
10/26/2018 10:11 – Facebook Post

10/26/2018 10:11 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge



Letter O…

See my Sacred Portal 15….

This is what has been happening…
I was set up to play out scenes and come to Face book,
to New York, to play out scenes and characters which I knew would bring out the best and the worst of people…

Which is what has made my playing this ‘Role’ in the script so awful…

you know exactly what kind of response you will get,
what deep places you are shaking and the rage and fury, as well as Love and beauty which comes out, the Beautiful is not given to you, it is the persons disease, rage which is given to you to weather and transform you give beauty and recieve beauty in only that it is confirmed that it exist, it is there and yes, it is awe inspiring…
No matter the hell Father… ( yes he is who I can Father Satana Devil..S.D who took his role too seriously or to heart and left me a mess to clear up on my way home passing through his portal or character he and his line played.. as Terrible Death….)
put me through, I can not deny the beauty in all I was led to from Kyle Murphy to Kasim to to Jace Horsford..
Why do yo think i still did the work, even loved them ( cautiously) it was because of the beauty I would see which would rise and dance with me..
Then they would fall and I knew it was the illusion coming out and then was the resentments, the judgments to me, the resentment and then my fighting that part of them but with Love and fury and of course some Hurt and shock, despite fully being aware of the set up even after doing the process for 30 years consciously…
.. Hence the true suffering, the true pain which nothing the actualy horros done to be could compare with…

I spoke about this many times ealier in the play years ago, I do not wish to speak about it now….
But yes, that is why I called this script truly viscous and cruel which Chris Franco once testified to without my even telling him – he recounted what he saw and understood infront of me to Nikoma and Jinn…
It is present on this script my face book page, I documented it when it occurred…

See my sacred portal 15..

recall it is LETTER O.. Represeting the full Circle.. perfection.
Remember there is only one Perfection.. The actual source..
Recall that this became a play and challenge which I had not been aware of but suspected something was not correct and refused to come to New York until literal forced here by all other portalsbeing closed..

Recall that that I have been incanating the full circle without even being aware of it since I was 8.. 7… 2 Years old.. 9 months in the Womb.. and backwards.

So this force already knew… Knew that I was the rep of the Full Circle and yet created this challenge to defend that “Truth I represent by my natural being” by captilalizing on my nature and placing me in situations where it knew exactly how I would respond…
All so that I would ‘teach show demonstrate.. and add insult to imjury, document my own process edit it, present it to the world and then be forced to defend it, to a world that any one making such claims even if true, even if just presenting evidence of a Science and Art which was formated in a way to bring out the worst in people, make their hackles rise…
Bring out the worst in then so that I would clean it and transform it, and that the worst, the prize would be a SATAN DEVIL, Horny Devil line transformed back into the Lord of Sex and Desire.. S A D…
S A D E… / E D AS… E… ready to jump my bones, literaly because you are made chaste for Him Her….
Do you understand.. that…

Pain Hurt Betrayal.. ?
Ah I know your name…
I was aware of this for 25 years…

The power to hurt… to do this…

10:10 p.m.

I told you only GOD could do thisto me. Who is God .. he is the O in the G O D, equation who had to evolve G D.. Back to H E….

H O E… E O H..

10:11 a.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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