
10/27/2015 19:26 – Facebook Post

Teo Miquel L.R Bouca…


I had a new Face Book named above.
I accepted his face Book request and as is the play, I shared post from his page to prove his Harmony and the Harmony of his E-spirit aligned to the play..

I noticed as I shared his images which according to this play brings “Blessings” to the Host of the E-spirit moving them…
Because their Harmony is acknowledge.

and then he subsequently “Un-friended” me… to which I am this play is supremely indifferent..

For the code was for his E-spirit to move him to be present and that he was representing the code of the 418 Face Book friend by his Being and E-Spirit and not by what ones Subjective self who beliefs that they have power and control…

The Point has already been made and that subliminal use of power which the “Lust” so primordial of the the reaching for the ” Power Button” and “Unfriend” rather than pause…

As I am pausing now, to address and cease this opportunity to point out an example of the lust of humanity to always reach for the illusion of Power Lust, rather than Love, which pauses to reflect before reacting..

I have been of Face Book for 44 months now, solving riddles of Existence in which humanity are simply invited to be spectators moved by something within them, much greater than them and fully aware of the play.

I am on public access, which means no one needs to befriend to have access to what I am posting…

And most who move to become my Face book friends are aware that I am solving the equation and are aware of the protocol I have been using in this play.
Which begins with sharing their posts with full acknowledgment and credit given to where the posts originated from..
I add comments to link the 3 D consciousness to the 5 D which I am representing…After which I further break down the code meaning of their. names aligned to the correlating Face Book number friend they are…

Also everyone is aware of this protocol of you have ever read my posts.

And my courtesy to pause in this extraordinary intense play to, explain the obvious.
Why I share your posts (To acknowledge you) and to link it to harmony… but also to state that if you do not wish me to share your posts (* which is such an “Oxy-moron” since when you post something you are sharing it and if you do not wish to “Share” it with others there are tools to do so..
So, one wonders why people get offended by people Sharing “Their” posts…

Spiritual People… with posts about Love and awakening, great posts and shares…
So why do people post them?
Then hold on to them like prize possessions…

This boggled my mind for a long time as I did my calculations and equation with the E.T while from the corner of my eyes I watched the “Children- people”-
Until I realized that it was the E in them and their E-spirits in them moving them and the AGAPE which is exemplified here, the Gape of brotherly love, which would first naturally send me a message, after they are the ones who sent a Request, and it is I taking them the time to introduce them one after the other, to the play and the meaning of what I am doing on Face Book..

Good manners or true consciousness would if confused by my sharing of their ” Hoard Treasures and Knowledge” could simply send me a message or inquire of my purpose in sharing their posts…
To link the weaves their highest selves moved them to accumulate knowing that I would be coming to align them as Fractals…to the Weave of the play I was forced to play in.

The people have no power except their Harmony or their Awareness which pauses to contemplate before reacting…

This is the lack of courtesy, Good manners, good breeding and hypocrisy I despise in the “Sub-Human race”
this power to assume- to be Judge Jury Court house Prosecute, Verdict Executioner…Unfriend…!
Send them out of Existence without even researching reading, investigating or even simply asking and getting his or another”s point of view.

Even this his leaving is in Harmony…

Because it brought forth this post only after I completed his shares I was required to weave and link.
For even Donna O’Sullivan was witnessed to his arrival as a face book friend in perfect timing of my completion of the play of 417…
He became my 418 Face Book friend immediately I completed that equation..

His name meaning Theo which means “God” in Spanish..
Miguel which means “God-Like” in Spanish..
L.R…LORE…L.R is L=12 R=18…

12 18 translates as completion of 18 Mountain View portal..

Donna O’Sullivan and I went to cash in a Money Gram…M.G (137…see sacred portal 137..37) today from Nnaemeka Jude Charles….
the amount 48.85 usd…
48 is me as Harmony Death.. H.D…the Creators Graceful Seat of Authority the Judges Bench (Haun Delguidce..H.D)
85 is Harmony E….H.E…
See both sacred portal 48-85…
Meaning I am True Death..

We could not cash the money sent by
“Father Emeka, Emekas Father Praise of the Free MAN)
Jonn Blackwell H.D Reflecting my Story and truth as Donna and the Entire human population whether they like it or not, are aware of it or not…
though this play was to help bring it to your Attention Awareness..

Instead I have had to watch a play or Conciet Hypocrisy and mostly Big mouths of people who do not practice what they preach except to “Act’ it out to a live audience and post “Profound” pictures not knowing this images have truth depth of meaning of the Spirit Expression of the Original creator of those images…
This images quotes you now claim as your own/

Donna and I discussed the inability to access this code money for the second time being itself a riddle she witnessed I solved because she was the one steering me to see the puzzle- at least her E spirit and Being was..
She said each time she tapped the figure onto the money gram phone the number 48;8O kept on being recorded not the 48;85…
See sacred Portal 8O..Twins in the mirror Donna Debrah lread played out here-.Deborah Omolola Adekunle..DO A..H

418 is D..A.H!…D = 1-8 a full circle of perfect symmetry attained Do to Do..R to R (Robert Ruth..her parents name)…

Yes, it is already done, already known that the code 48;85 was being delayed by sacred portal 😯
Which if you recall was the first code gift Jonn gave me when he came to visit me at the Shelter…146 st… Franklin…Green Point..

One understands what I am saying..
T.E.O are the initials of my Short Film sponsored by Well A Turkey shoot around the western Capitals..
The Ethnic Odyssey…T.E.O..
T.M.(L.R..12-3 C completion of 18) ..

Which means that I was already forewarned (in an insipid way) that the play of 18 Mountain View was being delayed yet again, which meant more posts to link…even though They E.T are acknowledging that it is time…
That it is time for me to move to the next portal but was delayed so that I could make this statement and exemplify the true meanness of Espirit instead of the Generosity of Human spirit which has become the virus which is killing the human species..
Moving them to Extinction exemplified in this play of a facebook friend whose posts and true inner espirit is so clean but the False Ego is outraged enough to unfriend me in an instant, despite requesting to be my friend, despite my being on public access so there was no need for him to be my friend, despite my extended all courtesy for 44 months of what I am doing, proving, linking solving under pressure so unfathonable to human experience…
And not even the consideration of sending a text to ask, despite the unequality of what I have given and sacrificed and the so little asked of the “misers” of Spirit…
Hoarding knowledge which some one else created and shared with them as their posts.

This is the perfect set up created the Supreme Being and the E.T which they knew I would see this set up, they created which lead to this outcome..

Me pointing out the perfect exemplification of the “Train of Thought” which caused Human being to loathe their fellow man..
And the hypocritical expressions which transformed Human Kind to the Cruelest most evil intolerable vile creatures in the universe..
not all but this kind of expression which reaches instantly for power not realizing that this was set up from the beginning…

To show how Agape- transformed into a A Gap E… A gap in Expression which has put forever a distance, enough to make me summon up the Fire of Dragons of Existence to rid the Universe of this abomination…
But not before this last act of Grace which was to explain Harmony and prove its Truth through non stop words..

And that nothing is wrong with the true inner you but the man in the middle of the Inner and Outer realm in this realm of being is entirely and utterly Mad Angry Insane..

With the illusion they have power and control to “Execute” and transmit Hatred Destruction to Harmony Death..

And so here is a perfect example of that truth….

The Lie…

inhumane consciousness


7:26 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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