
10/26/2015 18:18 – Facebook Post

4:47 pm…. ( D.D.G..Meaning that the D=4, 4th Dimension is DO-G../G.O.D..
The planet is World-Earth- God, which is Harmony Infinity..



28 =16 7….88 64..1O…
9-7…9-7..1 O…
97 One Filled Circle of Perfect Symmetry,,,

See Torus…
Now Bisect and Apple…it forms a Torus…
The center reveals a Pod where the seed sits…
And on top it forms a stem which replicates a Tree Trunk…

The Big Apple…T.B.A..

New York City…

Nnamdi Yeshua Christ..
Universal Simulation Awareness Hologram… U.S.A.H../ H.A.S..U
Universe Supreme AH!!!
Us 1-8.
Has U..(You)

Now it is very obvious by now that I am solving a riddle, which I perceive and which my entire life was naught but a training ground to prepare me for this last 44 months on Face Book and 14.7 years in New York, consciously aware of this play.

And that I was “summoned” to this form by circumstances and conditions set up to make it abundantly clear that this is where I am meant to be, to solve the equations of existence, transparently before you all and out of my own sense of courtesy, i have sought to explain what I am doing as I go along…

Which I have identified as Solving the Riddles of Existence, a play set up by E.T Consciousnesses…
And explain, riddle out all that which is absurd and not of truth, created by Human perception.

My Awareness, Focus and Concentration are key to my to this play.
And my interpretation….of my Observations and Experiences (Empirical and Empathic)
Set against a backdrop of the distractions of daily life in this material driven consciousness and expression of Death and destruction of the cause and effect of this current world point of view.

The object of this play was to take all the “negativity” of my daily interactions and observations of which ever “portal” or home I was invited to (pass through on my way Home), and not take it as a distraction to prevent me from completing the riddles of this play, but to identify them as the riddles themselves, and face them, understand them then transform them through my posts on Face Book, which would illicit a response from the “Extra Terrestrial” consciousness who set up this play.
Which would evoke a response through moving through “Expressions”- Person, Place of Thing (P..P.T…P is the Point)-Meaning..
Link Expression To Meaning..
to Manifest Being…

All the while the epic distraction of my own Body, Being and Humanity being the greatest distraction of all, linked to my manifesting in bodies, through solving this equation in front of a world unaware of what I am really doing on Face Book and why..

Thus, I am literally turning dark matter to Light…
Anxiety Worry Expression back into
Through W.A.V.E.S of Color, lightened up to Hues, which break down the Pool, Orb, Round Ball, into “Agape”- Brotherly Love as the Orgasm which gave the impression of the perfect symmetry of the Orb Shattering and fracturing was more like a Diamond Orb spinning and sending of rays of light.

* Link the effect of Disco Ball in a Night club casting lights all around “A Dark Cave”

Cecilia=Charles Caroline….C=CC..Two Cees…
Onuabuchi=Igwebuike Afulenu…O-I.A…I =symbol for One..”1″


The Orb is a Torus with a Being as the Core, the S-pool of thread, the Tree or Spring of Life…D.N.A Pool…Protecting the Seed He planted, in a Pod, until they “Germinate” -Germaine means “Brothers” the Pod is shaped in the curves of a Torus Energy pattern, just as are they branches of a Tree…A fountain…

I have 3 new face book friends…
Which later went to 2..
fully aware that this “Play” is about reading and linking between the lines- “The Unseen” observation which I must link to Expression and then wait for affirmation response…
I observed how the three face books had arrived and noticed the one who had left, as if second guessing herself- name formed the equation H.I…

But I knew that the Hi had to come at the end rather than the middle of my two other face book friends..
But it lead to my doing what I rarely do, which was to write her, message even as I was doing the code of the 416 Face Book Friends..
Having realized that I was doing the equation of Sacred Portal 97..
“AH..Achilles Heel- A.H!! The Light of the world”

That I had been “Commanded- Moved” to solve the riddle by linking through Expression of my own Awareness to my Being and Ceeing that I was completing the “stipulations” of the 4th Dimension called Fa” note on the ‘Solfege” vocal scale and color Green on the Rain-bow spectrum of 1-7…

D=G.F…7667… Green is Fa and Green are the colors of Plants, Leaves Photosynthesis…Oxygen, Nature…
That Green is God= Oxygen- Order- Nature Expression=Harmony…
4th Dimension D.G…
*See Time of this post
is Divine Grace…
Land Nature Green green -grass of Home…Grace..
Ah Rest…

Yes, I am literally solving my way home,
and to get home I had to land the E.T beings into the Bodies Seeds, Germinating in the Pod in the Big Apple..
The representation in this play, as the 14.7 years I have spent in New York City meeting the non stop link and list of peoples whose lifes contained the riddles I had to solve to open the channels for my E.T family and E Family outside and deep with, to rise and merge with them, through my “Watering them, Filling each “Seed” with th E and the E.T line, which would fill up the “selected” Human Seed to Germinate Bloom and Rise to align with their Immortal and their Eternal selves…

*Many heard my protests at the sheer cruelty of the play of moving Numbers (Infinite Numbers) into Letters Words Sentences, Stories, Universes Cosmos Galaxies all revolving around each other in Harmony aligned to the Original Blue Print of Existence..
While making threads, “Fils” From the darkness of their worst expression.. Anger Hurt Rage Murder Violence..Destruction..
To Light..and Lightness so that the HUE Man race may emerge as the
Autumn Harvest..
Aligning them through Words in sequence, as Reprogramming D.N.A multi- dimension in a multitude of World and Universal languages, using a code I invented to align their meaning to one…

I had written her, noting that she had been correct in her first instinct to befriend me and perhaps she would reconsider considering the nature of this sacred play that he was meant to be here in this play..

But was she incorrect to make a request and then withdraw it…
but of course, not..
Because immediately I finished the 416 equation she accepted the request..
Moving us now to 417 Face book Friends..

D.Q…Dimension 4 which as Tom Benzian displayed in a share is Green but is really Blue..
Plant Life and Vegetation is really Blue…5th Dimension Sky Water Sea…Space Air…
That the perfect Orb of Oh, Orgasm never Shattered but rather it was the Sensation which created C-men, Light…Semen..The Milky way…
Men are the Milky Way Women are Venus (Goddess) and where the Two are unified is on planet Earth…E art H.I.

M.V.E…Add the perfect Symmetry Power… is the Orb..Oh Orgasm..


Time to Move to the next Portal..

with My Brother-s…and I enact the Ritual of Lady E arrival..

59th street… after completing the equations of Carol Afulenu
C.A..Yes Catherine Achulonu…My Mother is Onu…
Catherine is Carol Line…

59 IS E.I…Example
/95 I,E..Example…
Exemplified the Perfect Orb and symmetry of Being Inside and Outside..
of Existence..In and Out of Time in perfect Balance..
Creates and replicates the Eternal and the Infinite…
Immortal Technique
of Creation…


Movement of the Planet and the Human Being and all creation to Evolution Awakening ( Resurrection Regeneration R R ) Revelations Response as Joy..

I welcome my Three new Face book friends…
which has moved is to 4-17…Dimension Quantum Leap Change..
to 417…57…12.3..C
C Dimension Harmony…

And in the corrected order by my own Awareness moving the play consciously to Harmony

Maryza Ferreira… M.F…

Simrranji Kaur…S.K…

Harriet Imagoro….H.I….:)

Contd in Part three of todays Posts…

6:18 pm..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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