
10/26/2016 20:01 – Facebook Post

6:56 p.m.

F:E.F… See sacred portal 56….

“There was a shift, a shift of Energies in the Room last night:…
something had given way..” said Paul…

I woke up with the words “The Codes are complete… but there is another test which you will pass,” said Dewight Smith as I found my knees buckling, and involuntarily kneeling in the common room in what appeared a salutation…

I did feel, I would be here, the play in my perception has gone on far enough, made itself plain and clear enough..
But if a persons or peoples are distracted as I have been made to feel,through money, income, basic requirements.. thing which preserve ones dignity…

Money, and that which is behind it is a compelling tool, even tester of the integrity of the Human Spirit.
But what a foul, cruel and barbaric way of seeking the Truth..

One could equally have followed the path of that which is most heroic and beautiful- and from that stand point begin to understand their decay with a much gentler light…Compassion…
Not Forgiveness,not Acceptance..
But compassion because its is Empathy…
Putting ourselves, or having been in those very situations ourselves..
And having also failed two or three times before getting it right.

My journey has brought me to that point zero of no money to buy ones basic requirement, in New York City, Mental Health Shelter..
One can not be clearer than that, about what can achieve here without True Power… Passion…
To Command the “Fire” of your Truth..
Fueled by all which had had to endure, to bring a most beneficial Truth…

No, one should have to exist in Zero point,
No one, Zero point means to say that your Cause and Effect ration reached 0..? That you are not worthy energetic dignity for having contributed something so beautiful and “missing” in the Evolution of the Species…
The Truth.

Humanity has never had or experienced The Truth, as a Species.
The Most fundamental question which has driven The Human Species- transforming “Mankind”, To “Inhumane”
The reason an inkling of insecurity,
the State of Religion..
And Science… In an ever quest and tug of war between Acceptance with Grace, or Challenge with anger and Defiance…
Why are we Here, Who Are We..
An echoed through the voice of Children to aged men women..
Who is my Father… What are our origins…
And most of all..”Why do things Happen… especially bad things.

The Truth is what I bring to the Table.

Perhaps you may not like it, but I promise you that you will come round to it, then embrace then realize how one really can not even “begin to exist” without it…

Come Passion…
These are the facts..
And I literally, literally walk through and on Fire
to bring the solid Facts…

No just the truth of my real Identity and name, or even yours..
For what what it be worth here without Fire…
Facts…Which are seared into your memory forever,
branded with the Truth so incontestable that its power resonates through every fiber of your being, your body, your Dna- to its most subatomic level then right back to Its Source.. of Power…

David Brewer
David Powers…

David means the Beloved… Who brews his anger into fire…
And powers it with The Truth… The Most Beautiful Truth…

The play has made it self so clear, but its relevance is lost in “Distraction- Focus- Concentration on the very reason humanity created their idea of God and Science.. Grace and Passion…
Grace.. Come-Passion!..

I said this in 1993 when this “Presence”
and I conversed about it- what I called the Silence in a fit of petulance but tinged with Wisdom one I always knew was my E-Spirit…
Chi… I knew he was already me as Potential already made Kinetic..
And I and he both knew and recognized that against the grain, where all his line of Evolved Beings came as Energy E first, then did not come in One Embodied from the very Eternal Beginning..”

..They will not believe without power..
A Show of what Is an eternal reminder..
Such as Creation, Nature..
The 6th Senses and its 5 Finger Sensors and the 5 in One…

Bring Alpha Omega Zephyr..
What many call the Power of God.. Might, etc..
But which is simply the Truth of The Creator and His Creation…

7:34 p.m.


32 was the lay out of three of us alone in room 3A..
The arrangement and order of positions was E.P. D..
Energy Pure Divine…
Divine Pure Energy….

See the Unicode and other numeric equation to OHM as power…

My new face book friend brings the Equation of Face Friends, to the numeric value of 779… Which aligns with this play moving from the 7 th and 4th Dimension and Playing field of Thought Matrix;s made organic as in “Virus-Viral”…

7 -4..Mouth of God…”Delta Manor”.. 3A… 79…Sacred Portal 79 is “The Blue Print of Existence”

79/97….97 Is Light of Existence Universe…Earth World..VVOrld
E.U.E..W..Wave 55….O..Robert Lord David…

7:43 p.m.

His name is Richard Kalama..R.K…”The Rook” ie.

Richard means..”The Germanic first or given name Richard derives from German, French, and English “ric” (ruler, leader, king) and “hard” (strong, brave), and it therefore means “powerful leader”. [citation needed”

Brave, Strong Powerful Ruler…
(B.S.P.R.. B.S…P.R…B..S.P..Richard Robert.. RR…1818..36…9…)

*(See the meaning literally and not as a title of Vanity… A Cool objective understanding of words…without subjective interference)

Kalama… means..
Gender: F Meaning of Kalama: “flaming torch” Origin of Kalama: Hawaiian.

*The First day of The Gathering the Space Polynesians are the first arrive “Atzec, Incas Atlantis….- the True Story of the World Arrive first”

The Brave, Strong, Powerful ruler is the true Flaming Torch….

Fire Anger Warmth… Expression..

I found the I had been given change here a few days ago…here at the Star Bucks- where one of the bills carried the word “Warmth” written in blue ink…

No… I am being literal…
After this play was made literal,
but one had to have true definition of each word
proven as its Truth… Not defined by you or by us, or even by Its Creator…
But that which IS in Existence… Fire, Water Earth… and to go there one must understand the Wave length it exists on,and there is its meaning…
The Human brain when lit up at 100% becomes a Bulb…
A Camera Flashing, capturing images which recall that Beautiful Light and hence the “Memory”- which all comes rushing back…

So we have at least got the that right, that in 1993 when this was first brought up by that frequency which is nearest to the “Light” the 5 and 7…(6)…
Who won that quiet argument….

What does not make sense to me, even now..
Is how could it ever be allowed to go this far…
right to Delta Manor and this moment right now…

7:59 p.m.

By that which created it and that which allowed to come into creation and stay so long…

8:00 p.m.

With correcting it… Forcibly.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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