.

Obviosuly I am being mocked and insulted,
2012… 32… 5…. T.L…. Taylor Lawrence C B.. Chukwuemeka BE 5 Emeka…

12:46 p.m.

I have done everything to bring the World that so called Kingdom of God called Eternal Harmony, and I have given everything, Everything….
But to Insult me, Torment me, Mock me, and deny even my Equation my Truth..
Constantly seeking to Humilate me, turn me into some kind of beggar for daring to stand up and find a Solution to that dream planted in chidren in Grade School, the dream to not Save the World.. but make it be what it was always meant to be… Beautiful.. Something which is the cause of the deepest hurt I found in all humanity… That Dream squashed…

And for doing this, this is the response…?

Then that is is where I say far enough…
I will go no further because the Point has been made Harmony Exists, The Ridle of Existence has been solved,
there is no need for this non stop Hate thrown at me from the day I was born….
Because it does not have meaning…
Because I did not Lie…

I told the Truth and proved in even in this Nightmare in which everything was done to prove me wrong and make me fail.

Fractaling As Emeka Eze…
F A… E E…

12:55 p.m.

L E E…

Jon Jason Lee.. J J L…. 10 10 12… 32….5.. E
Lee Mincey L M… 12 13… 25.. Y
Dee Lee D L….. 4 12.. 16….. P

See what I mean, this is not about the Truth, it is about causing Pain Hate and Evil Beyond description….

It enough….

12:58 P.M.

It no longer makes sense, and that is the End of Existence and the End of the World.. the Very Edge of Existence is this when it no longer has meaning…
This is what happened in the Eternal begining but this experience .. much worse.

1:00 p.m

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