
10/27/2014 13:32 – Facebook Post

A-Z-A. Octo 8 Infinity…

Consciousness de Justice O I

C.J. O.I.

J.C (T.E.N)

Justice Reckoning



“Give and you shall receive”

That law quoted from J.C is the foundation and cornerstone of all things.

It is the Law of Infinity Harmony I

And when that Law of Being is not observed it creates an imbalance in the Universe.

It creates Selfisness…

Selfishness is the negation of the Existence of another.

It transforms the generousity of the Espirit of Being and giving, into slaver and self sacrifice.

It turns the whole and complete from.Visible to Invisible.

It becomes the negation of I.

The negation of E.

The Negation of Life itself.

It turns the action of giving and sharing into Emptiness.

It creates Non Existence.

I live in Non Existence.

My right to Exist based on this play script is determined by my ability to give and share while in Non Existence.
Where the one constant is I.E do not exist in this play script.

The Mockery and Challenge of the “Demons”, the Spirit of the Dead is to share while existing with nothing.
No home.
No income.
No support
Just the cloths on my back.

Such a Hatred, I have seen.
Such a Hatred is the Play Script set up to make me see…
The Utter selfishness of the ppl.
The Need in them which takes away all desire from others to share.
Because the Need, is a Need which gives nothing in return.
Not grace, not recognition
Not acknowledgement.
Just Selfishness and Greed.
And non existence.

I have met people generous of Espirit
Those who Give without underlining that they give.
Like the Wind which pollinates and sweeps away.
As the rain which falls and quenches thirst
As the trees which give shelter, and yield thier fruits..
They have no.need of these things themselves
Thier Nature is simply to give…an offering.

And yet, see how Nature is exploited,
Treated as the lowliest slave,
Stripped and made barren
For all.the Beauty that it gave.

So, it is for those of True Nature,
Revealed to me through this play
Where Giving has been turned into an agony
Where Arrogance Indifference and Denial of the Law of Being..
Is turned into Selfisnesses Slave.

Is there any wonder, I wonder
As Iie awake each day, body contorted and twisted by the unnaturalness of this Play.
That the Givers cease to give
Because Non Existence is thier reward
For being True to Natures way.

Compassion dies in this realm
By the cruel injustices of this play.
Where sharing knowledge so all can rise
Traps you in a prison of which Selfisness becomes the Gate Keeper and laughs and mocks the law of Natures way.

And so, I have understood…
Why so many ppl.of True Nature
Hide that part of them
And why the seed of E Harmony Infinity
Hides undercover, because they have seen how thier source and big brother has become Selfishnesses ultimate slave.

Yesterday I, A.S, put on a movie called 131313..
And then I pointed out that the Igbo and Yoruba had 13 months in a year…
He responded that so did the Mayans and how all these indigenous cultures were aligned to.the same principle of knowledge…which had been hidden or covered up by the Caucasian Cartesian Consciousness.

I did not tell him of my.posts which.revealed that in truth that though they acted seprate, they.are one and the same.


And then I noticed that the time on the clock.was 1212…as we watched the Movie 1313…
I knew that my own personal harmony had reached such a level of refinement through my awareness, that everything I looked at, read, touched ate, said, heard was in such perfection of synchronization of the Full Circle, that everything had merged, converged into.the Truth of Everything being all one.

That Everything affirmed and revealed the truth of Everything I post wrote echoes Yes! to.me…
Providing all the data of the expansion of everything I.had linked.

As a wheel, spinning so swiftly, yet still, I can read the Still and Moving picture, confirming and expanding the Truth I had uncovered of linking everything.

Yesterday, I said good bye to.my.host children Royal and Reign..and thier sister Majestic came.

I found myself watching Reign.the T.V series, knowing now all.was in Harmony and wondering what it would reveal…
It was all about the Darkness..
And the Reckoning from the Dead, murder and slaughter of the innocent.
The Dead not.going.through.the portal to.the light but staying in the world of the living…
Where the two worlds where no.longer.seprate, and exacting an awful reckoning on.the living..
I.saw the young.king looked like F.B friend J Henry Carey and F.B friend little 3 year old Reign..

I.had watched the movie 13/13…noting that yesterday was the 26th…
And that is sacred portal 39-93 Warriors of Reckoning from the Response of this play.

It was a movie of ppl infected by a disease of such violence, in which thier own demons took over all.humanity except those born on a leap yrs code 366 days of a year
I am code 66.

Meaning the Universe Echo.had confirmed that only those of the line of E will.be immune from this terrible disease….

I am done with Compassion…
I posted Wove and Explained for long enough.

I post now for Justice Reckoning..

For the Arrogant the Indifferent the Deniars the Selfish O Full Circle Liars…
Who take our generousity of spirit and transform it into Pain and Suffering…
Suffering indigniies for our daily bread, without home support.or comfort…for sharing with you all the gifts of Food Wine and water. Beautiful Expression, Fresh Air perfumed with Beautiful.Expression…perfumed to fill the air ways.

But the response is always Silence or simply it is just need.
Yesterday that which I watched 13/13
And that which I saw 12:12 was aligned right after my post…
About the legend of Erie being me, and affirmed by Dina Singh, then by Siththy Ameena and finalky by Fritz Venneiq…
Who came first and created Time and then revealed in the End its Truth…Named in the Roman Nri Warriors of Peace, Erie Okolo..
(E Okolo….E.O…5.O) who talks to.the Silence and the how the Silence does respond…it E.O, its Source…The Sound.

13/13 links to 12:12…Space Time…
26 8 Beauty.
24 Generation X Gardens the address of my Former Host
Zeina Hanna…Beauty is the Gift of the Childs Heart Obinwa I.
Generation the X (men Ten Elohim.Adonis) in the Shadows and in the Light.

B.E, B.E.

And when all are crying in out in the End once the know…

Why should I or would I care for your Pain Suffering…
I am Purity of Selfishness now of the Wise Child.
I chose…to care for only
The Line of E.O.

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