
10/26/2020 22:02 – Facebook Post

21.09 Hundred Hours right now
Chess S E M F is 6
96. Sacred Portal 96

B A O ..I. B: A F …I

2 Alien Father Alpha’s

J Z 20/20 A
Jesse Macias Orejuela
Zion Orejula. Maccias Jesse Jessinia.
Alexander Arden Kim Arthur Hines

Athena was born from Zeus Head.
Sol Rosario the note of Sol Rose…
Hagar Kamora Herrington Sheba Solomon so of King David founder of the Christ line.
Mohammed Yeshua
My Youth.

Sarah means Princess Splendor
Hagar..flight of the Rising Sun.
Ishmael. ” I heard” ” I listened”
Not with mocking.. but De Light.
Eden Paradise
Garden of Perfect Beauty and Orgasmic Delight..
” Ohh… Ah!!!”
Hit the G Spot
G 7 summit.
Snow White. ” Transparent White Light ”
Snow White and the 7 D.Warfs
Each a Rare Gem In O
A Buried Treasure ” Erasure” ( Edward Scissors Hands)
Buried at the bottom of the transparent nlue.. aquamarine, then black oh so black see.
Davy Jones Locker
Pirate’s of the Caribbean
Dead Mans Chest
A Jewel a living beating Heart.

Black Pearl..
Mother of Pearl…
Hephaetus Aphrodite
Black Smith pounding on Avil Anchor.
Heart Beat waves creatinng Waves and at center a Vortex.
A Column rises as a Twisting Tornadoe.
Heat Stean …did rise climbing up to form skies..
Esreban the blank Sheet of Paper and a Mirror witnessed Venus Aphrodite.. same self
Rising from the Heart of Dark Matter..
From deep within the Dead Mans Chest
Lovers Expression
Rising up from the deep blue see..
Dorothy and Wizard of O.Z
Zion O
Dora the Explorer findining N .E.M. O ( F)
Door O
Dore mi
Golden Doors
Jim Morrison
Silver Man Ag
Silver And Gold
S A G..E

A Story of Characters created through out time to inspire Dead Matter to make rise the Will
Energy Momentum
Expression – Moment
To begin the journey to evolve.

9 planets the line
Prisim enter 7-1-1-7. 88 back to 1
16. & 9
8 9
8 22..22. 22. 22 22. 22.
H 6 V.. 6 at Double.. 3. ..at Double V
2 at Double V
And finally only 1

Plesse see Sacred Portal 22
Perhaps then you will understand what all this fuss was about.

89 usd in my wallet.
Sacred Portal 89.
8 ball of destruction
Tree Sage has one tatooed on his forearm.

Now its Identified as 8

See sacred portal 89.
8.9 years on facebook in August Sept.

9 9 is I & I
9 O 9
Portal out my Ass and Mouth.


Zen Zoon
End A-Z of Above and Below
Earth Sky.
Earth Heaven Haven
No Shelter from my Storm.

Z Z. 26 26. 52. Add Z/Z. 1.
Only one line can rise through me 52 age code.. 36 Age Code… 2003 Age code..
Only 1 what I have in store for the lie of thee.

I.am moving you.
I and now we the Ass Holes…Yes I but now we are 3 .
Can pass through still the ZZ
End of Earth and Sky
Body And Mind.
Bam El Lobo Vega

No one else will pass through.

I am no Joker..
Thats my younger twins line and play.
I am the Sunshine State
Whose Ice turn cold as I C E

This ridiculous notion so many retained that I was posting, and coding all for your behalf, when as Enders Game, It was my usurping your Mind Control Game Play, they called A Script and took it over thier idea of fear by creating Star wars and lost in space.
S W … Square Waves
L I S. C. O. M.B. A

That the E Awareness would not see beyond thier ploy..
World Domination
Caucasian Asian Race

I was coding the destruction sequence by working from deep within,
I never required your belief
Just your attention as you witnessed that which is beyond belief.

Destruction of not just your realities and worlf ground beneath your feet.. Shelter Sky but of your body mind heart and soul.

Tearing it out
Ripping it to shreds.

I.am Source ee .. there was not one moment or sec where I needed or required approval belief opinions of any of you.

I came to destroy with cool calm calculated Refined Rage… Extraction of all the E Family undercover… their lines..

That is that

21:56 Hundred Hours right now

Call and percieve this however you choose or wish to..

Its of no consequence to the actual Fact.


Isis means Throne

21:58 Hundred Hours right now

Over Thrown the Matrix Program of the Filthy Lies
Filthy Rich
Filthy Poor..

Same Thing.

21:59 Hundred Hours right now

9:59 p.m

I Olusanya Bey
M o i.

22:00 Hundred Hours right now

Bombs Away !

Rescued “Extraction” all the Lines of A E Family E Family..from A -Z A-Z

26 26. 52 E B
The Alpha Only One.

Sacred Portal 22..

22:02 Hundred Hours right now

Isis means Throne

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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